Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1117: Never come

But Xia Qingchen had never touched it.

After a long while, he unconsciously withdrew the glass and said nothing.

"What else needs to be checked?" Xia Qingchen asked lightly. Ye Yuting felt that his face could not be hung. He thought of what he thought was precious, and Xia Qingchen really regarded the air.

This question asked him even more deeply ironically, dumbfounded: "Since this is the case, it will be fine."

Turn around and walk away, don't want to stay longer.

"I'm leaving now?" Xia Qingchen put down his hands behind his back, and said indifferently: "Open my mouth and say that I lied to you. Now it turns out that it is not, just leave without saying a word?"

When he came, he opened his mouth and let him roll out, and bit him that he was a liar. Now the truth is clear, but he wants to leave without leaving a fart.

Yeyu Pavilion stopped and looked back: "What is the matter, what do you want?"

At the moment, he should at least say an apology, admit his mistakes, and restore Xia Qingchen's reputation, so as to prevent unintentional people from thinking that Xia Qingchen deceived him from his night house.

"What do you say?" Xia Qingchen said indifferently, what should he do?

Ye Yuting hummed: "I don't know what it is!"

Is it possible that his family members at night need to bow their apologies to an ordinary person? In that case, what is the face of Ye Family, what is the honor?

After humming, he turned his head and left. What else could he do without apologizing to Xia Qingchen? Is it forced to apologize?

With him Xia Qingchen or Tiannan city master?

The former does not have that strength, the latter does not have the courage.


But as soon as he left, the cold wind came from behind. Ye Yuting turned and grabbed the "dark weapon" in his palm. He was about to get angry, but his expression suddenly solidified.

It was a jade box with several seals on it, and a drop of unknown liquid looming inside.

He didn't know the jade box, but where would he not know the seal?

This is the unique seal of Ye Family, only those older generations in the Taizu Hall!

"This...this is my night's thing? Where are you from?" Ye Yuting severely questioned.

This thing is not comparable to Yemingjiu, it is a taboo in Yejia, and it is impossible to pass it on!

Xia Qingchen knew that he would question himself, and now his face was cold: "Take care of your Yejia's things, take away your Yejia's people, get out of my sight!"

Don’t you think he cheated Yejia things? Then give them back, and save him the blood of cheating Yejia in the future!

By the way, Ye Linglong also brought back, Xia Qingchen can't help the people of his night house!

After talking back to the secret room, with a bang, the secret room door closed again.

"Yejia people?" Yeyu Paviled startled.

The huge noise has already disturbed the people nearby, including Qiu Qiu and Bai Xiaozhu, who were quietly meditating in a distant room, and Ye Linglong.

"Nine Uncle?" Ye Linglong's eyes widened in surprise, looking at the Yeyu Pavilion that suddenly appeared in the city's main palace.

The latter was even more surprised than her: "Ling Long? Why are you here?"

Ye Linglong smiled happily: "My father asked me to follow Brother Xia, why is Uncle Ji here? Huh, how do you hold Brother Xia's things?"

With a small face on her face, she snatched the jade box and shook it: "This is a gift my father gave me to Brother Xia. Uncle Jiu, why are you coming back?"


Yeyu Pavilion suddenly realized that Yejia decided to let Ye Linglong follow Xia Qingchen from now on to resolve bad luck, and in return, this drop of blood was a gift.

He secretly protects the Night Devil's Dome all year round. He only heard that Xia Qingchen has the ability to suppress bad luck, but he does not know that the family has made such a major decision.

At this time, he finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

The family was willing to give away something so important, it must have come from Taizutang's resolution, but he angered Xia Qingchen and returned the thing.

Taizutang learned how angry he would be, and he couldn't imagine it.

Immediately his face was taken away from the previous arrogance, and he quickly came to the door of the secret room, hesitating for a while, and then abruptly apologized: "That, Xia Gongzi, is rash."

But there was no sound in the secret room, and there was no response.

Yeyu Pavilion felt the strange eyes of many people outside the door, and some of them couldn't keep their faces down: "Xia Gongzi, I admit it was my mistake. Please take back this jade box!"

There was a little urgency and impatience in his tone. As an elder, he had bowed his head to admit his mistake, and Xia Qingchen would not accept it if he was not good?

At this time, the voice of Xia Qingchen finally came from the Shimen: "No! I have nothing to do with your night house! Bring it and the people of your night house, go!"

He was very kind to Yejia, he did not receive any favors from them, he helped Linglong resolve the bad luck free of charge, and he helped Yemoqiu suppress the bad luck.

But this Ye Family, when he is a liar.

Xia Qingchen is not a masochist, so why continue to help them.

"Also! Tell Yemoqiang, never come to see me again!" Xia Qingchen said coldly, he wanted to give Yemoqiang twice and twice. The first two times, he was arrogant and disdain to accept Xia Qingchen's advice.

The last time it was difficult to ask for advice with humility, and doubted the correctness of Xia Qingchen's instructions.

Such a person, he can't point!

"You..." Ye Yuting held the jade box's fingers tightly, Xia Qingchen could not understand what happened anyway?

He has apologized, but Xia Qingchen is not satisfied yet?

Did Xia Qingchen understand what Yejia means? It was a transcendent existence that was more terrifying than the royal family. How much face could he apologize?

"Go!" Xia Qingchen said coldly, and a sound wave penetrated through the door of the secret room, shaking the entire Tiannan City main palace.

Yeyu Pavilion wanted to ease the relationship again, and there was no room for maneuvering. He hummed: "Do you think Yejia requires you to fail?"

He turned gloomy and left the living room No.1, pulled up Lingling and left.

"I don't go! Brother Xia, I don't want to go!" Ye Linglong's feet were propped on the ground, he didn't want to go.

She really didn't want to go back to the bitter days when she was in bad luck every day.

"Go!" Ye Yuting couldn't help but say that Ye Linglong was under the armpit and flickered out of the city's main palace continuously.

He has no face to continue to be disgraced here!

After a few hours.

He controls the peacock, with the crying night Linglong catching up with the team of the night demon.

"Sister?" Ye Mo Qiong opened his eyes wide and could not put in a channel: "Nine Uncle, where did you find your sister?"

Doesn’t it mean that my sister is traveling like her?

"Shut up!" Ye Yuting was in a very bad mood. He threw Ye Linglong on the peacock in the night demon's dome, and took a ride alone, looking forward calmly.

Five days later.

Eight peacocks appeared across the half-cold area at an alarming speed, and appeared on the vast sea of ​​West Xinjiang.

At the end of the sky-sea junction, a gray mist gleamed and thundered, like a tornado.

The peacock screamed and passed through the fog. Under the sunshine, a bright green island came into view.

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