Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1136: Deep thought

The golden circle barbarian disagreed: "He has black feathers and he is also the deputy leader of the bandit. His identity cannot be faked."

The red slave's eyes narrowed, and a sharp ray of light burst out: "What if he killed the deputy chief and snatched the black feathers of Wuluo?"


The golden ring barbarian rubbed his chin and thought carefully: "It makes sense, come!"

The red slave robe swelled, the dry palms of the moon were surging, and there was a hint of dangerous breath in the eyes.

The patrol soldiers around him also put up spears and slowly surrounded them.

"Delicious and delicious, wait for this young man!" But, the words of the golden ring barbarian made the person present almost to lose their tongue.

The red slave's lunar power was disorganized and disturbed, and the power reversed, causing his body to tremble: "What does the little master mean?"

"Literally!" The golden circle barbarian patted his breast: "I, the eldest son of the Wulu priest, Wu Xiangtian, these are my friends, and I came to the prison today to select a few dead men who are not afraid of death. , Participate in some battles for us."

"Your strength is good, I am very optimistic about you, come and be my dead!"

Wu Xiangtian was particularly refreshing, or rather disdainful of playing with Xia Qingchen, so he was outspoken.

Even let Xia Qingchen speak as a dead man.

Xia Qingchen said lightly: "Give me a reason to be a dead man."

If he wants to leave, the people present may not be able to keep him, but they have to worry about whether they can survive.

Wu Xiangtian smiled: "First, you want to leave alive, it depends on my face! Second, after the event is completed, reward you with a bodhicitta unique to our Lounan. For your martial monks, the bodhisattva heart is a package The medicine for curing all kinds of diseases is even a secret medicine for standing Buddhahood."


The name of this thing, Xia Qingchen has heard, is a magical fruit containing life energy. There are very few places in Lounan, let alone a cool place?

Its role is to treat intractable diseases. If it falls into the hands of senior pharmacists, it can exert the anti-celestial effect of flesh and bone.

After falling into the hands of the cultivator, after swallowing, you can help the cultivator to make rapid progress.

The seven-night lord of the military palace in the cold realm, who fought in the battlefield when he was young, was seriously injured and was dying. After getting a bodhi heart, he not only returned to death, but also made rapid progress to change his life.

Xia Qingchen's heart is slightly moving, and Bodhi is equivalent to a life-saving symbol, which can play a huge role at a critical moment.

"What's the matter with the dead?" Xia Qingchen asked.

Wu Xiangtian said with carelessness: "Simple! For our Wulu priests to participate in a battle of volcanoes, you have only three endings, either die in battle, or lose and be killed by us, or win alive Next game."

In other words, the so-called dead man means that you must go all out to win the game, otherwise you will die.

Xia Qingchen hesitated for a while, and it was really not cost-effective to pay a gamble for a Bodhicitta's heart. However, what surprised him was that the so-called combat was actually held on a volcano, which was exactly what he wanted.

"How many people participate, what is their strength? How much chance do you have?" Xia Qingchen asked.

Wu Xiangtian said from his own channel: "The three priests have nine representatives in total, and the other eight have at least a bronze level. As for the chance of winning, ten percent!"

The so-called bronze level refers to the nine-star level of the big star position in the Budo realm.

How to be confident about Shicheng's grasp?

Xia Qingchen certainly doesn't believe it, but if his teammates are so powerful, you can try it.

"Yes! When will it start?" Xia Qingchen asked.

Wu Xiangtian looked at the volcano and said, "Start preparing now!"

He turned around: "Leave your partner down and come with me."

The red slave stepped forward and took Hu Yifan off his shoulder and gave it to the patrol soldier.

After a moment of hesitation, Xia Qingchen chose to walk deep into the prison with Wu Xiangtian. There was a fairly well-equipped tent in which two young men and women barbarians were sitting.

