Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 920: Heaven Law's Remnants.

Chapter 920: Heaven Law's Remnants.

When Yasenia heard that her maids had returned, she stood up from her meditative position and welcomed them with a smile. "Welcome back. Is everyone unhurt?"

Alaia spoke. "Young Miss, thank you for your care. None of us has received significant injuries."

Yasenia nodded and moved to a nearby chair that was prepared for her. After she sat down, all the maids moved and stood in orderly rows in front of Yasenia. Alaia retold the events as they happened, and Doriel intervened when it was about her plans.

Yasenia muttered. "To think they had a teleporting formation. Who among them was a Formation Master? That's a really high-quality type of formation."

Teleporting Formations manipulated the spatial layer in a very detailed and complicated way. They were complex enough that creating a short-range one that went for a few kilometers was challenging.

From her maids' estimate, this formation moved them around 15,000 kilometers south.

Yasenia heard the rest of the hunt process and Kyril's last words, which made her thoughtful. "If the situation was different, perhaps our relationship would've gone differently."

Alaia smiled. "Nobody knows, Young Miss. We can only speculate."

"That's true." The dragoness agreed. "Nobody knows... Anyway, let's return. Tatyana is almost due. I don't want to miss the birth of the little one."

Seeing Yasenia's worried face, the maids began reassuring her.

"Don't worry, Young Miss. Lady Tatyana has had experience with your birth."

"Right. Lady Tatyana has prepared in case something similar happens."

"Moreover, Young Miss, the birth of your other two babies had no reaction from Heavenly Influences right? You should not worry as much."

Yasenia nodded. "Hm. I guess you are right. But even though I can understand here," Yasenia pointed at her head and then at her chest. "there it is difficult to accept."

The maids looked at the large pair of white mountains, and one of them joked. "It shouldn't be, Young Miss. They are so ample that they must be able to accept the entire World."

The dragoness's tail sneaked through and slapped that maid. "Silly."

Everyone laughed, softening Yasenia's tense nerves a little. "Anyway, loot everything of value and throw everything else into the Astral Sky Sect's treasury. With the Demons gone, the rest of the powers can conquer the remaining parts of the land area in Distancia."

The dragoness turned around and remembered something, prompting her to say. "Oh! Right. Tell all powers to clean their inner circles thoroughly. We don't need traitors hiding and waiting for an opportunity to strike in the future."

"Yes. Young Miss!"

Yasenia nodded and ordered. "Depart!"Vissit novelbin(.)c.om for updates

The flying ship accelerated and disappeared from there, vanishing in the distance.

Yasenia hummed as she saw the world shift by. "There are not many things left to do." She looked at the sky and sighed. It felt like it was calling her as if it was time to move forward. "Our time in Distancia is coming to an end."

Alaia smiled at the side. "Is the situation with the Ocean Chasm Empire easy to resolve?"

Yasenia nodded. "With the Demons gone, there are no problems left. They might be strong, however, the combined alliance of the land powers and us is enough to stomp them in military power. Even then, as time goes by and you fifty become stronger, it becomes clear that the Ocean Chasm Empire won't be able to stop you if you want to flee."

Alaia asked. "What about the Sixth Realm people that might come?"

Yasenia pondered. "Create a world-wide formation? But... Even if they come, they shouldn't be able to do much since the Heavens will be suppressing them, right?"

Alaia nodded. "Yes. The Heavens will forcefully suppress any Sixth Realm cultivator who appears in Distancia."

Yasenia nodded thoughtfully. "I wonder... If I reach peak-level fifth realm in all the cultivation paths... Will I be able to surmount levels?"

Alaia didn't say anything, but she felt that it was impossible. The difference between Transcendence and non-transcendence was just too significant. 'Although, if Young Miss manages to get a soul path cultivation technique as strong as her other techniques...' Alaia shook her head. 'I can't really expect something like that. It's another dimension of strength. Even if all fifty maids fought a Transcendence Cultivator, we wouldn't be able to hold them back for long.'

Their ship arrived at the sect not long after, and as soon as they arrived, Flora received them. "Young miss, Lady Tatyana is already due. She will start her birth at any moment."

Yasenia was stunned. "What!?" However, instead of asking, she ordered. "Guide me to her!"

