Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1109: disappointing

  Bo Liansang is the weakest of the six representatives in Lou Nanjing, but also the one who interrupted the arm of the night demon dome.

   Yu Gugong is the worst one among the representatives of Liangjing.

  The result of the match between the two people can be guessed without thinking.

   Numerous sighs have come from Taichung, and even some of the audience leave early, and do not want to see the pictures of the cold environment.

   Tiannan city lord also secretly sighed, this should be the worst battle, I don’t know how Yu Gugong will retreat.

   If it doesn't work, it will be more embarrassing than the night demon dome.


  Slightly surprised Tiannan City Master and many audiences, Yu Gugong did not have any cowardice.

   With a firm step, he walked calmly to the center of the battlefield with his arms around his chest, silently gazing at the enemy he was about to face-Bai Liansang!


  Bo Liansang felt the provocation from Gu Gong, grinned and clenched his fists: "Military division, I'm on!"

   Nu Tianyi's eyes flashed slightly: "Be careful."

  Yu Guang glanced at Xia Qingchen imperceptibly. With his observation and understanding of Xia Qingchen, since Xia Qingchen promised to gamble, he must be holding the winning ticket.

   "I see." Bo Liansang said in his mouth, but he was not careful in his heart.

  The second strongest night demon dome, when he met him, he was still vulnerable, not to mention Yu Gugong, who ranked the last in front of him?

   Fear that he could blow the opponent out of the battlefield.


   He walked down the stairs faster and faster, reaching a thousand feet in a blink of an eye, like a hurricane.

  'S huge body bounced up with pressure, kicking from the top to the ancient male.


   centered on Yugong, the ground of the nearby battlefield made an overwhelming collapse.

  Yu Gonggong flew all over his body, his feet even clicked, and he was pressed into the ground.

   This is due to a foot that hasn't come down.

   If it is true, Yu Gugong's skull must be broken.

  Yu Gu is standing in the same place, his eyes are dignified, after taking a deep breath, a star power moves between his palms and shoots fiercely.

  Bo Lian Sang chuckled. With his physique, speed and power all occupying the crushing advantage, this small cool man still tried to use his palm to block it?

   I really don't know what to do!

  Know that the Night Demon Dome, known as the third strongest man in the cold, was defeated in a mess, but this lower ranking man tried to contend!

   His eyes flashed hard, not only did not pull back, but increased his strength and stepped on it.

  One punch and one foot touched between the sparks of calcium carbide, but the scene of Yu Gugong's imagination was severely hit and he died after vomiting blood.


   appeared a scream of sternness! !

  Bo Liansang's body fell to the ground, he hugged his legs, his face was full of pain, and the big beads of sweat quickly appeared and dripped down.

   He gritted his teeth and lay motionless on the ground.

   And Yu Gugong withdrew his palms expressionlessly, a trace of soft star power surrounding him, dispersing silently.

  He came to Bai Liansang and said lightly: "It's unbearable!"

  The strength of the barbarian lies in physique, as long as you master the law of restraint, no matter how strong you are.

   finished, returned to Xia Qingchen in a dead silence, bowed and said: "Xia Gongzi pointing, Yu Gugong remembers his life."

   bowed, his face was full of shame.

   After all, he could not resist the dignity and humiliation of the cold environment, and he won a shot.

  According to the letter, if the cold side wins, Lianxing will be in danger of life.

   Xia Qingchen said indifferently: "I said, you decide for yourself."

   He can't blame anyone, because for them, this is also a dilemma.

   Nu Tianyu's eyes fell from Yu Gugong to Xia Qingchen.

   Seriously, Yu Gugong won a victory, he was very surprised, but even more surprising, that Yu Gugong was actually directed by Xia Qingchen!

   Even if Xia Qingchen is hidden, he will not be able to direct others, let him be so powerful as to fight against the wild warriors?

   Suspicious, Nu Tianyi said to the remaining three people: "Last time, be careful, never careless!"

   Needless to say, the remaining three wild warriors were all dignified, completely dismissing their inner contempt.

  The host of Tiannan City and the audience were all excited, and the audience who were about to leave even came back again, full of surprises.

   "What happened just now?"

   "How did you win the name of Gu Gong?"

  He is in the midst of surging, the Tiannan city host is full of hopes, and his voice is a little high: "The next stop, Zhang Xiaofeng will play against the special bone cloud!"

   Special Bone Cloud is among the three next-generation barbarian warriors, ranking first in existence, which is exactly the same as Zhang Xiaofeng's strength.

  The two came to the battlefield, Zhang Xiaofeng looked at himself, looking at Te Guyun's eyes.

   That level of self-confidence is a bit more than Yu Gugong's just now.

   Special bone cloud is a little nervous, and his muscles are tight, like a big enemy, he dare not have any care.

   "Start!" Tiannan Chengzhu said loudly.

   heard that Te Guyun quickly distanced himself, lest he be hit by a mystery.

   However, what made him, the master of Tiannan City, and all the people present at the scene stunned was that Zhang Xiaofeng clasped his fists and said, "I am not as good as others, and I admit defeat."

  Under the stunned eyes, she retreated from the battlefield without a fight, and admitted automatically.

   For a time, there was a lot of scolding in the audience, and some people even threw things at him to vent their anger. Zhang Xiaofeng just squeezed his lower lip and silently returned to Xia Qingchen.

   Xia Qingchen has the life-saving grace and the grace of pointing to her, and she can't fail her.

  Even if she is subjected to scolding by thousands of people, she should do the same!

   After a while, the Master of the South of the Sky stunned for a while, and immediately diverted everyone's attention: "In the second battle, Yu Tingtong fought against Lian Lian."

   Yu Tingtong glanced at Xia Qingchen's back, and said lightly: "confess!"

   Xia Qingchen surprised her with a look, Yu Tingtong looked away: "I don't want to shoot, don't think about it, I didn't repay you.",

   admit defeat again?

  The people of South Xinjiang who have regained hope are all angry.

   "What are they doing? Obviously hope to win, but admit defeat?"

   The main face of Tiannancheng was a bit ugly, and continued with a voice overwhelming the audience: "The last one, the main battle of Yanyu County..."

   "No need, I abstain." Yanyu County Lord calmly said.

   She could imagine how disappointed and angry he was when the incident came to Liang Wang's ears.

   But she was even more afraid to imagine how Xia Qingchen would be hit if Lian Xing flickered.

  Heavenly Town Lord stumbled and couldn't help but anger: "What are you doing?"

   One after another, they conceded defeat and abstained. They regarded the dignity of Liangjing as what they expected, what the expectations of the people of southern Xinjiang regarded as what, and asked King Liang to ask what they regarded as what?

  The people of southern Xinjiang are even more boiling. They never imagined that even the master of the county gave up.

   "What kind of she is she?"

   "The Lord of Yanyu County is not worthy of our coolness!"

  Cry, shout, like the Milky Way to the ground, vent nine parties.

  Nutian Yumei wrinkled uncontrollably and said, "Brother Xia, you let me down."

   (coming late, there is an update at 8pm,)

(End of this chapter)

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