Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1139: You admit the wrong person (three more)

"Cousin, this is a wrong maid you executed three months ago. I don’t know why, she was resurrected in Jiuli City!" Wu Guiming's eyes contained a deep teasing: "When I find out, I will replace it. Cousin, you executed her."

The fact that Wu Xiangtian secretly released the slaves of Liangren was already a well-known thing within the Wuluo tribe, but no one dared to speak out.

The maid-servant in front of me was once a wrong maid-servant of the Wuluo family. He should have been executed. It was Wu Xiangtian who asked him to ask him to deal with it. Afterwards, Wu Xiangtian let it go and let her escape back into the cold.

Wu Xiangtian remembered how she knelt and thanked her when she let go of this woman. She once said that when she came to repay her as a cow and a horse, she did not expect that her afterlife would come so fast!

There was a great deal of anger in his heart, and he suddenly pulled the knife, smashing the utensil with a knife, and the anger was waiting for Wu Gui's life: "Go!"

Wu Guiming pretended to be aggrieved: "Cousin, I don’t know you don’t like me, but don’t you have to ruin my heart like this?"

Still feeling? Obviously angered him deliberately!

Wu Xiangtian's eyes were murderous, and he said coldly: "Say one more word, believe it or not, I will cut you with a knife!"

"Faith, but can you do it?" Wu Guiming was not afraid, and there was deep contempt in her eyes.

He is far superior to Wu Xiangtian in all aspects, including physique!

Fighting head-on, Wu Xiangtian was under his fist and couldn't even carry a punch, but now it's just relying on Lao Tzu as a priest.

Wu Xiangtian said nothing, raised his steel knife and cut him.

It's a pity that before the knife fell to the ground, he was flicked with a finger by Wuluo priest. His eyes were filled with deep anger, and his hand was slapped on Wu Xiangtian's face: "Rebel!"

Wu Xiangtian took a slap in the face, and his cheeks were red and swollen as if hot, but he was stiff and silent.

"You! Not worthy to be my son of Wuluo!" Wuluo priest was furious. He had heard the gossip about what his son did, but there was no real evidence.

Unexpectedly, he actually did the slavery.

Everyone knows that the most hatred of his Wulu priest is Liangren, but he gave birth to a son who secretly helped Liangren!

What a irony!

Wu Xiangtian said coldly: "Then you killed me!"

The priest of Wuluo raised his slap, but he couldn't fall down anymore. He couldn't look down, that was his son.

Wu Guiming is pretending to be generous: "Dad, don't be angry, your cousin is so tempered, it's not strange."

"Humph!" Wu Ling priest glared Wu Xiangtian with a sneer: "Learn to learn your cousin!"

Wu Guiming sneered secretly, he didn't expect to let his cousin Wu Luo family get out at once, but it would be enough to make Dad no longer trust.

"Dad, I heard on the way that we, the three priest tribes, are going to hold the sacred fire sacrifice? I don't know if the fighting personnel can find it." Wu Guiming asked.

Speaking of it, the Wulu priest naturally got angry: "Your cousin is incompetent and did not find a suitable war dead."

Wu Guiming smiled slightly and patted his chest: "That's right, I want to recommend a few people to Dad."

He had already prepared to clap his palms, and the three extremely powerful and powerful barbarians stepped into the gold account.

Xia Qingchen glanced sideways. The other two barbarians he didn't know, but he was in the middle, he recognized at a glance. That was Sen Yu, who was at the top of Nanjiang and Liangjing Tianjiao.

He is the middle man of Wang Ting, known as the first person of the young generation of Lounanjing, and his strength has reached its peak!

The priest Wuwu, Uber Fu and even Wu Xiangtian looked at him shocked: "No. Senyu?"

They couldn't believe it, Wu Guiming could actually call Senyu!

Who is No. Senyu?

In addition to the first warrior of the young generation of Lou Nanjing, he is also a warrior from Wang Ting. He has only served King Lou Nan all his life.

How could he be invited over?

Wu Xiangtian said proudly: "No. Senyu, don't you see the Wulu priest?"

No. Senyu's stereotyped face forced a smile, and stiffened on one knee: "No. Senyu, see... Lounan King!"

The Lou Nan King showed his heart, he wanted to be loyal to the Wulu priest.

At this moment, the priest of Wulu was full of flowers, and the sacred fire ritual had not yet begun, and there were members of Wang Ting's former surrender.

Moreover, he was willing to participate in the holy fire sacrifice, really dozed off to send pillows.

The Wulu priest was in a very happy mood, with a surprised look: "Ghost nephew, tell Dad, how did you do it?"

He is too curious, how did the black ghost order do it?

Wu Gui said with pride: "Longnan King left, and Wang Ting's heart was unstable. It happened that I knew Wang Ting's No. Senyu. Under my persuasion, he was willing to join his father."

The priest of Wulu was full of praise: "Ghosts and nephews, you are so happy to your dad!"

After a pause, he waved a big hand, and a sheepskin scroll with a map appeared on his palm. He handed Wu Guiming: "Guiming nephew, from now on, the black water mountain enclosure is your hunting ground. "

The territories of Lounan are divided into priests, and the priests can make their own decisions and distribute them to the active barbarians.

Wu Bofu was shocked in his heart, and his heart was very ecstatic. The black water mountain closed the land, but it was the most fertile territory mastered by the Wuluo priest tribe. Only the next generation Wuluo priest can control it.

The Wulu priest gave Wu Guiming his life, apparently intending to treat him as the heir of the next generation.

When he saw this, he hurriedly said, "Brother, don't do it!! This is for Xiang Tian's nephew. He is your heir. How can you give this land to others?"

"Humph!" Wulu priest pushed it away, staring at Wu Xiangtian without saying a word, with contempt: "What is the right of such a waste son to inherit the priesthood of our tribe? Or leave it to Guimingxian Nephew is more suitable."

He couldn't help but cram the map into Wu Guiming's hands.

The latter was ecstatic with excitement, but he still had to do one thing on the surface. He gave the map to Wu Xiangtian in a sincere and fearful manner, pretending to be uneasy: "Xian Tiandi, don’t get me wrong, I’m not interested in these, you hold Right."

Wu Xiangtian wouldn't be polite to him. As soon as his nostrils hummed, he grabbed the map and threw it back to Xia Qingchen: "Take it for me!"

At this scene, the Wulu priest naturally could not tolerate, staring at Xia Qingchen: "Where is the thing, get out!"

He was very disdainful in his heart. What friends did Wu Xiangtian make, so blinded, did not see the Wulu family discuss matters inside, and did not leave here!

Xia Qingchen held the map of Fengdi with a blank expression: "Although I am an outsider, I still have to say that Wu Xiangtian is not an ordinary person."

With that, put the map on the table and leave with the negative hand.

But when he passed by Wu Gui's life, his nose sniffed sharply, and his eyebrows were wrinkled: "Wait a minute! Why do you have my black feathers on your body?"

His Wuluo Black Feather is on his body all year round, contaminated with his breath, others can't smell it, can he smell it wrong?

Xia Qingchen waved and said, "You admit it wrong." (Continue to change at 5 pm)

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