Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1565: Juggling (two more)

It turned out that today, fishing for **** fish is to sell money to raise the entanglement leaving Shiyan Village.

Unexpectedly, instead of catching the fish, Xia Qingchen was caught instead.

Xia Qingchen wondered: "Is the Red Maple Empire so poor in security? The entire county has been captured by bandits?"

Just listen to the old man helplessly sighed: "Actually, we do not blame our imperial incompetence, but a group of bandits who have recently emerged are too powerful."

"It is said that they are all warriors! The most powerful bandit leader is said to have reached the small star position!!!"

The old man's expression showed a lot of awe, and the granddaughter's lips were very important, very uneasy.

"You know, Pei Liucheng above the county seat, the strongest is the star!"

Star Warrior, Xia Qingchen is of course not in the eyes.

However, in a county town, there will be bandits with big stars, which is indeed unusual.

With the strength of the big star position, it is a top expert in any big city. It is too late to be worshipped. Why do you have to take the grass and use it to capture a small county?

A county in every district should not be enough to attract the attention of the big stars.

"A similar situation occurred, in fact, more than a county town. It is said that in the past year, different bandits often attacked the city."

"They don't fight big cities, they specialize in county towns, they leave immediately after searching, and seize the rest of the county towns."

"Imperial masters are limited, there is no way to wipe out the bandits."

Xia Qingchen gradually heard his eyebrows.

The so-called empire should be similar to the Principality of Shenxiu where Xia Qingchen once stayed.

Above the Principality, it is ruled by Budo Tengu, and above it is the sect such as the Nebula Sect.

Old Man and the little girl in front of him did not enter the gate of martial arts, and their horizons were limited. Therefore, they did not know the huge empire in their eyes, but they were just products of a certain sect.

"So son, we really can't keep you here to recuperate." Old Man said.

The granddaughter looked at Xia Qingchen, who was difficult to get up, and couldn't bear it. She pulled on the sleeve of grandpa: "Grandpa, if this son is found, will he be taken away?"

Those bandits recruited horses and recruited horses, and they called for strong men to expand their ranks.

Xia Qingchen is so young that once found, he must be taken away.

"But we..." Old Man was embarrassed. She took her granddaughter on the road and made it even harder, let alone bring another immobile Xia Qingchen?

"Grandpa, hello guys, let him go," the granddaughter pleaded.

After all, Old Man is a soft-hearted person, otherwise he will not let the preparations for the silver and silver do not matter, save Xia Qingchen back.

"Hey! All right!" Old Man petted his granddaughter and said, "Young man, you take care of yourself at home. I'll go catch some **** fish and try to get a little more entangled."

In fact, Xia Qingchen wanted to say that the so-called bandits are really nothing.

As for coiling, just take a few things from his space ninja and sell them for real gold and silver that they can't use for life.

However, true gold and silver are not exposed, especially in times of disaster.

He nodded: "Thank you uncle, juniors remember the great kindness."

Grandpa nodded and took his granddaughter outside.

"What are you doing with me?" The granddaughter was staggered, and he opened him unpleasantly.

Grandpa raised his finger and muttered, and Yu Guang glanced into the room: "Hush!"

He pulled out an iron dagger from his waist and stuffed it into his granddaughter's hand, saying, "Hold!"

"What are you doing here? I don't want it!" The granddaughter withdrew her hand.

Grandpa is an old man. He looked at the house with vigilance and said, "A guarding heart is indispensable. You are at home alone, beware of it!"

He couldn't help but talk about putting the dagger in the opponent's hand.

The granddaughter pouted: "Little brother can't stand up, what can he do to me! Grandpa is too careful?"

However, she still accepted the dagger, so the grandfather hesitated to return to Longtan, continue to cherish the cherished but very valuable **** fish.

Watching him leave, the granddaughter returned to the house with a grin.

Looking at Xia Qingchen who was lying on the table, closing his eyes and keeping his eyes closed, he looked at Xia Qingchen with two eyes: "Little brother, there are barefoot doctors in the village, shall I ask him to see the doctor?"

Xia Qingchen opened his eyes and cast a warm smile: "No, just take a few days of rest, I can get up and walk."

The two of them, grandfather and grandson, are not even entangled on the road. Where can they find free money to ask the doctor?

After all, the little girl is pure.

"Wow! Such a serious injury, you just need to rest?" The little girl was surprised, she was a little bit more courageous, she moved a stool and sat in front of Xia Qingchen, with her hands on her chin.

A pair of dark eyes, but he kept watching his mouth, as if he wanted to break Xia Qingchen's mouth.

"What are you looking at?" Xia Qingchen asked.

The little girl hurriedly said: "Brother, why do you breathe fire in your mouth? Are you juggling the streets?"

Xia Qingchen gently smiled: "Yes! You are so smart!"

Probably the fire inside the body, instinct to protect the Lord, was discovered by the grandfather and grandson?

However, I thought it was a juggling, really a simple girl.

"Really? Then what else do you have? Show me!" The little girl slap her hand in surprise.

As a girl in the depths of the mountains, you can only go to the county town once a year for the Spring Festival. Juggling is just a dream for her.

Xia Qingchen was recovering from injury, and left and right, saying, "You are good!"

His thoughts moved, the space ninja turned on silently, and a blue dream daffodil worth millions of cold coins suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Wow!!! It's a big change!" The little girl applauded in surprise and rejoiced.

Xia Qingchen said: "Send it to you!"

"Thank you!" The little girl quickly took it, but the moment the palm touched the flower, the flower disappeared out of thin air.

Replaced by a string of crystal bracelets!

"Ah! It's a form change, this is the most difficult juggling!" The little girl widened her mouth in astonishment, looking forward to Xia Qingchen to the point that there was nothing to add.

She looked at Xia Qingchen's eyes, full of little stars of worship.

"Wear the bracelet well." Xia Qingchen gave her: "I will perform for you tomorrow."

The little girl didn't even know that this was a string of second-order ninjas that many star warriors were greedy. They took it happily and put it on their wrists.

After a short contact, the girl completely let go of Xia Qingchen.

"My name is Zhou Mengmeng, that's my grandfather, and everyone in the village calls him Three Cave Masters." Zhou Mengmeng is very talkative: "Because my grandfather is the most cunning in the village."

"There is an idiom called Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, so I got the name of a three cave master."

Xia Qingchen listened quietly and couldn't help smiling.

In fact, with his ears, how could the Three Cave Master explain to his granddaughter how could he not hear it?

This Three Cave Master is indeed a little smart.

"He is a good grandpa." Xia Qingchen said so.

Sister Zhou smiled silly, she suddenly remembered: "Right, what is your name?"

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