Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1115: Ask for something (two more)

"But, with my own eyes, I saw ninety new meridians on him." Ye Mo Qi hesitated, still holding a trace of hesitation.

Yeyu Pavilion shook his head lightly: "The human body is a mysterious treasure house, and what you see may not be meridians."

With that, he showed his arm, and the star power shocked, and a purple vein that was different from the nine major veins loomed.

"This is an internal Qi martial art I practiced, does it look like a meridian?" Ye Yuting said.

Yemoqiong looked closely. Although it was a little different from the ninety meridians in Xia Qingchen's body, his heart did not dispel the urge to continue practicing.

Seeing this, Ye Yuting patted him on the shoulder: "There is no shortcut to martial arts. It is an unrealistic way to return to gaining new strength through a new meridian."

"Hey!" Ye Mo Qi sighed: "Teached!"

"After Taizutang confirms my set of martial arts, I personally direct you to practice to ensure that you can exert the power of the gods and bloodlines in your body." Ye Yuting still values ​​his nephew very much.

Yemoqiu is grateful for clenching fists: "Thank you Jiushu!

The latter smiled softly and said again: "In addition, if you lose twice in a row, you may be sent to a training venue to undergo rigorous training, and it is likely to break through the six stars of the big star position."

"Ye Ming wine given to you by the ancestors, you have to be ready, and then strive to break through the seven stars in one fell swoop."

Hearing the words, Ye Mo Qiong's face was slightly stiff. Although he was quickly covered up by him, he was still keenly aware of Ye Yuting.

"Why, you gave away Yemingjiu?" Yeyuting suddenly stood up.

Under its majestic gaze, Yemoqiang had to explain: "In return for Xia Qingchen's kindness, he gave it to Yemingjiu."

Yeyu Pavilion angrily said: "Nonsense! Only a drop of Yeming wine can be brewed in January, you exchange it for a piece of broken paper?"

Yeming wine is not precious, but an extremely rare thing. Only two decades of effort can brew a glass.

Every time it is brewed, it is distributed to several younger generations in the contemporary era, so there is no surplus.

Ye Mo Qiu lost Ye Ming Jiu, it is impossible to get a glass from the ancestor.

"I don't want to owe Xia Qingchen." Ye Mo Qiong lowered his head, guilty.

Ye Yuting raised his slap and wanted to pump him hard, but he was sorry that he was injured, so he had to give up. son!"

The more he thinks, the more annoyed he is: "Xia Qingchen, anyway, a famous and surnamed person, who even lied to you!"

Ye Mo Qiu quickly explained: "Nine Uncle misunderstood, Brother Xia is not such a person."

After two contacts, he could feel Xia Qingchen's indifference, and it should be impossible to deceive him for a glass of Yeming wine.

"Knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing, you are too shallow in the world, where do you know that people's hearts are sinister?" Ye Yuting walked back and forth on the back of the bird.

After a long moment of contemplation, he resolutely said: "You go back first, I will follow up later!"

He said, jumped up, jumped on another peacock, and ordered the peacock to turn around.

"Nine Uncle, what are you going to do?" Ye Mo Qiong asked in a panic.

Ye Yuting said indifferently: "Of course it is for you to get back the Yeming wine. Isn't my Ye Family's things so deceptive?"

"Nine Uncle, don't..." Ye Mo Qiu shouted, but Ye Yu Pavilion had driven the peacock galloping far away.

At that time.

The main palace.

In the secret room, Xia Qingchen sat in front of the case, wrote a few new martial arts pens, and prepared to hand them over to the four hundred army.

Ye Ming wine of that horn is still on the table, and Xia Qingchen never touched it.

After half a cup of tea, he wrote ten sheets of paper and murmured: "The elites who hope to train, don't let me down."

The martial arts initially handed over to them was actually only a preliminary screening. Those auxiliary martial arts only created a little expertise for them.

And what he really wants to train is what he has finished writing, which is Xia Qingchen's killer.

"Rebel wolf robber, move it on my head, then don't blame me for being cruel!" Xia Qingchen slapped it on the paper. The invisible palm really shook the stone table.

The Yemingjiu in the horns swayed, setting off waves of stars.

Xia Qingchen only noticed the Yeming wine and shook his head slightly. "There is a problem with the brewing method. It takes at least ten days and a half to drink once."

He doesn't waste so much time, he won't drink this wine.

If you want it, you can give it to anyone.

At this moment, the surrounding aura suddenly moved away, and then, a very penetrating sound wave covered the entire city's main palace.

The sound was harsh, and the people were hurt by the shock. Many of the rest servants and slave girls were awakened alive.

The city host was receiving a couple of local businessmen who came to congratulate on the spring breeze. He suddenly heard the sound wave and was furious.

Sound waves not only disturbed him and his guests, but more importantly, the information contained in the sound waves until Xia Qingchen.

"Xia Qingchen, get out!"

In just six characters, it shook the city's main palace and made everyone hear it.

"Ravage!" The city master took the case, and the powerful repairer vented like mercury on the floor. I jumped out of the living room and jumped onto the roof.

He looked up, and saw a golden peacock hovering over the city's main palace, where a young man in white stood standing.

"Bold! How dare you dare to be in the main palace of Tiannan City!"

Xia Qingchen is a distinguished guest of his city's main palace. Some people come to the house to be rude to him, don't he not take his Tiannan city master in his eyes?

Ye Yuting said nothing, and left a black token with a crescent moon logo on it, and its name on the back.

The city lord glanced away, shaking like an electric shock: "Are you a Ye Family?"

He held the token with his palms, his face was full of momentum, and he became frightened. How did Yejia exist?

He is a deputy capital city owner, not yet qualified to challenge them.

Ye Yuting jumped down with a leap and landed lightly on the roof. The latter stepped forward, and Bi Gong respectfully returned the token: "I don't know if Master Yejia is driving, there is a far-reaching welcome, I don't know how expensive it is for adults to find Xia Qingchen? "

"No matter what you do, let go." Ye Yuting took the token, his expression was indifferent, and never looked at Xia Qingchen from beginning to end.

Tiannan City Lord was anxious, what happened to the Yeyu Pavilion's visitor's poor search for Xia Qingchen?

"How about others?" Ye Yuting asked indifferently.


Without being pointed out by the Tiannan city master, the door of the living room No. 1 was opened without wind, exposing a secret room with one of the flashing stone doors wide open.

"Report the name." Xia Qingchen's indifferent voice floated out of it.

Yeyu Pavilion looked over and jumped off the roof with a smile: "It's quite calm!"

"I am the nine uncles of the night demon dome, come and get what you deceived!" Ye Yuting stood in front of the door and talked across the living room.

Xia Qingchen slowly walked out of the secret room and stood in front of the living room. He looked at him lightly: "If you come to the doctor with unconsciousness, you can treat it on the face of the night demon dome, if not, then go!"

His mood is not so good!

(Continuous update at 9:30)

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