Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 923: New Life Again~.

Chapter 923: New Life Again~.

The sound of the baby's cries filled the room and everyone who had been looking released a sigh of relief.

Similar to Yasenia, they were worried that Angel's child would also have problems. Thankfully, the delivery was smooth and without any problems.

After the child was delivered, Selena cleaned the baby and gave her to Angel. Angel extended her hands and carefully took the beautiful baby. The skin was white, and she even had a head full of very short hair.

Unlike Tatyana's prematurely born child, this child was much more developed. Beyond what human children would look like at birth.

Angel cradled the little one and heard Yasenia speak softly. "How about you breastfeed the little one? I am sure she is hungry."

Angel blinked, tired, and looked at Yasenia. "Really? She was just born."

Yasenia smiled softly. "Of course, look how big she is. I am sure the baby is hungry, right?"

Angel blinked and answered in a dozy manner. "I am not hungry~."

Yasenia paused and laughed. "I meant the real baby, love. Hahaha. Perhaps we need to change nicknames~."

Angel pouted. "I don't want to."

The dragoness's face gained a smile full of love. "Okay, Baby, I won't change it. Come on, dear. You need to cradle her this way..."

Angel followed Yasenia's instructions, and after lowering her comfortable dress, she presented her breast to her baby.

As if she could smell it, the small baby hugged Angel's breast and started suckling. Angel looked down and felt a special love for the child growing by the second. "Hehe, my baby~. Is mom's milk delicious? If you like it, you are going to love Yasenia's milk! It is super delicious, you know?"

Angel paused and frowned. Then, realizing that there was a chance that her baby might stop liking her own milk after tasting Yasenia's, she stuttered. "B-But, mine is also not bad, baby. So, you mustn't neglect Mom, okay? Although... If baby prefers Yasenia's... I guess it's okay... as well..."Follow the latest novels at wuxiahere.com

All the girls looking at the struggling woman laughed to themselves, thinking. 'It's definitely not okay. Hahaha.'

Yasenia laughed gently, resting her chin on her palm as she watched Angel ramble to the baby.

After a while, Angel felt the baby stop drinking, and she smiled widely, looking at Yasenia. "She stopped eating! I think she is full!"

The dragoness answered softly. "Now, place the child against your chest and gently pat her back, love." Yasenia saw Angel was going to cover her skin, but she stopped her. "Don't worry about that; skin-to-skin contact is really important between the mother and child."

Angel remembered Yasenia and Tatyana doing something similar with Estrella and nodded quickly. "Okay!"

After placing the small child on her bosom and gently hugging it with her hands, Angel looked at Yasenia. "Why don't you also come, Yasenia?"

Seeing Angel's big blue eyes asking her so innocently, the dragoness couldn't say no. She wanted to leave the children a bit of alone time with their mothers after birth, but since her dear invited her, she wouldn't reject her.

Lowering the upper part of the dress, Yasenia embraced both of them and used her tail and legs to coil around Angel protectively.

In an instant, Angel and her baby were engulfed in a protective embrace while the dragoness's scent surrounded them. Angel smiled, satisfied, and leaned on the dragoness's ample bosom. A feeling of softness and warmth filled her heart, and she calmed down, feeling protected.

The baby didn't feel threatened at all, and the contact with Yasenia's skin only relaxed her more.

Like magic, the dragoness's presence calmed both of them down to the point that, eventually, they fell asleep.

Selena asked softly. "Should I cover Young Miss and the rest with a blanket?"

Yasenia shook her head and moved her energy toward her back. The rest looked at her, and eventually, a large dragon wing sprouted outward. Her ability to control her partial transformation had grown tremendously during the last few years. Summoning one wing was not that big of a problem.

With the wing, Yasenia covered Angel's body.

Evelyn smiled. "Almost five years, and you have yet to break through once. Incredible."

Cecile commented. "She hasn't been that focused on cultivation because of the war."

Evelyn shrugged. "Even then, Yasenia has spent the equivalent of 3 to 4 years with her usual speed. Knowing how the energy needed is exponential, she might take a few decades to enter and complete the final realm."

Mirrory spoke at the side. "And that's okay. This realm takes a while, even in higher-level worlds. The compression of energy can't really be accelerated by many methods. Hence, you need to do it at a certain pace."

Evelyn asked. "Really? So, is being able to cultivate faster worse?"

Mirrory shook her head. "Not at all. It doesn't correlate. The important thing is compressing the energy as much as possible in each realm. Allow your body to break through by itself as we taught you."

Cecile commented. "That was a strange sensation. Focusing on compressing the energy, and suddenly, a massive aura surge hits you, and you are in the next realm."

Mirrory asked. "What about the Body Path? Are you girls doing okay?"

Kali sighed. "Developing the Middle Dantian is quite a challenge. The way to feed it energy is not as direct as the lower Dantian. Moreover, because we have spiritualized our other Dantian, sharing energies is almost impossible."

Mirrory suggested. "Try to use the semi-spiritualized dantians as the main energy carriers. They are usually the thicker and sturdier ones. Moreover, because of their semi-spiritualized state, they can allow for energy exchange in a swifter and more natural manner."

The girls nodded, taking Mirrory's words into account.

Yasenia commented. "It's really interesting how the Epoch Core interacts with the rest of the body. The energy it provides has such qualities that it increases physical strength by default. It's very mysterious."

The girls nodded, not really understanding how it worked. After all, they absorbed the same energy for the lower Dantian and the middle Dantian. Yet, once refined by the respective Dantians, the effects that energy could create were incredibly different.

Cecile commented. "Well, Yasenia, I need to go check on my egg. See you later, and take care of Angel."

Evelyn smiled. "The rest of us will also return. Once she wakes up and regains strength, come to us." Before going, Evelyn asked. "Right! What's the gender of the child?"

Yasenia smiled. "Female. Pure female. She has a dragon tail and very small wings, so she is probably a beast human."

Evelyn smiled. "Nice! I wonder, can our children be fully human?"

Yasenia hummed. "It's almost impossible. For them to be human, my bloodline needs to be completely suppressed and enter a dormant stage. I don't think you, dears, have powerful enough human genes to do that yet... Well." The dragoness looked at Angel and blinked. "Perhaps Baby does."

Evelyn laughed. "It would be quite fun to have all beast kind and pure beasts as children, and then, suddenly, one human girl or boy. Hahaha."

Andrea asked Mirrory. "Speaking of human genes, when does the human bloodline come into account?"

Mirrory smiled. "Oh? What makes you think there is something such as a human bloodline?"

Andrea tilted her head. "Humans are a very dominant race. Regardless of their cunningness, without strong cultivators, it would be difficult to become as widespread as they are. Bloodlines are practically genes carried on from powerful ancestors. So, there must be something like a Human bloodline."

Mirrory nodded. "There is. However, until Transcendence, the human bloodline has little to no effect. It gives humans larger potential, even in a dormant stage. However, to fully unlock it, you need a Transcendent Body."

Andrea hummed. "I see. So, what is the bloodline we have now?"

Mirrory answered. "As I said, it is your human bloodline, but it's in a dormant state."

The tall woman got thoughtful and slowly walked away, holding her belly with care. During these last years, her abdominal muscles had flattened quite a lot, and the previously marked sixpack she had disappeared."

Yasenia saw all her dears leaving and then looked down at the sleeping Angel. Closing her eyes, she waited until she woke up.

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