Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1191: Unfinished words (six more)

However, what Ling Liang did not think about the millions of people present was that in the quiet crowd, there was a voice of three points of indifference, three points of arrogance, three points of contempt, and one point of pity.

"Am I dead? Why don't I know?"

Among the crowd, a shadow on the iron face jumped forward and jumped onto another stone pillar, standing side by side with the Yeyu Pavilion.

Yeyu Pavilion may not be known, but how can Yu Tingtong, who is ranked third in the Liangzhou list, be unknown?

"Yu Tingtong?"

"Isn't Liang Wang using her own reputation to guarantee that she has been killed?"

"But she didn't even have a slight injury!"


The people who had been quiet, boiled thoroughly, and once again showed signs of runaway.

With such a godsend opportunity, how could Qiu Qiu miss it? Gao shouted: "Did you see it? In order to kill the heroes who covered the Lord, the Cool King actually made up charges at will!"

The quelling people became angry again.

"Cool King! How do you explain?"

"Give us an account!"

"In order to kill heroes, do everything you can! How can we have a king like you in the cold environment?"

"Cool King, you give up! You are not worthy of our king!"

This time, they were completely angry, even the suppression of the army did not care.

It's hard to imagine that the Tangliang Liangwang actually used a living person to convict Xia Qingchen, and he also used his own reputation to guarantee it!

"No way to faint monarch! Faint monarch!"

The crowd roared, shouted, cursed, and vented their great disappointment with the cold king for a long time.

Although Shi Yanhu and others are still struggling to suppress the people, it is also difficult to contain them wholeheartedly.

The Cool King is indeed unpopular. They are embarrassed to stand on the side of the Cool King.

Yeyu Pavilion's eyes were dull, and its voice was extremely penetrating, overwhelming the audience: "The reputation of Liang Wang is really worthless."

When Liang Wang assured him by his reputation, he really thought that Xia Qingchen was suspected of killing Huawen tears, but the result was really unexpected.

He was expressionless: "I said one last time, let me go!"

Liang Wang was sitting in the sedan chair, holding the palms of his negative hand and trembling, which was not shame, but anger.

"Sheng Quan! What's going on?" Liang Wang sighed.

Sheng Quan vowed that Yu Tingtong had been killed.

The special envoy Sheng stood at the gate of the house, puffed down on his knees, and frightened and said: "The cool king, not me to deceive, but... it was the nineth son who informed me, he was very sure."

The reason why Nineth Son was convinced was that Hua Wen tears told him personally that Yu Tingtong was mortally disappointed.

But Nineth Son didn't expect that the hatred that no one could resolve was resolved by Xia Qingchen!

"To deceive and conceal, to deceive the holy listen, Sheng Quan, you are not sorry for your death!" To this day, of course, Liang Wang is looking for a scapegoat.

Sheng Quan's heart changed drastically, and the Cool King asked him to die!

"No! It's not the fault of the minister, it's your ninth son!" Sheng Quan hurriedly defended.

The cold king ordered with indifference: "This king does not observe, and the adulterer Sheng Quan is blinded, and almost kills a generation of famous general Xia Qingchen, so the adulterer is to be sentenced to capital punishment, looking at the world's anger!"

When the words fell, several powerful men of Xiaoyue rushed over, preparing to push Sheng Quan to the ground.

People all have a desire to survive.

How can Sheng Quan be willing to lie?

He cast his body and ran towards the crowd, completely forgetting that he had abruptly reprimanded Xia Qingchen's way of a prince who had to die.

Now it was the king's turn to let him die, but he forgot the way of the king and his servants.

"Cool King! I'm loyal to you. How many bad things did you do for you? Just treat me like this?" While fleeing, Sheng Quan shouted, expecting the protection of the people.

"All the people, I tell you, Liang Wang just made an excuse to kill Xia Qingchen! Even if there was no Yu Tingtong, he would also execute Xia Qingchen for other reasons!"

The people clenched their fists, and without him, adults with a little brain can realize.

Seeing that they were indifferent, Sheng Quan gritted his teeth and threw out a secret that had been in his heart for a long time: "In addition, your cool king is actually not..."

Once this secret is shaken, perhaps the world will be in chaos.

Together with the chaos, he has a chance to escape to other places.

However, before he finished, a residual image flashed before his eyes, and immediately his head turned into a blood mist.

The secret, only half said, will be permanently buried.

All the people present only saw an afterimage flashing in the Jin Jiao, and then the afterimage quickly returned.

I never saw the true state of the afterimage!

Undoubtedly, it was Liang Wang who shot and executed Sheng Quan in time to prevent him from telling secrets.

"Nonsense! Carry the corpse down!" Liang Wang said calmly, with an inexplicable chill in his voice.

Ye Yuting's eyes narrowed slightly. If he read correctly, the moment Liang Liang smashed Sheng Quan's head, the exposed palm seemed to be...not a human palm!

It's just that the time is too short, and Yeyuting doesn't dare to confirm whether he is wrong.

However, these have nothing to do with him.

"Liang Wang, do you want to let people go?" Ye Yuting lost patience.

In Jin Jiao, Liang Wang smiled apologetically: "Of course!"

He clapped his palms. Several strong men escorted Xia Qingchen out of Liang Wang Mansion. He said with a strong smile: "Xia Wanxiao rides a misunderstanding, this king blames you!"

Xia Qingchen glanced at the golden sedan and silently jumped onto the courtyard wall, overlooking the millions of people, and said lightly: "Feather Dragon, since it's here, don't hide it."

He didn't believe it, such a good show, Feather Dragon would miss.

Sure enough, there was a chuckle from a corner, and then a Fengshen Yuxiu person stepped on the flying sword and came to the Liangwang Jinjiao, clenching his fists: "See Liangwang."

"You too?" Liang Wang narrowed his eyes.

He glanced at Feathered Dragon, and then at Yu Tingtong, who was safe and sound, and he immediately understood that he had become a fool!

Feathered Dragon smiled: "Caomin is here from King Qin"

In fact, he came to see the cool king joke.

The Yu family has some special means to be able to discern the death of the Yu people living outside. Yu Tingtong did not die. He knew it early on.

So when facing Xia Qingchen in the Six Fan Palace, he was calm and calm, and did not die the gloom of the important tribe.

Because he knew that Yu Tingtong was not dead.

The reason for concealment is to embarrass Liang Wang once.

As a result, did not let him down, the cool king was extremely embarrassed, and his reputation was completely destroyed!

"King Qin?" Liang Wang restrained his murderousness and slowly said: "Well, there is a heart!"

After a pause, his eyes turned: "You also blamed Xia Qingchen for not apology?"

Isn't Feather Dragon a hatred of Xia Qingchen?

That's fine, let the Feathered Dragon apologize to Xia Qingchen, seeing the Feathered Dragon is uncomfortable!

Sure enough, the light smile on Yuhua Long's face froze for an instant: "Cao Min heard that the Six Fan Palaces had broken the case, and only then checked with the past and didn't say much."

The implication is that the cold king is all wrong.

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