Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1214: Earthshaking reversal (three more)

Change to be an ordinary person, I'm afraid it doesn't matter whether it's 3, 7, 21, kill it first.

No matter how she is, she will ask for evidence in one hundred and fifty, as if fearing that a good person will be wronged.

Xia Qingchen only felt the world spinning around, and was taken back to Huanglin by the demon emperor the next moment.

As soon as he landed, he saw the Master of the Rainy Rain, who fainted, and immediately stepped forward to pick him up. When she found out that she was stunned, she turned her eyes to Liang Wang: "Are you crazy? Do all of your daughters fight?"

With the presence of Liang Wang, who would dare to fight the master of Yanyu?

No one but Liang Wang himself.

The demon emperor also asked: "Why did you faint?"

Liang Wang quickly explained: "Returning to Senior, she was fainted because she was injured and unable to withstand the pressure of her senior, but it didn't matter."

"Oh." The demon emperor obviously didn't care.

She looked at Xia Qingchen: "You hunted my pet?"

Xia Qingchen would not admit it naturally, saying: "I just captured it alive and never killed it."

The demon emperor turned his eyes to Yuanlie: "What do you say?"

Yuan Lie got up and said sharply: "Xia Qingchen, the man is standing upright. If he dares to do it, he will dare to be. When I snatched the monster, it was already killed by you. Now you want to plant it on my head?"

"I respect you for being able to hunt ever-changing unicorns. It's a man, but don't do anything that makes you mean."

Xia Qingchen said lightly: "This is the first time I heard that someone scolded himself."

It is Yuan Lie himself who dares to do what he dares not to do?

But in front of life, Yuan Lie still has a face, saying: "Xia Qingchen, don't quibble! You are powerful and have the ability to hunt the ever-changing unicorn, even among the monsters I harvested, Most of you hunted."

"Now, you are arguing that you have not hunted the ever-changing unicorn, is this possible?"

At this time, the Lord of the Palace of the Palace took the initiative to stand up and said: "The Lord of the Palace can testify that the monster is killed by Xia Qingchen."

The lord of the Palace of Literature also stood up: "The lord of the palace can also testify."

Although the other palace owners did not stand up, they did not refute.

The demon embarrassed: "What about the evidence?"

The two palace masters said together: "When we patrolled the Huanglin, we both saw Xia Qingchen holding the dead body."

At this time, Liang Wang also said: "At this point, the juniors can use the name of the Lord of the Cold Land to guarantee."

The demon emperor looked to the rest of the people, whether it was the palace lord or the prince of Shizi, all unanimously said: "It was indeed Xia Qingchen killed."

With all the rhetoric, the demon emperor did not want to believe.

She looked back at Xia Qingchen again, her eyes turning cold and cold: "Nothing to say?"

What can Xia Qingchen say?

Everyone is slandering, what else can he say?

He also knows why the Yanyu County Lord fainted to the ground.

Xia Qingchen looked around everyone one by one, a trace of loneliness appeared on his face, a trace of deep mocking to himself: "Why?"

He sighed, why did he want to defend the frontier for the cold?

Won't he earn his merits, won't he get the qualification of Blood Spring?

So what is the point of fighting hard against the enemy and defending the mountains and rivers of Liangjing?

He regards the cold environment as his hometown, but has anyone ever regarded it as an old man of cold environment?

"It's really nothing to say, and I won't say it again in the future." Xia Qingchen was disheartened and disappointed with the cold environment.

After this matter, from now on, he really wants to withdraw from the rivers and lakes, concentrate on cultivation, and stop asking about everything in the world.

"That..." The demon raised his palm, his palm squeezed into a fist.

Many palace lords and county lords lowered their heads in shame, and their hearts were like needles. Even if one person was willing to speak for Xia Qingchen at this moment, maybe he would not have to die.

They are the ones who abandoned Xia Qingchen!

Abandoned that hero, and surrounded the mountains and rivers by the turbulence, and the heroes who sheltered countless people in the frontiers, abandoned, they should stick to the bottom line.

This matter will become a thorn in their hearts that they can't get rid of in their lives.

Remind them all the time, once cold-blooded, ruthless!

Happy, only Jiu Shi Zi, Yuan Lie and Liang Wang.

Xia Qingchen died in the hands of the demon emperor, which is the best ending for them, without worrying about the verbal abuse of the people of the world, but also eliminating the nails in his eyes.

Sighing silently, the foot lifted up and was about to speak the truth.

But, the demon emperor's next sentence made her suddenly withdraw her feet, a pair of wonderful eyes widened.

"I want to give you a little reward!" said the demon emperor slowly, with a faint smile on his cold face.


All the people present were stunned, and their minds were messy.

Just like riding a forward carriage, suddenly, the carriage suddenly reversed!

They were caught off guard by surprise.

It was Xia Qingchen who couldn't help but stunned. He was ready to use three grains of divine land and tried his best to avoid this robbery.

Yuan Lie was startled, and said quickly: "Senior, what do you mean by reward?"

Is it ironic?

The so-called reward is actually **** punishment?

"Literally." The demon emperor's fist was lifted in front of Xia Qingchen, and he slowly unfolded it, revealing his palm, a piece of multicolored hair.

"This is my hair. I carry it with me. The monsters below me will treat you like me." Yaohuang said.

This thing is similar to the king's dragon sword of the cool king.

It's just that this hairline has a much larger range of deterrence than the King Power Dragon Sword!

How many monsters in the world are stronger than the demon emperor?

I am afraid that it is all the monsters in the three realms. From then on, when Xia Qingchen was seen, either he shivered away or bowed in horror. It was the most unlucky, and there was no monster that dared to disrespect him.

This reward is not a point, but unparalleled.

No matter how amazing the rewards are, there is no precious hair in front of you!

Yuan Lie is unbelievable. Not only did Xia Qingchen not die, but he also received a prize that was so dazzling?

"Senior, Xia Qingchen killed your pet!" Yuan Lie reminded loudly.

He thought, the demon emperor should be mentally abnormal, right?

But the demon emperor said seriously: "I am the one who rewards me for killing my pet!"

She just told the whole story: "When I broke through the moon, the monster that I adopted attacked me and made me break through. Now that I break through again, I naturally have to find it to settle the bill."

"Since it was this human race boy who killed it for me, of course I have to reward it."

The audience was suffocating.

The end of the dilemma made them vomit blood.

They finally understood that the murderousness shown by the demon emperor was not aimed at the person who killed the pet, but at the pet corpse that betrayed her.

From the beginning to the end, the demon emperor never said what to do with pets. They presumed that they were to retrieve their pets and continue to raise them.

"This demon beast was very cruel before, and I stayed by my side and preached every day to save it. Unexpectedly, it even wanted me to kill it." The demon sighed softly.

This also explains why this monster is so proficient in so many martial arts.

Presumably it was by the side of the demon emperor, and his eyes were dark, and he learned a lot.

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