Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 825: Different Worlds and Arriving at the Underwater Sect.

Chapter 825: Different Worlds and Arriving at the Underwater Sect.

After getting all the eggs and dividing the rewards among her people, Yasenia finally sets sail toward the underwater sect.

As they left, she asked. "How many of them did we get in the end?"

The maid in charge of collecting them spoke. "We managed to gather 789 eggs, not counting the 21 you took to carry toward the Astral Sky Sect."

Yasenia hummed. "So, 810 eggs. How many are intact eggs?"

The maid explained in detail. "264 of them are intact eggs, while the rest are damaged one way or another. Between those damaged, there are 43 that are bad enough to need an Earth-rank pill to keep their functions. The rest, we could do with magic-level and below pills."

Yasenia titled her head. "Earth rank... well. I hope they are worth it." While our dragoness didn't mind using tens or hundreds of heaven-ranked materials for her family, using them for other people was another matter. She was very strict and realistic about those. And, in her opinion, the magic level was the maximum quality they should've used to save the eggs. Still, those 42 pills were all low-level Earth Rank, so Yasenia didn't say much.

Moreover, while the mother of these jellyfish eggs was very powerful, the fact that she could lay so many eggs meant that their survival rate was abysmal. You must realize that the falling rocks crushed around ninety-six percent of the eggs.

Knowing this fact, Yasenia had expectations for this creature, but she wasn't too excited. Still, as a mount for the sect, it was perfect. 'Since survival is low in the wild, that means that taking care of it is difficult. Only those who do so with actual care and not just to gain a powerful weapon will be able to make them grow to their true potential. The rest will remain mediocre. My objective with the sect mount is not so much strengthening the disciples but having a neat feature that could help those who gain enough Astral Sky Points and spend them wisely.'

As she considered these matters, Cecile approached and asked, grabbing her hand. "Do you know how to navigate out of this place? Can I help you?"

Yasenia smiled and looked at her. "Of course, I know. While we are in the middle of the ocean, this warship is designed to navigate even dark space. Of course, there is something that tells you your position and can guide you. There is no need to trouble yourself with these matters."

Cecile looked at the complex formation Yasenia was looking at with curiosity. It was drawn on a lightly inclined surface with many complex lines, symbols, runes and opened lots for energy crystals.

She had some understanding of formations, like almost every cultivator, so she could guess how to operate the essential functions of the flying ship. Cecile was confident in moving the warship to her will, but she would need to be taught for complex maneuvering or skill usage.

Most cultivators had a basic knowledge of formations because their lines, symbols, and items mixed with energy to "speak" the "Heaven's Language" and create effects. Said in another way, a formation told the heavens and energy around it how to behave, hence their flexible and almost unlimited use.

Knowing this, cultivators who advanced through the realms while understanding heaven's path had a basic understanding of formations. However, this knowledge was extremely limited and considered completely ignorant by proper formation masters.

It was something like seeing a complex math equation while knowing basic math; you would understand some separate things but not the whole meaning. The "basic math" you know also served you for daily purposes, but anything complicated would fly completely over your head.

Formations were similar. Essential use was not a problem for most cultivators, but anything beyond that needed a lot of practice, understanding, and work.

Cecile asked, curious. "How do you know where we are."

Yasenia used her free hand and pointed at a few places of the formation. "These lines and symbols tell your approximate coordinates relative to an 'Origin.' The cultivator usually chooses the origin with these formation lines over here. Once chosen, the warship would calculate everything with that point in space as a reference."

Yasenia used her free fingers and poured energy into the formation, making some lines and symbols move and transform. Soon, a few numbers and strange characters appeared in the air before them. "Look, these are our current coordinates. The origin is our home in the Astral Sky Sect, the middle of the back garden, to be precise. It is also anchored with the entire Distancia Continent. If not, the origin would shift as Distancia moves through space."

Cecile blinked. "Distancia moves? You mean the continent?"

Yasenia shook her head. "I mean the world, sweetheart. Distancia is different from the Sky Continent. The Sky Continent is a planar world, meaning it is flat and within its own dimension. To explore other places, you need proper means to break through barriers and go outside or enter. That's why the Demons couldn't really send a large group to it, even though there are plenty of middle-level worlds infested with them. The reason for the Divines and other races to come to fight them is also similar."

Cecile blinked and nodded; Yasenia continued. "Distancia is different. It is an actual world that has their sub-heaven help it orbit a star instead of a star orbiting Distancia, like in the Sky Continent."

Cecile nodded again, understanding. "Why are they different."

Yasenia paused and titled her head. "I honestly don't know. I haven't read that far into the literature of planets, heavens, and stars. However, I think it has to do with the birth of the world. If the world was a naturally born world and then it became influenced by the heavens, then they are like Distancia. Instead, if the heavens create the world from zero, they are like the Sky Continent. However, don't quote me on that. We have yet to learn a lot about these things, as they are complicated."

Yasenia smiled wryly. "And don't get me started on natural forces and heaven laws contradictions. For example, you know gravity, right?"

The junior's eyes widened while an older woman asked. "is that true? I think that there are no sects in the entire Distancia Continent that have such a feature, right?"

The Elder laughed and pointed with his chin. "Well, all those eggs are just the first batch. The sect will probably take part of the first batch to breed them while placing some for sale. However, they are not cheap! I think each egg costs similar to a peak-level Earth Rank equipment."

The juniors sucked in a cold breath.

"Peak-level Earth Rank!? The most I can afford right now is middle-level Magic Rank..."

"Wow, that's really expensive."

"How many years would it take to save for such an expensive item?"

"Ugh. And here I was getting excited about it."

An elder at the side rubbed his chin and commented. "The Sect Master probably wants to sell them to the higher-level cultivators while also giving elders another choice to reward their juniors. It's honestly perfect for it to be expensive. If not, any of us could buy a batch of them."

The juniors blinked and smirked.

"Hehe, I'll have to earn favor with Master!"

"Right? I'm going before they realize~."

"Hmph, my Master loves me the most, so I will just have to ask to get it."

"Braggart, I saw you being spanked the other day by her!"

"H-HUH!? T-That didn't happen!"

The juniors left while discussing enthusiastically, and some elders shook their heads with smiles. Still, they were all thinking about trying to save and buy one for their children, nieces, or nephews. While there was a rule that these mounts were sect-member specific, some seniors had their teachers attending the sect as well, so it wasn't impossible.

The first jellyfish egg sold was actually from a high-ranking elder toward their niece, making that niece proud and smug for a while.


These are some discord emojis I've done~. The discord link is in the synopsis. (Also, there is no Cecile because I forgot QAQ)

Yasenia-> /posts/yasenia-emoji-103958737

Angel-> /posts/angel-emoji-103958738

Tatyana-> /posts/tatyana-emoji-103958739

Andrea-> /posts/andrea-emoji-103958741

Evelyn-> /posts/evelyn-emoji-103958742

Kali-> /posts/kali-emoji-103958743

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