They were dressed in luxurious animal skins and had a strong sense of pride in their speeches. When they saw Wu Xiangtian coming in, they didn't mean to stand up and salute, showing their extraordinary status.

"Oh? Wu Xiangtian, have you found a suitable deceased?" The woman barbarian grinned, her mouth full of yellow teeth rushing face-to-face with the smell of smoke.

The laughter was full of ridicule.

The other man looked very old-fashioned and frowned, "What good things can you pick out among the prisoners?"

Faced with their ridicule and accusation, Wu Xiangtian laughed disapprovingly and hugged Xia Qingchen's shoulders: "Come! Let me introduce you, this is the last deceased person selected by my Wuluo family. His name is... "

After a pause, he looked at Xia Qingchen: "What's your name?"

"Hu Yifan." Xia Qingchen was short and powerful.

"Hu Yifan, these two are the eldest son and eldest daughter of the Tibetan mirror, the Liluo family, and Zangshuiyue and Lifeiting are the same camp as us. The two of them have chosen three of you and you. The same dead."


The eyes of Zang Shuiyue and Li Feiting looked at Xia Qingchen together, looking at his short head, his brows raised.

"Isn't it wrong! Are you picking and picking, picking such a short bean curd?" Zangshui Yue was extremely dissatisfied.

Li Feiting frowned: "Wu Xiangtian, you give me a point of convergence, this is not the time for nonsense! It's about the rise and fall of our three priest families for a hundred years. You choose such an unusable thing. All of us?"

Wu Xiangtian put his hands in his hips, showing that he was arrogant and arrogant: "Laozi is just fooling around, what's wrong? How can you two treat me?"

He widened his eyes and stared fiercely at the two.

The two people who knew Wu Xiangtian's unruly character retreated back to his mouth, and the tone of Shui Shuiyue slowed down: "Wu Xiangtian, I have no intention of interfering with your choice of deceased, but there must be certain conditions to become a deceased. It is."

Li Feiting nodded: "Yes! At least it can't be much weaker than our other eight dead men, so let's talk with one of the dead men to see who wins and who loses."

Xia Qingchen knew that it was inevitable to reveal one or two hands. He stepped forward and was about to take the shot, but Wu Xiangtian dragged it back, hugged his neck, rolled his eyes, and said, "You are old, Lao Tzu." Say he can be a dead man, he can't too!"

Seeing Wu Xiangtian being so overbearing, the two were not very popular.

"Wu Xiangtian! Then I want to see, how do you explain to Wulu priest!" Zangshuiyue is too lazy to continue to entangle with him, anyway, the selected dead are to pass the purpose of the priests of their respective families.

With the strength of Xia Qingchen, the dwarf bean prince, Wulu priest recognized it as strange, maybe Wu Xiangtian would be beaten.

Li Feiting also sneered: "I don't know how important it is!"

It's really helpless to do such nonsense in front of major events!

When they left, the Red Slave came to Wu Xiangtian and couldn't understand: "Little Master, why don't you convince them to take it orally?"

Zangshuiyue and Li Feiting came to the prison to find the dead, just to see Wu Xiangtian jokes.

If Xia Qingchen showed her shocking physique, it was enough to beat them in the face.

Wu Xiangtian let go of Xia Qingchen, with a reckless glance, beating a trace of deepness, and hummed: "What's the use of making them convinced to take oral medicine? It's the real skill to let slavery's legacy!"

Xia Qingchen and Yu Guang looked at it, and I couldn't see it. The surface was unreasonable and unreasonable Wu Xiangtian, in fact, the scheming was deeper than those two seemingly smart barbarian young masters!

Obviously he can embarrass two people who laugh at himself, but for the overall situation, he chose to be forbearing, deliberately hide Xia Qingchen's strength, and make it a killer.

"However, it is really not easy to pass the father's level." Wu Xiangtian frowned slightly.

The Wulu priest is never allowed the weak barbarians to become representatives of the Wulu family. (Updated tomorrow morning)

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