Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1106: underestimate me

"See God of War!" Dozens of devouts bowed their knees with incense in hand.

Even those who do not have deep beliefs, respectfully clenched their fists: "See Xia Zhan God!"

There were no fewer than 10,000 people in the fighting field, and they met one after another, and the sound shook the sky.

That scene was quite shocking!

Nu Tianyi, who sat on the VIP seat, sighed: "Xia Qingchen's prestige is greater than expected!"

He smiled, shook his head gently, and his words changed: "However, a mortal, with a believer who regards it as a god, is not tolerated by a Mingjun!"

"I look at the mediocre arrogance of Liang Wang, and there is absolutely no monarchy!"

Adagu whispered: "If King Liang is a Mingjun, would there be an opportunity for our building south..."

He didn't say anything, because Nu Tianyu cast a light glance at him, causing Adagu to close his mouth.

"Speaking should be divided into occasions." Nu Tianyi looked back, slowly stood up, walked down the stairs without looking back.

Adaku lowered his head: "Yes!"

Nu Tian left behind, smiling and greeted each other: "Brother Xia, don't come unharmed."

Xia Qingchen glanced at him and glanced at the barbarians behind him, and said lightly: "It's okay."

After staggering his words, he came to his VIP seat.

A trace of doubt flashed between Yu Tianyu's eyebrows, which was keen as if he noticed a trace of murderousness in Xia Qingchen's body.

"Where did he offend him?" Nu Tianyi asked secretly.

But think about it, it doesn't.

After the two sides were seated, the master of Yanyu County and others appeared one after another. They stood behind Xia Qingchen and were tied with the barbaric youth from Lounan Wangting.

By comparison, they are too short, like giants and gnomes.

The night demon's gaze glanced and fell towards the last one of the barbarian youth. The man had a height of two feet. It was his punch that cracked the night demon's arm, and it still hurts so far.

What made the Night Devils Doubt was that this man was the shortest among the barbarian youth.

"Yoke, did you recognize the person who hurt you?" Hua Wen tears asked in a low voice.

Ye Mo Qiu pointed at the other party, Hua Wen tears were also surprised, from the height, it seems that he is the weakest of them.

However, she had the same idea as the Night Demon Qiong. If this person is the weakest among the barbaric youth, that would be too unrealistic.

Although their strength in Liangjing Contemporary is not strong, it is not possible to be so weak that they are even worse than their last name.

"The strength of the barbarian is complex, and it cannot be calculated by reason. He has the shortest height, and perhaps the highest strength." Hua Wen tears comforted herself.

In addition to their strong physique, the barbarians are also proficient in some mysterious things, which is completely different from the martial arts cultivation in Zhongyun and Liangjing.

The height is not enough to explain everything.

"Well, I think so too, maybe he is the leader among the barbaric youth." Ye Moqi guessed.

Compared to their curiosity about barbaric youths, those barbarians treated them like air, raised their necks proudly, and did not look at them.

"These barbarians! It's too bad to put our cold environment in the eyes!" Yu Gugong secretly hated: "Wait for them to give a lesson!"

Zhang Xiaofeng, Yu Tingtong and Yanyu County Master and others have a complex look, and have not made a decision yet, whether to make all efforts.

After waiting for a while, Tiannan City's main platoon came very much. He lived alone in the referee seat and said majesticly: "You, Lou Nanjing sent messengers to challenge me to the cold and heavenly arrogance. Next, regardless of victory or defeat, please keep your restraint."

The war between the two countries will not be cut. Moreover, when the Liangjing and Lounan borders have not yet reached the war, the local folk customs in southern Xinjiang are fierce. If the cold environment Tianjiao loses too badly, it is impossible to guarantee that they will not impulse.

Tiannan City Lord looked around the crowd, and finally glanced at the two people who are about to learn: "Learn the rules, one to one, the previous generation to the previous generation, the next generation to the next generation!"

The Lord of Yanyu County, Huawen Tears and the Night Devil's Dome are the last generation of nine-star sons.

The people on both sides quickly separated two groups of people, and to the surprise of the Night Devil's Dome, the person with the shortest stature was separated from the two countdown heights.

Night Devil's Dome could not help asking: "Dare to ask how the people on the south side of Loulou are divided?"

Nu Tianyu is indifferent, and there is no night demon dome in his eyes. Adagu responded: "The three highest ones are the previous generation of wild warriors, and the slightly shorter ones are the next generation of wild warriors."

It is said that the heart of the night demonic twitched fiercely. Does that mean that he was injured by Tianjiao, the next generation of barbarians?

It seemed to understand what he thought in his mind, that the shortest barbarian cast a contemptuous look: "You are the cool man who broke into our territory! To be honest, your strength is quite weak."

Ye Mo Qiu's self-esteem was not badly affected, but he still had a line of self-confidence in his heart.

This person is extremely powerful. Although he is the next generation of barbaric warriors, his strength may be higher than the previous generation. Losing to him does not mean everything.

After rejuvenating, he set his sights on the three tall barbarians who were about to face, and pointed to the man in the middle with the second tallest figure: "I will fight you!"

Hua Wen tears are also confident, write lightly: "Then, I will choose you a good fight!"

What she chose is the one who stands tall!

The master of Yanyu County, Yu Gugong and others successively chose to challenge their opponents.

Tiannan City Lord nodded slowly and said with a loud voice: "Study points are over! If the opponent is deliberately killing, traumatizing, or maiming his opponent, the city host will never be light!

After announcing the rules, he personally withdrew the label from the box: "First Battle, Night Demon's Dome, Golden Unilateral!"

Ye Mo Qiu's eyes were full of intense fighting intent, and a flip fell lightly in the center of the battlefield, clenching fists around: "Let Yemou, come to a good start!"

The Sifang Nanjiang people applauded fiercely, watching the night demon's vault so confident, and all sparked a glimmer of hope.

"Anyway, it's the third generation of Tianjiao, which is the third generation of our cool environment. How can it be weak?"

"Well, the barbarians should be just big, and how can we be true in the martial arts civilization?"

The tall barbarian named Jin Shanbian, with a burly body like a walking house, stepped on the ground and made a dull sound, and even shocked the dust from the ground.

The two stood up against each other, and with the "start" of Tiannan City Lord, the Night Demon Sky showed the sensitivity and speed of the martial arts.

He clasped his hands, and his palm quickly condensed into a dark black sun.

"Eternal night never goes out!" The night magic dome captured the black sun with a little foot, and the body flew towards the gold side like a spring.

The latter was too large and looked awkward, as if it could not be avoided in time, and stood there without ever walking away.

Until the black sun that engulfed the attributes sharply, shrouded in the head!


The black sun burst, and countless black streamers engulfed the golden unilateral huge body like the falling night.

With the attribute of black streamer, the strength of the gold unilateral body will be swallowed up and paralyzed.

"It's done!" The night demonic dome was excited and secretly said: "My guess is right, that short man is the strongest, but these tall men do not use it!"

However, the thought was still turning in my mind, and the huge black streamer suddenly turned.

A huge palm like a rice cooker, like a falling meteor, brought out a string of double shadows and struck out, strangling the night demon's neck.

The palm appeared to choke his neck, but before and after the breath, there was no chance for him to respond.


At the same time, with a soft drink, the huge black airflow that enveloped the gold unilateral was blown away, revealing the gold unilateral intact inside.

He stared indifferently at the night demon dome in his palm, slowly lifting it from the ground, and said hollowly: "Are you studying? What are these black airflows? Do you look down on the warriors in the south of my building?"

He has been waiting for the night demon dome to move, but after the black airflow, the night demon dome ended the move.

(More at night)

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