Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1572: Waiting for you (four more)

"It's true!" Zhou Liang sonorously said.

The dark middle-aged stared at Zhou Liang's eyes for a long time and said, "You call Zhou Liang, don't you?"


"Okay! Since your master begged for pity, then avoid the granddaughter of the Three Cave Masters." The dark middle-aged man immediately turned his horse and shouted, "Go!"

The bandits escorted the strong men and the girls and set off for the county.

They didn't ask Zhou Mengmeng, and even said good Xia Qingchen would not want it.

A group of villagers returned home from their souls. Many of them wept in tears. The children they had taken away may not come back in their entire lives.

The only relaxing one should be the Three Cave Masters.

He walked in front of the ghost gate, drenched his clothes with sweat, and moved his legs numbly, before coming to Zhou Liang.

"Liang Liang, thanks to you this time!" The Three Cave Masters expressed his inner respect.

Zhou Liang actually sent the bandits away!

The surrounding villagers looked at Zhou Liang's eyes completely differently.

Now they look at Zhou Liang's eyes with a trace of deep awe.

Zhou Liang raised his neck and felt very comfortable: "Let's go, let's take Mengmeng back."

The old face of the Three Cave Master smiled and blossomed: "Ha ha ha, walk around, pick up together."

They returned to the courtyard and saw Xia Qingchen who was still sleeping in the stable.

Zhou Liang sneered: "Still asleep?"

He stepped forward to prepare Laxia Qingchen's collar, but Xia Qingchen, who had foreseen the danger coming, was instinctively awake from the instability.

His eyes were sharp, and he said coldly: "Go!"

Zhou Liang was taken aback by the suddenly opened eyes and hummed: "What's the fierce?"

"Thanks to you for falling asleep! The three cave masters were almost taken to the head by the bandits!" Zhou Liang said: "If it were not for me, I am afraid that even you would be taken away by the bandits!"

The Three Cave Masters felt ashamed and quickly diverted the topic: "Son, Xia, now Mengmeng is safe. Can you tell her where she is hiding?"

From their only words, Xia Qingchen knew that the bandits had just come, but they had all left.

He was a little surprised that the gentleman's sword actually pleaded for Zhou Mengmeng.

What a surprise!

However, this is better.

"Xipo cave." Xia Qingchen said the location.

Zhou Liang went out impatiently and ran to meet excitedly.

He could imagine that in the near future, Zhou Mengmeng was going to marry his house with his red head covered.

The three cave masters also smiled and went to meet them.

Seeing them all leave, Xia Qingchen looked at the east. After a night of recovery, he had recovered most of the time.

Now not only can he move freely, but he can also exercise a considerable degree of cultivation.

With a little toes, he reached the entrance of the village like a wind.

Looking at the villagers who suffered two injuries and one death, their eyes were even colder.

Dozens of miles away.

Dark-skinned middle-aged man riding a tall horse, thoughtfully.

"Brother, what do you think? Are you still thinking about Zhou Mengmeng?" a bandit hippie smiled.

The dark middle-aged man shook his head: "I was thinking, that Zhou Liang's words were true or false."

"Sword gentleman is so bold, dare to disobey orders and interfere with us?"

At the beginning of the occupation of the county, the leader spoke publicly, and no one should interfere with their actions, including pleading.

If there is a violation, make a decisive decision!

The bandit had no mind and said: "The rules say that the leader in private will also be able to get along well?"

After dark and middle-aged contemplation, he said: "After all, the other party is a swordsman, a non-waiter, or a book of flying pigeons, let the leader know as soon as possible!"

That said, I immediately closed a book, and first notified the leader with the Flying Pigeon Biography.

They hurriedly rushed to the strong men and young people to walk on foot.

Shortly after.

They passed by a post, because the bandits had entered, the post had long been abandoned.

"Why is there a person sitting on the roof?" A sharp-eyed bandit rubbed his eyes and wondered.

Dark-skinned middle-aged looked up and said in surprise: "Really!"

I saw that under a huge bright moon, a young man in fluttering clothes was sitting against the moon.

His legs hung naturally, his hands propped up the house, and he looked up at the vast sky slightly.

Against the background of the moon, he seemed like an immortal under the moon, and his unspeakable artistic mood floated.

"Fool, sit in the wilderness and watch the moon in the middle of the night?" The first bandit found grinned.

Xia Qingchen, who was disturbed, withdrew his eyes and looked down.

A pair of black eyes burst into a chilling deep in the dark night.

"I'm not watching the moon, I'm waiting for someone." Xia Qingchen said calmly.

The bandit smiled, picked up the bow behind him, pulled the bowstring, and under the crotch of Xia Qingchen was an arrow, and said in a cruel way: "Are we waiting for us?"


The arrow flew away, pointing directly at the bricks under Xia Qingchen's crotch.

"Yes!" Xia Qingchen gave an answer that puzzled the bandits.

This puzzle was turned into surprise in the next moment.

I saw that Xia Qingchen stretched out **** and lightly clamped it, then clamped the fast and necessary arrow between the two fingers.


This scene triggered an uproar.

Ben's dark middle-aged, who also holds a sadistic attitude, his expression suddenly stiffened, and his smile solidified.

The archery bandits even stared wide, without blinking.

As the pinnacle of Xiaochen, he could not stop this arrow without the cultivation of Zhongchen.

It needs to be pinched between two fingers, at least the Dachen position.

But this barren mountain and wild hill, a young man who meets casually, can have the Dachen position for cultivation?


The dark middle-aged man was dignified and his face was momentarily serious. He waved his hands. The bandits behind him dismounted, leaning against the horses to defend and take the leading position.

He stared at Xia Qingchen and said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency just said, waiting for us?"

Xia Qingchen stood up and crumpled the debris under his feet.


Feeling that Xia Qingchen's comers are not good, the dark middle-aged man said: "I don't know who you are."

Xia Qingchen played an arrow between his fingers and said lightly: "Come from Shiyan Village."


The dark-skinned middle-aged man immediately dismounted, hiding behind his horse, and shouted behind him: "Brothers, copy the guys to greet, try to attack remotely! Do not get close!"

Suddenly, a chaotic instrument sounded.

Archery archery, hidden weapon, flying knife flying knife.

All kinds of weapons were chaotically moving towards Xia Qingchen.

What made the bandits cool was that Xia Qingchen was motionless and allowed many weapons to attack him.

But, without exception, all the weapons hit him, and they were all bounced back, even his fur was not penetrated!

All the bandits stared at Xia Qingchen with **** eyes, and could not believe their eyes.

"He... is he a man or a ghost?"

"Guru~" a bandit swallowed hard: "Is it a ghost?"

Only the dark middle-aged, with a dignified expression: "What the **** are you?"

That kind of physique is their chief leader, and the great star-level empire-level strongman can't reach it!

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