Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1102: Daring

The unknowing Mercy star and Bai Xiaozhu came to the pier, hopped on a big ship, and prepared to head to the very famous floating market in Tiannan City.

The things there are the most abundant, and most of the good things of Lian Xing are bought from there.

Today I am also ready to try my luck in the past.

The two lightly knew each other and came to the booked cabin, waiting for the boat to sail.

"Sister Lian Xing, why don't you come to buy in the name of Brother Xia?" Bai Xiaozhu asked.

Since the Chamber of Commerce, Xia Qingchen has not only won the title of victory, but also added the name of the Son of Heaven.

The deeds of the gods calling out and waving away have become legends spreading from the old people to the children in southern Xinjiang.

Its prestige, at this moment has reached the point of arrogance.

The most exaggerated is that at the gate of the city's palace, more and more believers began to gather, incense at the city's palace, and regarded Xia Qingchen as a living fairy!

If Zhang Lianxing reveals that she is Xia Qingchen's maidservant, there are people in Tiannan City who take the initiative to put the hands of the talents she wants, without having to work hard to find them.

Lian Xing lay comfortably on the bed, forming a "big" shape: "Although Xia Lang has not told me not to accept strangers' things, I still understand the soft-handedness."

"They must give something to Xia Lang. As his little servant, I will just support her silently and not cause trouble to her."

Bai Xiaozhu understands a little bit, why Xia Qingchen always spoils the pity star.

In addition to her special physique, she also seems to like coquettishness, but in fact she is considerate and pure.

"I really envy you." Bai Xiaozhu confided in her heart that she and Xia Qingchen could never have such an intimate relationship.

"Hey, I also feel lucky." Lian Xing was very satisfied: "Meeting Xia Lang has exhausted the luck I have accumulated in my life!"

The two were having a great conversation, and knocks came from outside the door: "Two guests, here is a snack for you."

Bai Xiaozhu was surprised: "We didn't want a snack!"

Lian Xing got up and opened the door, grinning: "Who cares about him? Give it to us, eat it first and then talk."

So, open the door carelessly, a neatly dressed, meticulous waiter, holding dim sum in both hands, smiling: "Two ladies, the dim sum you want."

"Take it in!" Lian Xing beckoned.

The waiter entered politely and placed the dessert tray on the table, but there was a loud noise behind him.

Looking back, Lian Xing closed the door tightly.

The carelessness just disappeared. Instead, her face was cold. She rubbed her wrist and said quietly: "The last time my fist hit someone, it was still half a year ago."

When she last shot, it was still the sky and sky in Tianyueling. She hadn't done it for more than half a year.

The waiter was startled, and said, "Girl, what are you doing? I'm just here to send snacks."

Lian Xing walked step by step with a smile on his face: "First, I didn't want a snack! Second, the cabin was reserved in my own name. When you knocked on the door, I called the two girls."

"If you have no ulterior motives, how can you detect that there are two people in the cabin?"

The waiter with a panicked look suddenly became indifferent and sneered, "Do you dare to let me in if you know?"

After finishing his speech, he took a dagger from his sleeve and slammed it toward Lian Xing.

The latter unhurriedly took out a pair of ninja gloves, put them on his hands, and then punched at the dagger.


The tough dagger was actually interrupted by Lian Xing, and the fist was hammered **** the opponent's chest.

At the sound of wow, the waiter spit out a blood of minced meat, and his eyes fell softly to the ground, with no sound.

With just one punch, the opponent will be killed alive!

"Find your own way!" Lian Xing clapped his hands, looking out through the slits of the cabin, whispering: "Sister Xiaozhu, I'm afraid the action to be canceled tonight, let's hurry!"

She realized that maybe they had been targeted by unknown people.

However, as she explored the situation outside, a sudden burst of force bombarded the hatch, knocking it out.

Lian Xing quickly backed away, his expression dignified.

This cabin door is made of special materials, and it cannot be shaken at all without the pinnacle of the big star position.

At present, he was beaten by unknown enemies, and he was invincible.

As soon as her eyes rolled, she immediately took off her gloves, pretending to be afraid and hugging Bai Xiaozhu, and shivered in the corner.


After several bombardments outside the door, the hatch finally banged and was opened.

Three masked men with tattoos on their foreheads quickly broke in.

They glanced at the star and immediately locked Lian Xing.

"It's her! Grab it!" The three were well-trained and rushed.

Lian Xing shrank in the corner, and she was so scared that her tears were about to fall, sobbing: "What are you doing?"

Seeing that it was a weak girl, the vigilance of the three was significantly weakened.

"Hey, what's the role of Xia Qingchen's follower with three heads and six arms? It turned out to be just an ordinary girl." The masked man with an axe tattoo on his forehead came over with a laugh: "Come, go with your uncle, don't be afraid!"

Speaking, palms stretched out and grabbed Lian Xing's shoulders.

However, at this moment, Lian Xing suddenly stopped sobbing, leaving her fist in the air, leaving a residual image in the air, and violently striking the chest of the strong man: "Clashing the mountains!"


The clothes on the upper body of the strong man shattered under one fist, together with his heart.

More than that, the monster-like power of the star star penetrated his body and attacked the ribs of the man behind the strong man.


The latter had a broken rib and was blasted out of the cabin directly, falling into the canal.

In a blink of an eye, instantly kill the two!

The last one was startled, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he thundered like thunder: "Smelly girl, are you cheating?"

Lian Xing smiled and waved his fist: "It's not that I cheat, but you are too stupid!"

With that, Qian's eyes were cold, and the toes quickly flew past, and threw frightful fists and smashed the past.

The latter was terrified and quickly exited the cabin!

Lian Xing was chasing after her, and dashed out of the cabin.

However, just as he rushed out of the cabin door, a pale, scarred palm stretched out without warning, and pinched Li Xing's throat.

A strong man with a blue wolf tattoo on his forehead slowly walked out of the door.

It turned out that it was not the three masked men who blasted the hatch just now, but him!

Lian Xing struggled and tried to blast it away with his fists, but the opponent was like an iron man, immobile.

He looked at the two corpses inside the house, his eyes chilling: "A bunch of waste, you can both die and injure a woman!"

These casualties were completely unexpected!

He stared at the pity star pinched in the palm of his hand badly and said aggressively: "Dead, kill me, use your life to compensate!"

With a slap, he patted the star's heart.

With this palm, she will lose half her life without dying!

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