Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1142: Want me

As long as there is no accident, the new Lounan king will fall into the hands of their three priests.

"Ronghua Fugui is fine." Xia Qingchen didn't care much: "I can just honor the promise Wu Xiangtian gave me."

Wulu priest smiled slightly: "Relax, as long as you can complete your task, give you on the spot."

Xia Qingchen served as the most critical link in this plan-to ensure victory in combat.

Only by victorious fighting can the three priests make a wish, ask for forgiveness from the barbarian gods, and begin to fight for the throne with Slave Heaven.

"That's the best." Xia Qingchen said: "If nothing else, leave."

Wu Luo priest watched Xia Qingchen's departure. Before long, his confidant came in from the outside and said in a deep voice: "Priest, do you really believe his identity is reliable?"

Wuluo priest squinted his heart: "What do you say?"

With a trembling heart, he quickly knelt down and asked for guilt: "Small talk."

The Wuzong priest dusted the dust of the black feather cloak and said lightly: "It doesn't matter what his identity is, what is important is that it can be used by me. As long as it is used up, it should be treated as it is."

A trace of coldness flashed through his eyes.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Xia Qingchen is very likely to be a cold person like the captive girl.

If he is not blind, will he not see?

But, his eyes couldn't see, Xia Qingchen turned around, and a deep murderous flash also flashed in the depth of his pupils.

He didn’t know that the Wulu priest had seen through his identity and just wanted to use him temporarily?

However, he is also using Wulu priest!

In thought, under the guidance of the maidservant, Xia Qingchen came to her tent.

When it entered, the maids in it all exited very consciously, leaving Xia Qingchen alone.

He was strange in his heart, and when he looked up, through the thin gauze curtain, he saw a stone-washed beautiful woman lying on the stone bed inside.

The thin animal skin covered by her body, it is difficult to hide the exquisite lines, the exposed snow shoulders refracted a faint fluorescence under the dim oil lamp.

A white rosy cheek, because of tension, emerged two clouds.

Xia Qingchen was stunned, opened the curtain and came to the window, looking at the Luoshui fairy picked by Ren Jun, and his heart was like water: "Why was it caught?"

He sat on the edge of the bed and asked his back to her.

Luo Shuixian pulled the futon up and said bitterly: "I have no face to go back to Tianyueling, so I wandered to Jiuli City. I heard that there are rich cultivation resources here. I want to settle down here and slowly cultivate."

Jiuli City is the center of Jiuli Region, and Jiuli Region is the region bordering the southern border of Lou. Almost all caravans between the two borders must pass through this place. Many warriors with no background will focus on this place, hoping to find satisfaction by luck. Resources.

It's just that Luo Narcissus got along with Ye Linglong for a long time, and suffered bad luck.

Not long ago, I encountered a barbarian looting and was taken by accident, but unfortunately, fortunately, because of her excellent appearance, she was ordered to pay tribute to her father by Wugui, so the **** was not halfway through. To those barbarians who dominated and bullied.

As it turned out, Xia Qingchen was silent for a moment, and asked, "Why didn't you just expose me? You should hate me."

She fell so far, it can be said that part of the reason was that Xia Qingchen drove it away. Judging from her past behavior, she must resent Xia Qingchen.

But she didn't.

Luo Shuixian's expression was bleak, and he laughed at himself: "Falling into today's situation is all due to self-sufficiency, not to people."

If it was in the past, she might have angered Xia Qingchen, but after going through time and time again, she has already deeply reflected on it.

She leaned her head, staring at Xia Qingchen's back, and said, "Thanks."

Although there are only two words, it was indeed grateful from her heart. She didn't expect that Xia Qingchen would save her and save her from the doom that was about to be ruined by the barbarians.

"It should be." Xia Qingchen said indifferently: "You take a rest. After the holy fire sacrifice, take you back to the cold."

He stood up and was about to leave, but his sleeves were pulled by Luo Narcissus.

The latter's head was already biased towards the inside wall, his red lips were biting, and his voice was a little trembling: "The barbarians suspect, you...you still want me."

