Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1145: Excessive expectations (three more)

Hearing this, both the Tibetan mirror priest and the Liluo priest moved.

As a priest, to swear to the barbarian god, that is extremely effective, if there is a violation of the oath, it will definitely be fulfilled.

Since the Wulu priest dare to swear to the barbarian god, that is absolutely true.

At the same time, the Uber character present was also reluctant to admit that he clenched his fists and said: "Everyone, my elder brother said everything is true and true, and there is absolutely nothing to say! That Hu Yifan, indeed, is very powerful, defeating No. Senyu, If you still don’t believe, you can wake up and ask him.

When it comes to this, what else do you not believe?

The Tibetan mirror priest was very surprised: "Wu Luo, where did you find the barbarian, so powerful?"

It's really unimaginable. There are young people who are stronger than the wild first warrior. No, they are teenagers.

Li Luo priest also cast a very curious look.

Wu Luo priest smiled slightly: "Heaven cannot be revealed!"

The curiosity of the two has been completely lifted, and it is very itchy: "Wu Liao, don't sell Guanzi! You let us see this Hu Yifan, so that we can calm down and go all out to hold the holy fire sacrifice."

Originally, Wulu priests did not intend to expose them to Xia Qingchen.

What should I do if such a character is robbed by two people?

But if they are not allowed to eat a heart-pill, they may not be willing to complete the holy fire sacrifice. In desperation, he sighed: "Okay, come with me."

A group of people immediately followed the priest Wu Wu to Xia Qingchen's tent.

"Warrior, can you fall asleep?" Wulu priest asked.

At this time, Xia Qingchen's body had recovered a little, barely able to walk, but it took several hours to recover from the actual use of force.

Xia Qingchen opened his eyes when he heard the sound, looked at the sky outside at midnight, and frowned: "What's the matter?"

In the middle of the night, why did you come to him suddenly?

The Wulu priest is quite polite: "If it is convenient, can you let us come in and talk."

Xia Qingchen looked at the sleeping Luo Narcissus behind her eyes and got up and said, "I'm coming out."

Opening the curtain, Xia Qingchen found out that there was not only one Wulu priest, but a group of people!

"What's the matter?" Xia Qingchen asked.

Except for the Wuluo tribe, the others were all looking at Xia Qingchen and were all surprised.

Compared with the barbarian, Xia Qingchen's figure is short and thin. Will such a person be the one who defeated No. Senyu?

Who believes?

Wu Luo priest smiled and introduced: "These two are Tibetan mirror priest and Liluo priest. They came to visit you specially and want to know you."

Xia Qingchen looked at them, but nodded dismissively.

The priest of the Tibetan mirror nodded in response, but his eyes were full of doubts, but it was inconvenient to express it. Since Wulu priest swore to the barbarian that he had defeated No. Senyu by one move, it should be true.

It's just that the Liluo priest is not so good at speaking.

He raised his eyebrows sideways and looked at Xia Qingchen up and down: "Is it your way to beat No. Senyu? How do I look different?"

Xia Qingchen said lightly: "Does it look like it does it matter?"

He is not a monkey, and no one needs to question to clarify.

"Huh! How do you talk to this priest?" Li Luo priest's eyes were fierce, pointing at Xia Qingchen's nose: "You, give me a try, I will test your true skills."

He still doesn't worry about Xia Qingchen. He doesn't look like he can beat No. Senyu.

The Tibetan mirror priest stood beside him, and did not stop him. He also wanted to confirm with his own eyes that Xia Qingchen's true strength.

Xia Qingchen held his hand lightly and didn't mean anything at all: "No need!"

He clenched his fists at Wulu priest: "If nothing else, I will go back to rest and fight tomorrow, I need to recuperate."

He did not want to accept the so-called test. On the one hand, he did not want to be a monkey. On the other hand, his body had not fully recovered and he could not use force.

"Not necessary? I don't think you're guts!" Li Luo priest snorted coldly, pointing at Xia Qingchen a little longer.

Its strong physique power came from the air, and the terrible force penetrated the air, making a sharp popping sound, and went straight to Xia Qingchen.

Wu Luo priest frowned, but did not stop.

With this force, Xia Qingchen can still be easily resolved, and let him move his hands, so that the two priests can rest assured that they will be sent away.

Wu Xiangtian, Wu Bofu and Wu Guiming are all staring closely at Xia Qingchen.

How he defeated No. Senyu in one move, to be honest, no one could understand it, so this time I want to see how Xia Qingchen used his weak body to counter the strong power of No. Senyu Wei'an.

However, under the focus of the eyes, Xia Qingchen did not mean to take a hard frontal shot, just toe a little, and used his body to prepare to move away.

And because of the body damage, his leg is sore and his strength cannot be fully released, so there is no time to jump away easily.

The force from the ejection wiped Xia Qingchen's back, and the strong wind made Xia Qingchen's figure slightly sway.

Although there is no embarrassment, people with clear eyes can see that Xia Qingchen is very weak.

The strong wind passing by, whether it is Wu Xiangtian or the water moon, or Li Feiting, can be easily resolved. Why is there a swaying figure?

"Not even me, such a person can beat No. Senyu?" Li Feiting seemed to witness a big joke.

He never believed the words of the Wulu priest, but now, he really fulfilled the conjecture in his heart and couldn't help saying sarcasm.

Li Luo priest even questioned Wulu priest with a smirk: "Wu Luo, this is what you said, a move to defeat the super power of No. Senyu?"

The Tibetan mirror priest was also furious and gritted his teeth and said: "Wu Jiao! You dare to spoof even such things as swearing to the barbarian god, your courage is too big!"

If the priest of Li Luo insisted on testing Xia Qingchen, wouldn't he be kept in the dark?

At this time, the priests of Wulu were all stunned. Under the coercion of the two, they couldn't help but fix their eyes on Xia Qingchen, and quickly said, "What's the matter with you? That was clearly not the case just now!"

He witnessed Xia Qingchen defeat No. Senyu with his own eyes.

Xia Qingchen's face did not change color, and said indifferently: "I have practiced some secret techniques just now, my body is slightly weak, and I can recover before early morning tomorrow."

He was telling the truth, but the Tibetan mirror priest and the Liluo priest were predominant and had a strong distrust of Xia Qingchenbao.

Therefore, neither of the two parties believed this.

Li Luo priest jumped like thunder and scolded: "Still lying! Really when we are stupid pigs? I don't think you are playing double reed with Wuluo priest to deceive us!"

Xia Qingchen looked at him indifferently: "It is good to have self-knowledge!"

This person is indeed a stupid pig, what good is the Wulu priest to deceive them? A little bit of the brain should know that this is completely unnecessary.

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