Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1570: The bandit attack (second)

Xia Qingchen was very calm: "I know, but I won't say it!"

"I killed you!" Zhou Liang roared angrily: "You are an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, and the three cave masters kindly took you in, do you repay him?"

Xia Qingchen asked faintly: "What's wrong with Mengmeng? Is she missing one hair or missing a piece of skin?"

"After the bandits leave, she will naturally come back. Why are you yelling?"

Zhou Mengmeng temporarily left without any loss, and also avoided the risk of bandits robbing her.

But Zhou Liang was out of anger.

what is the reason?

He felt that everything he did was not recognized by Zhou Mengmeng.

"What do you want to do more about?" Sure enough, Zhou Liang snorted angrily: "If I interpose, the matter will be resolved long ago, and you need to do more?"

Xia Qingchen asked faintly, "What if the bandits disagree?"

"Not in case!" Zhou Liang cut the railroad: "You don't even know the status of my master. He said that, which bandit dare not sell face?"

Xia Qingchen shook his head: "Ignorance and fearlessness."

Even the gods dare not say that there is nothing foolproof in the world, but Zhou Liang is a big talker.

"You are the bastard! My fiancee's business, you want your dog to take the mouse to do more business?" Zhou Liang scolded.

In this regard, the Three Cave Master finally came forward.

He pressed his hand and said, "Liangliang is a little restless, let me speak."

Zhou Liangshi laid down the wood angrily, staring at Xia Qingchen, his eyes full of anger.

"Mr. Xia, can Meng'er hide far away?" said the Three Cave Masters.

"Not far away."

"Is clothes and dry food enough?"

"It's enough."

"Well, that's okay." Three Cave Master's voice was dumb, and there was a little dampness in his eyes.

Zhou Liang froze for a while, and said: "Three Cave Masters, let him tell him where Mengmeng is hiding!"

The Three Cave Masters sighed: "Well, since hiding, let her hide for two days and then pick her up, Meng'er was scared."

"But me! What is she afraid of?" Zhou Liang reluctantly said.

But the matter is so far, the three cave masters have no intention of taking it back, he can only be dissatisfied.

"Humph! The Three Cave Masters don't believe me." Zhou Liang grumbled, sitting on the stone bench in the courtyard.

"In the final analysis, you still think of me as an hunter, and don't treat me like a warrior!" Zhou Liang thought more and more unhappy and chattered: "After today, I will practice well!"

"Sooner or later, I will become a famous warrior, so that those who look down upon me will look up to me!"

He did not evade the Three Cave Masters, so he was so nagging that the latter was a little embarrassed and could not help comforting.

"Liang Liang, Grandpa believes you, but Meng'er is gone, just hide for two days!"

"Wait for our grandson and grandson to get through this disaster, just give her to you, do you think it's good?"

The three cave masters accompanied the old face, and said good things and coaxed them to make Zhou Liang's face look better, but still had no good face.

"When the bandits come, you will know that you are wrong!" Zhou Liang shrugged off.

The three broke up, and Zhou Liang went home.

Until midnight.

Suddenly, all the restless dogs in the village barked up, waking the villagers of the whole village with noise.

One household after another lit up oil lamps one after another and went out to check.

But this look made many villagers tremble!

I saw a series of torches around the village, encircling them from far and near towards them.

It wasn't until they approached that they discovered that they were a group of fierce men in chaotically dressed horses of different sizes, holding a torch to surround Shiyan Village.

"The bandits are coming!" The village head picked up the gong and knocked loudly.

The villagers who are watching are all changing their faces, and have ran home, closed the doors, and extinguished the lights in their homes.

They were like sheep in the dark night. After being surrounded by wolves, they closed their eyes like an ostrich.


Horseshoes rose, and about twenty bandits approached the small village in the deep mountain.

The headed bandit is a dark middle-aged man with a tattoo on his forehead.

He hangs on the horseback and stands at the entrance of the village.

"House to house, all shouted, if not, cut his legs and lifted up!" The dark middle-aged man spoke softly, but with great strength.

A group of bandits waved torches and burst into the village with a smile.

They kicked the door from door to door, drove out all the people inside, and gathered at the village entrance.

The Three Caves family is no exception.

"You!" A kick knocked over the door, pulling the collar of the Three Cave Masters out.

He did not notice at all, nor did he expect that there was still a man lying in the straw in the stable.

Xia Qingchen was not aware of the outside world because of his regular rehabilitation.

Soon after, all the hundreds of people in the village were concentrated at the village entrance.

The dark-skinned middle-aged man jumped down, moved his muscles, looked around at the people present, and did not smile: "My fathers and fellows, in Xia Mahao, your new township leader!"

"Now, at the order of the new county magistrate, a group of strong men and unmarried girls will be selected to work in the county."

"This is the new county magistrate who sympathizes with the hard work of your villagers and seeks welfare for the young people!"

Although the villagers have a small vision, they are not stupid.

The so-called new county head should be the bandit leader.

As for the so-called welfare, it is clearly deceptive.

The strong men were pulled over to expand their bandit army, and the unmarried girls were given to the effective soldiers in this siege.

The man's past is okay to say, nothing more than suffering.

If the unmarried girl passes by, then it will be in a landslide.

But, looking at the fierce bandits in the waist, the villagers dared not to speak.

"Now, I announce the welfare list and read the name." The dark middle-aged took out a small book and turned to "Shiyan Village" overnight.

"Wang Erma's house, which one is the owner?" The dark middle-aged man said.


In the crowd, a short, middle-aged, thin, middle-aged man, he almost fell to the ground without being scared.

He walked out tremblingly, bowing his head, not daring to look into the dark middle-aged eyes.

"You are Wang Erma's family?" Dark middle-aged said: "Your family has an 18-year-old son, is Wang Ming right? Others?"

The bandits have mastered the county seat, and they have the household registration.

In addition, I have visited it for many days to confirm that the information is correct.

Wang Erma's mouth was trembling, and his feet were not standing fast. He said: "Go back... Master, my family Xiaoming... He went up the mountain to cut wood!"

As early as two days ago, Wang Ming was sent to his mother's home for refuge by his mother.

Only Wang Erma was left at home.

"Oh, has the wood been cut?" The dark middle-aged man looked up at the bright moon in the sky and chuckled, "Cut wood in the middle of the night, do you believe it?"

Wang Erma's legs were soft and scalp stiff: "I...I believe."

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