Wu Guiming is extremely suspicious of Xia Qingchen's identity. It is difficult to ensure that no one outside him is watching. Xia Qingchen will leave and his identity will be more suspicious.

Xia Qingchen glanced back at the Luoshui narcissus at this time. She was very beautiful, with the delicate and delicate characteristics of a classical woman, and her temperament was gentle and weak. At this time, her active commitment was even more exciting.

Any man can’t help but be concerned, and Xia Qingchen is no exception.

"If you are in danger, what is the difference between me and the barbarian?" However, he refused very decisively.

Combining with a loving woman, that is love.

Combining with missed women is a vent.

Xia Qingchen has not fallen to the point where this concentration has been lost.

"But Wu Gui is suspicious by nature. If you don't do anything to me, he will doubt it." Luo Shuixian still didn't let go.

Xia Qingchen gently pulled back her sleeves and patted her hand comfortably: "He has no doubt about it, it has nothing to do with the overall situation."

"Oh." Luo Shuixian's tense heart finally eased, and deep respect came from within.

A man who can refuse to send the beauty to the door actually needs a lot of strength. At this moment, she seems to meet Xia Qingchen for the first time, and sees the ethereal young man who points to her flute.

Looking back at the various things between him and him, I felt ashamed and shed two drops of clear tears, whispering, "Sorry, I used to be too naive."

Do you have plum blossoms in the cold?

She finally washed away the lead and repented.

Xia Qingchen shook his head indifferently: "People are not sages, who can be right? As the day said, those who abandoned me can not stay yesterday, since it is the past, let it go away like the wind."

Luo Shuixian's heart moved, and really felt Xia Qingchen's broad-mindedness. Once he had all kinds of things, he even said it in one sentence, never mind!

She swayed her shoulders, knelt on the bed wrapped in bedding, bowed down and bowed: "Little girl, dear Lord!"

Xia Qingchen smiled faintly and sat down with her clothes behind her, silently practicing with her back: "Relax with peace of mind!"

Luo Shuixian raised her face, her cheeks were covered with tears, and the hazy crystal eyes of rain and mist were like autumn mountains after the rain, clear and ethereal.

With a smile on her face and exhausted body and mind, she slept peacefully beside Xia Qingchen for the first time...

Tibetan mirror priest tribe.

The priests and the core tribes including Zangshuiyue are secretly gathering in the priest's gold tent. Three giant barbarians, who are as tall as two to three, are kneeling in front of them on one knee.

"Oh, God help me too! There are three wild warriors from Wang Ting helping each other. Why don't you worry about the big things?" The Tibetan mirror priest laughed.

The departure of King Lou Nan made the hearts of Wang Ting distracted, and the barbaric warriors who served King Lou Nan were looking for each.

Some of them turned to the ten priests.

Zangshuiyue was full of worry: "I just don't know how the Wuluo priests are. As far as I know, Wu Xiangtian found a very weak person as a dead man. In that case, it will definitely drag us down."

The Tibetan mirror priest waved his hand and said with a smile: "Relax, the old fox of Wulu priest will be dealt with safely. Everyone may choose a weak person as the dead, he is impossible."

As he was saying, a member of the Wuluo family presented the letter.

The Tibetan mirror priest took a look at it and grinned: "When Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, a list of the dead of the Wulu family was delivered."

The three priests communicated with each other, and they notified each other in advance.

Cangshuiyue came over and saw a familiar name named "Hu Yifan" came into his eyes. He couldn't help but be surprised: "Priest, don't you mean that Wulu priest will be guarded? Why did he still give the useless little priest?" Selected!"

The Tibetan mirror priest smiled and said, "This Hu Yifan, is very weak?"

Zangshuiyue draws his chest: "Only so tall, thinner than me!"

The strength and physique of the barbarian are proportional, the shorter the bar, the worse the strength.

"Monster!" The priest of the Tibetan mirror squeezed the letterhead into a group, and left without opening the curtain: "Notify the priest of Liluo and rush to the priest of Wuluo."

They are impossible to sit and watch, a weak barbarian drags them down. (At 11:30 tomorrow noon)

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