Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 928: Traitors and Arrival.

Chapter 928: Traitors and Arrival.

Coraline stood on the city wall, her face tired. Besides her, many of the high-level fighters looked solemnly at the approaching army. While it had shrunk from their constant attacks, the damage was not nearly enough. For now, while the losses were heavy, at least Coraline managed to avoid fatalities in the highest level fighting forces.

She couldn't really afford to lose high-level people when the opponent was so strong. But, now that their territory had shrunk to almost nothing compared to before, her options were running out. As she stood there, someone approached and passed her a communication scroll.

This confused Coraline; she didn't know what message could've reached her at this time, but she didn't think much and opened it.

The scroll was mostly empty, having a few names written on it. Coraline froze, looking at those letters. They spelled names that she knew far too well.

After rereading the scroll for a while, she sighed and used her Sun attribute flames to burn the scroll.

Tengliu asked. "What's wrong?"

Coraline shook her head. "Don't worry. Stop resisting as hard and at the smallest sign that the defenses are failing, retreat from every fortress and gather everyone left in the capital. We should be able to last for a longer time if we do this while taking advantage and eliminating part of the enemy army."

Everyone was puzzled at Coraline's order. She was the highest authority because of her ruler title. However, that didn't mean that everyone here would follow her words without complaints.

"Lady Coraline, with all due respect, that's a very bad tactic. Our people will become crammed, crime will become rampant because of lack of space, and your family will lose support. Even if we eventually win, your reputation will be forever smeared."

Coraline waved her hand. "It doesn't matter. As I said, I have my reasons."

An aged and relatively weak voice reached them. "Are you sure, Coral?"

Coraline smiled. "Yes, Mom. This is the best tactic."

Her mother, the only peak-level cultivator that had been fighting, nodded. "Okay. If you say so, I will trust you, Coral."

Tengliu and Linghui Mingyu didn't hesitate much. It was clear that the scroll she received had important enough information that it changed Coraline's mind. And since their leaders didn't say anything, the high-level cultivators that came with them also didn't complain.

The fight continued for a few hours, and Admiral Tidal Crest realized that the enemies were already retreating, confusing him. "What are they doing? Is there an ambush ahead?"

A second in command answered. "From what we received, it seems that they plan to gather everyone in the capital and fight there."

Admiral Tidal Crest frowned. "That's not a tactic Coraline would do. She is intelligent, courageous, and determined. Coraline would fight each front until the last possible second before retreating, doing enough damage to us that we would be weakened enough to hold us off by the time we reach the capital."

The second in command asked, confused. "If you know the plan, why not counteract it?"

Admiral Tidal Crest smiled wryly. "How? If we had time, there are plenty of options. However, we need to completely eliminate the lobsters if we want to keep maintaining our control on most of the Ocean." Admiral Tidal Crest looked to the distance and frowned. "That woman retreating like this just doesn't make sense. Any new information about the Astral Sky Sect?"

Another of his subordinates spoke. "Nothing out of order, Admiral. We received confirmation a few hours ago that Yasenia Dravory is still taking care of her close people. The Astral Fairies will not move. Protecting Yasenia Dravory is their priority, so moving out while Yasenia's mates give birth is improbable."

Admiral Tidal Crest muttered. "While I admire her love for her family, this will be her biggest mistake. Many changes will have occurred when Yasenia Dravory starts looking at the battlefield situation. Only..." Admiral Tidal Crest frowned. "If we could breach the Astral Sky Abyss Sect's defensive formation, everything would be ten times easier. What kind of indestructible wall have they created? Any news from our formation masters?"


One of the concubines stood up, her face pale. Coraline gave the names. "Estor, Lobroer, Oliren, and Martha. All of them got into the crossfire and died."

"NOO!" One of the concubines rushed forward. "YOU ARE LY-"


Before anyone could react, that concubine who rushed forward to grab Coraline was blown away, smashing against the wall of the throne room.

Coraline retracted her palm and looked at the rest. "If any of you, shameless whores, dares approach me one more time, I'll make the water in this room change colors."

The King took in a deep breath, trying to hold back the grief from Coraline's news, and asked. "Be honest, and this King might kill you mercilessly."

The Head Concubine asked, incredulous. "You actually believe the ramblings of this crazy woman!? She is about to lose the country, and her mind is being eaten by Heart Demons! She is lying, your majesty! You should kill her before everything goes even more awry."

The King shook his head, his gaze a bit empty. While he knew there were a few family problems, he always thought that, at the end of the day, since everyone was family, they would never do anything to hurt others.

Yet, that conviction was being shattered and stomped to dust in real-time.

Suddenly, Coraline looked toward the doors together with many others, making them frown.


The enormous doors were punched open, both giant doors flying to the sides and smashing against the columns in the throne room.

From the blasted room door, a group of 51 people walked forward. The woman at the front, gorgeous and tempting like a recently bathed rose, attracted all attention. Her seductiveness, which could steal a mortal's soul with just a look, was complemented by an incredibly transcendent beauty and a body that would force carnal feelings to burn passionately in them.

However, the face of the gorgeous dragon woman was currently cold and clearly angered. "I don't care whatever is going on. Coraline, Tengliu, Linghui Mingyu, I will need a really good explanation, or you'll be the first several-thousand-year-old to be spanked by a 60-year-old!"

Coraline's lips twitched. "Can I deal with these first?"

Yasenia's reptilian eyes moved over, and the concubines almost pissed themselves when the overpowering bloodline pressure smashed on them. It was like being looked at by an ancient creature of legend. "Those traitors? Why are you speaking with them? Worthless trash that wastes little oxygen in the water with its breathing should be killed before the waste is too much to bear. Even I wouldn't want their meat as an ingredient; the food might get spoiled!"

Tengliu coughed. "Wow. That hurt me, and I wasn't the recipient of those words."

"Worthless trash aside..." Yasenia looked at Coraline and enunciated each word. "Do you understand why I am here when Andrea could start delivering at any moment?" Yasenia's voice gained a growling tone. "Do you understand how angry I currently am? Pray, Coraline, pray that I don't miss my baby's birth, or I don't know what I will do."

Coraline rubbed her forehead. 'Ah... Everything has gone down the worst path... Also, hmm, I should pray a little bit, eh? Please, my precious Andrea and her baby, hold a little bit before Yasenia returns, or grandma will be in quite a pinch!'

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