Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1127: Encountered obstacles (three more)

Sang Yu and others swallowed hard and stared at the horrible scene in front of them. Xia Qingchen's figure at the foot of the independent mountain was more like a person with the power of the gods and demons.


The huge roar, shaking the eardrums, and the turbulent waves are like a tsunami, which wiped out everything.

Xia Qingchen withdrew his palm prints and said lightly: "Attack!"

Without any hesitation, Sang Yu immediately led the crowd to the mountains.

At that time.

In the palace of the old nest, Hu Yifan and Dagger are each responsible for the east and west sides of the palace.

Hu Yifan is building a high wall, following his confidant behind him: "Brother, the old leader is so unfair, we simply turned him back!"

"Yeah, why don't you take this opportunity to let Xia Qingchen wipe out this gang of nostrils?" Another confidant also suggested.

Hu Yifan categorically denied it, as the eyes of an eagle were sharp and sharp: "The lips die cold! They are dead. Will Lou Nanjing allow us a group of people in the cold environment to stay in their territory?

The reason why they are not afraid of southern Xinjiang is because the southern boundary of Loulou provides protection.

Once only them are left, Lou Nan is bound to drive them away. At that time, it is easy for Nanjiang to destroy them.

"However, we can't swallow this breath," he said reluctantly: "Brother Hu's hard work is so high that he can't even match that stupid pig!"

Hu Yifan clenched his fists, and if there was a thorn in his head, there was a thorn in his heart, which made him particularly uncomfortable.

However, he still tried to remain calm: "This tone, sooner or later, but not now."


Suddenly, a faint black gold pillar passed by the wind from above the palace, all the tiles on the palace were lifted off, and fell to the ground.

Hu Yifan's face changed suddenly, and immediately shouted: "Be careful, the enemy is coming!"

He came to the towering stone wall and looked at the outside through a narrow lookout. He immediately saw a group of extremely flexible people, quickly approaching the west wall of the place.

Those people are like monkeys, climbing lightly on the complicated mountain road, rushing into the unmanned land.

There was a huge shock in his heart: "What about the people ambushing on the mountain road? Why didn't even the enemy's news be sent?"

Even if those people lose to the offensive, they are able to send out signals from the enemy, so that they are ready?

Do they even have no resistance and are killed in an instant?

But he has time to think more?

"Big leader, there are enemy shadows on the west side!" Hu Yifan shouted.

He stared calmly at the dozens of figures rushing in. His expression was still calm. The palace was reinforced by them, and there was a stone wall of fifty feet high around the palace, which was indestructible.

And there is a new surrounding moat outside the city wall, which is filled with highly poisonous gas, and the emitted gas surrounds the entire periphery of the city wall.

If they approached the city wall without permission, they would be stunned by the poisonous gas and fell into the poisonous pool before they could climb up.

"Tu Dun, eyesight, body style, disguise, psychedelic, huh, huh, these martial arts can indeed play a huge role in the jungle, but unfortunately, you have been sold by your people in advance." Hu Yifan sneered.

The poison around the city is a special team trained to restrain Xia Qingchen.

It must be said that the man named Gu Lang really brought them extremely important information.


After arriving outside the city walls, the group of soldiers who practiced physical exercises were preparing to climb, and they immediately noticed the existence of the highly toxic pool and quickly retreated.

Hu Yifan saw the opportunity and ordered coldly: "shoot!"

Swish swish—

The rebellious wolf robbers immediately flashed out of the concealment and fired dense ninja crossbows at them.

Those crossbow arrows are extremely powerful, and they are all ninja arrow crossbows with added speed and penetration. Once they hit the target, they can usually pass through and expand the damage.

The unprepared soldiers immediately retreated backwards. Although most of them were avoided by virtue of their body style, several of them were killed by the powerful crossbow arrows and died on the spot.

Looking at the retreating group of soldiers, Hu Yifan burst into confidence and sneered, "It's just that!"

"Look, sir!" Suddenly, a confidant pointed at the ground outside the wall. I saw small bags of earth moving quickly to those bodies and people who were injured and could not leave. They dragged them underground.

Some of them tried to pass through the poison pond from the ground, which was worthy of touching the poison pond, and immediately screamed from the ground, and then the thick blood water penetrated from the ground.

The earth bags quickly retreated, and they dared not rush through the poison pool any more.

Upon seeing this, Hu Yifan couldn't help but laugh: "The team trained by Xia Qingchen is this kind of thing? Really disappointing!"

With this poisonous moat, the army trained by Xia Qingchen couldn't help them.

On the mountainside.

A group of local escapers brought all the wounded and dead bodies back, their faces somber and ugly.

"Sir, the poisonous pool is specially for restraining us." Sang Yu healed the arm of a Tu Dun soldier, and his arm was rotted, all caused by trying to cross the poisonous pool from underground.

There is no doubt that some of the martial arts they have learned have leaked wind and made the rebel wolf robbed.

Xia Qingchen's expression was indifferent, and a black crossbow was drawn from the chest of a corpse.

This arrow easily shot through the mail armor on his body and penetrated his heart.

"Second-order half nirvana." Xia Qingchen folded his hands, breaking the black arrow.

Second-order half nirvana is very common, but it does not mean that anyone can refine it, especially a group of robbers deep in southern Xinjiang. They simply have no ability to refine large quantities of exquisite ninja crossbows.

The only explanation is that people who have a cold environment provide them.

"I knew that the emergence of the rebel wolf robber would not be without reason." Xia Qingchen's eyes narrowed and the cold light filled him. Someone was funding the rebel wolves and helping them develop.

"Adult, what should we do? We can't get a blow, the enemy has already guarded, and it's difficult to sneak attack again." Sang Yu thought.

Xia Qingchen said lightly: "Then I will use it. I will let you practice killer skills later!"

He never expected that five copies of martial arts would allow his trained team to complete the task of annihilation.

Sang Yu's spirit shook, his eyes burst into excitement, and he couldn't help licking his lips: "We have never practiced it since we practiced."

Xia Qingchen handed them a mysterious martial art in the last five days, requiring them to master it within five days.

According to the martial arts instructions, once more than a hundred people join forces, the power will be comparable to natural disasters!

And they now have more than 280 people, and once they are exhibited, they feel horrified when they think about it.

It's just that this martial art consumes a lot of personal power. Once it is completed, more than 90% of them will fall into exhaustion.

This is why Xia Qingchen didn't let them use this martial art at the beginning.

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