All maids shot forward behind Yasenia as Flora guided them to the same room where Cecile and Kali had laid their eggs.

Speaking of those two darlings, they were in their mother's warm embrace almost all day, either being cooled by Cecile's wings or warmed up by Kali's tails.

For the ancient cultivator who had her world changed and given color to by Yasenia, all the support she needed was the person by her side. As she took a deep breath to regulate her breathing, she smiled at Yasenia, who was gently cleaning her sweat with a towel. "I love you, Yasenia."

Yasenia smiled at her. "I love you too, Tatyana."

Tatyana smiled a bit, but her face gained a painful expression as another contraction hit her. "Mmmh!"

Yasenia asked with a smile, seeing that Tatyana had controlled it. "Are you sure you don't want to scream a bit? It might make you feel better."

Tatyana rolled her eyes. "I am not being shy, don't worry."

Flora commented. "Lady Tatyana, I can see the head."

Tatyana nodded and controlled her breathing again.

Everyone held their breaths, Valeria included. 'Will she really be able to create life with this body?'

While it was a body made from Tatyana's flesh and energy, like her "main" body, it was still not the original one.

Valeria knew that Tatyana's Divine Lich Empress technique was incredibly high-level. Even before the Heavenly Cataclysm, this technique, which was thought to be impossible to practice, was acclaimed as one of the strongest techniques under the heavens.

'If the heavens really accept this birth as natural, Tatyana's cultivation technique has practically allowed her to create an entirely new body that is considered as 'natural' as any other creature. Basically, Tatyana has created a perfect being through means other than reproducing.'

There were many clone techniques, but clone techniques that could procreate like a normal person without having race advantages? There weren't any Valeria knew of.

'Life creation in the Transcendence Realm... Incredible.'

Tatyana's drawn-out grunt brought Valeria back from her thoughts as the little child was pushed out.

However, once they felt the child's aura, everyone's faces tensed. "A Pure Beast? A Dragon at that? But... Why is she without an eggshell?"

Valeria instantly expanded her domain as vitality infused the area, just in case. A Pure Beast of Dragon bloodline was extremely weak at first, so she wanted to create an atmosphere in which even breathing would feel like healing. "Don't worry, Tatyana. She is relatively healthy, and there are no risks of Death."

Tatyana looked over with a frown. She hadn't noticed that her child was a pure beast. In that case, she should've given birth to an egg, not a humanoid.

Tatyana's red eyes flashed with white light as she swiftly looked into her child.

Her eyes widened, and then her face morphed like that of a Demon's. "HEAVENS! HOW DARE YOU!?"

Tatyana's rage-filled bellow was accompanied by her killing intent, exploding outward while perfectly avoiding her newborn child.

Of course, outside, it spread without control at all.

The entire Distancia World and beyond was bathed in an aura of Death that made many mortals faint as their brains could not process the soul-depth terror they were feeling.

The Death Empress's Killing Intent was deep and vast enough to be felt across several solar systems, making thousands of worlds shiver with just her presence.

Even the girls had turned white at Tatyana's current appearance. It felt like something much more evil than any demon had descended, much more murderous than any god of death, and much crazier than an abyssal monster.

The reason for such rage was revealed right after as a bolt of Heavenly Law Lightning that had been hidden inside her body was ripped out by Tatyana's killing intent, taking the form of a hand and phasing through into her own body to pull it out.

Similar to Yasenia, her second child was also affected by the Heavens!

The Death Empress's eyes released a terrifying red glow, but before she could go on a rampage, a pair of arms hugged her head.

"Tatyana, listen to my heartbeat. Listen to my voice. Calm down, love. You just gave birth."

Yasenia's soothing voice's effects were practically instantaneous as the monster that was about to be unleashed calmed down.

"I am as angry as you are, Tatyana. But relax. First, let's take care of our daughter. Then, we can do the rest. Remember? Our family is our priority."

Tatyana took a deep breath of Yasenia's sweet scent, and an instant later, the killing intent that had spread across the lower heavens vanished. "Okay."

What Tatyana couldn't see as she was in Yasenia's arms was the bloody red color that was swallowing Yasenia's irises. The girls, who could clearly see Yasenia's eyes, gulped. Even they, who had never feared Yasenia, felt a faint chill.

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