Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1170: none of your business

Wu Xiongqiang endured his anger and clenched his fists: "Adult, the matter of the year has not been investigated clearly. Please do not believe their words."

At the beginning, after being ambushed, Wu Xiong embarked on a thorough investigation.

As a result, I just found a trace of clues. As the patriarch of Wu Kun's father, he and the two patriarchs forcibly drove them away.

Afterwards, Wu Kun went into Lounan alone and recovered the lost property of the Wu family.

What a fierce gangster is a rebel wolf thief, full of desperate men licking blood at the tip of the knife. Why did Wu Kun break into it and **** the treasure?

If there is no problem in it, Wu Xiong will not believe it.

He wanted to strengthen the Wu family in the south of the city, and after regaining the power of his family, he thoroughly investigated the events of the year, but he did not expect such a scene to appear.

Unexpectedly, Wu Kun even shamelessly went to the door to take a bite.

Cicada Daozi was displeased with words and stretched her old face: "You mean, you are confused, and you can't tell the difference between good and evil?"

"That's not true." Wu Xiong said.

He can distinguish between good and evil, but that is why he knows how to reverse right and wrong!

"Then what do you mean?" Cicada Road asked.

Wu Xiong said: "I mean, even if Liang Wang judges whether a person is wrong, it is necessary to know the facts first?"

The implication is that Cicada Daozi is not yet qualified to judge right or wrong at will.

Cicada Daozi's eyes narrowed: "Huh! Poor Dao has always been fair. Since I said that the fault was yours, then it can't be wrong!"

Wen Yan, the whole family of Wu Xiong, and even Qiu Wanjin on the side felt angry.

Could it be that Cicada Daozi still failed, he said who is wrong is who is wrong!

"Today I am kind enough to build a bridge for you, but it is your undoubted opportunity, don't miss it!" Chandao Zi said lightly.


Wu Xiong laughed in his heart, he would rather cicada to roll as far as possible!

Who wants his matchmaking?

"That's all for sure. You guys will compensate the Wu family with all the lost things that year, and you also have to apologize solemnly, do you understand?" Cicada said involuntarily.

Wu Xiong couldn't suppress his anger any more, he said with a deep voice: "Who are you?"

Cicada Road froze for a moment, then asked with a somber face: "What do you want to say?"

Wu Xiong stood up and raised his neck, questioning with contempt: "I mean, my Wu family's business, it's your business! Let me go!"

Relying on being the special envoy of the Cold King, he is self-righteous and peaceful. No, he is openly partial to him!

In front of countless people present, this was scolded, Cicada's face couldn't hang, his cheek muscles squirmed, and his anger erupted: "What a brave! I am the special envoy of Liangwang, how dare you..."

"What's wrong with the special envoy?" Wu Xiong exasperated: "The special envoy puts on your purpose and shuts up your mouth if you don't care about it. Less dogs take more mouses and do more business!"

He was not afraid of the special envoy complaining to the cool king. When he came to the cool king, how would he sue?

Tell Liang Wang that he is unreasonably involved in the family's internal affairs?

Before, he had been reluctant to give face to Cicada, but the latter has intensified, making him unbearable.

"Come here, send the special envoy back. In addition, the dogs and sons of the Wu family are beaten away with sticks!" Wu Xiongshen snorted, and a large number of elite soldiers poured out from the mansion.

The soldiers were murderous and surrounded the uninvited crowd.

"What are you doing, want to rebel?" Cicada Road was furious.

He was a special envoy, and he dared to surround him. Wasn't he beating the king's face?

Wu Xiong sneered: "I heard that you also rebuked the Yunlan clique for rebellion in northern Xinjiang, and finally forced Yunlan clan to dissolve. Now you have come to southern Xinjiang and scold the southern Xinjiang clique for rebellion!"

"Cicada Daozi, I really want to know, if our South Xinjiang Army also rebelled, how would you explain to Liang Wang?"

When he went to northern Xinjiang, the Yunlan clique rebelled. It can be said that Xia Qingchen's discipline team said nothing.

But when he ran to southern Xinjiang, the soldiers of the southern Xinjiang regiment also rebelled. Could it be that Bai Zhantian was not disciplined?

The cool king reuses the cicada's way, so he must discount his trust!

Where do you go to rebel? Such a person wouldn't dare to use the cool king anymore?

Cicada Daozi suffocated his face, his fingers trembling and pointed at Wu Xiong: "You...you..."

"What are you? When this is Liangzhou where you can be unscrupulous? Get out!" Wu Xiong cursed.

Cicada trembles with anger and looks at the rest of the soldiers: "Wu Xiong has been dismissed. How can you continue to obey his orders?"

For clinker, several Wan Xiaoqi spoke in unison: "Unless notified by the commander, Master Wu is still our general."

Southern Xinjiang is not the rest.

The rest of the legions must obey the will of King Liang, but different in southern Xinjiang, any order must first ask Bai Zhantian's intention.

At the beginning, Liang Wang even issued several golden orders, and he didn't keep his heirs. With every appointment and dismissal, Bai Zhantian could still see the air as long as he wanted to.

"You all are sincerely enemies with me, are you?" Cicada Daozi only felt that his face was lost, and he was so dignified that even a group of soldiers couldn't help himself.

Wu Xiong said, "Sir, don't stick gold on your face. My soldiers and I haven't put you in your eyes and are enemies with you. You think too much!"

"You're wanton!!" Cicada Daozi was shy and angry, and he actually started with anger!

However, he existed in the later period of Xiaoyuewei, and his body was unfathomable, and his hands were like the wind, and Wu Xiong shot him in the blink of an eye.

Although Wu Xiong reacted, he kept ninja long knife in front of his chest in time, but Cicada Daozi under the palm of his hand, the long knife shattered, and the brute force poured into his body and rammed into it.

Several ribs were broken, the internal organs were also severely injured, and the blood with minced meat spewed out of the mouth like an arrow.

Behind him, Wan Xiaoqi was furious and raised his sword: "Kill the general of South Xinjiang, treat it as an enemy, kill!"

They really did not expect that, with the presence of high-level officials in the Tenth Military Region, surrounded by many soldiers, Chan Daozi even dared to rely on Xiu to start.

No matter how high he is, can he block a large number of soldiers?

Or does he think he is noble and no one dares to move him?

If so, then he is wrong!

People in southern Xinjiang only recognize Bai Zhantian, not the Liangwang!

The soldiers were all angry, pulled out nirvana one after another, and killed Xiangcizi without hesitation.

Cicada said with a cold face, he pulled out a sword box from the space ninja, shattered it, and an aura with a forceful sword caught everyone's eyes.

King Power Dragon Sword-a symbol of the cool king coming!

The killed Wan Xiaoqi immediately waved their hands in horror, stopping the soldiers' attack.

They can not deny the command of Liang King, because Bai Zhantian will withstand the pressure for them, but it does not mean that they do not recognize the status of Liang King!

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a rebel?

"I knew that you savages were disobedient, so the cool king gave me the kingly dragon sword!" Chan Daozi's face was blue. (A little more than the second)

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