Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1727: Popular support

If they also join, they will surely be famous for their long history and the great merits of establishing a human race, far better than the commanders who follow a few cool places.

"Army of the Crossbowmen, please commander Xia to take it in!"

"The Eighth Army of the Crossbowmen, willing to return to Commander Xia!"

"Melee Army 23rd Army, willing..."

All the flags and banners were put down, which means that they gave up their original identities and joined Xia Qingchen.

In the end, there were only four flags left, standing alone in the army.

The rest of the army, all betrayed from the cold, joined Xia Qingchen.

"I'm ordering you in the name of the high level of the Human Union, you must not arbitrarily leave the original legion, those who rebelled against the military commander, and cut!"

But no one birded him.

"That's the third gravekeeper among the grave guards, how is it like a crazy dog?"

"It was originally a mad dog. The demons all surrendered. Let us continue to fight. What do you mean this is not a mad dog?"

"How do the tomb-keepers do all these things? First let go of the commander of the demon, and in turn ask us to continue fighting with the demon."

"You said, are the tombkeepers colluding with the demon races!"

"It seems that this is possible! I don't know if you heard it just now. The Yinmo said that thanks to the information of the tomb-keeper, they already knew all about humans."

"Lying trough, really fake, the news is so powerful?"

"It's true, I heard it as well, as if the original words of Yinmo are like this: You are called Xia Qingchen, right? According to your human's nine guardians, your people are very good at combo, and they can beat a hundred. ,right?"

"I'm relying on it, really fake?"

"That is to say, that Jiu Shou tombman named Chenguang leaked human information to the Demon Race?"

"Absolutely! Or where would the Demon Clan inquire about Commander Xia's Lou Nan Army?"

"Damn a word, so to say, we were besieged by hundreds of millions of corpse demon worms at the beginning, because our information was all leaked?"

"It may only be so, otherwise you think about it, where does the Demon Clan know our troops are sent, and where does it go to learn that the weakest link is led by General Liu?"

"General Liu is the only guy in the defensive army who succeeded in becoming a general by virtue of his relationship. His ability is the most mediocre. This time the gap is the one he opened first!"

"Grass his grandma's! I said no wonder, so soon the gap was broken!"

"The Nine Shou Tombmen are definitely collused with the Demon Realm. The Tomb Slayer also declared to me that the Nine Shou Tombmen went to the Northern Xinjiang to go to work, and he went to the Mal Gobi to report to the Mozu. "

In order to cover up the shame of the dust captured by the tombkeepers, they lied about the other party's business.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be one of the culprits of the gravekeeper's doubts.

"I'm going! Dashou Tombman let go of the Demon Commander, Sanshou Tombman tried to let go of the surrendered Demon Race, Nine Shou Tombman and Mozu Ventilation reported! This...this...this..."

"God! From the top to the bottom, the tomb-keeper is colluding with the Demon Race!"

"It's a thunderbolt on a sunny day!"

"It's a miracle that we can survive to the present with the collusion between the high-level and the gravekeeper!"

"Miracle your sister! Think about it, can we live without Xia Qingchen? Is it mortal?"

"Yes! Without Commander Xia's ability to turn the tide, we will all be killed by the anti-skeletons of the tomb guard!"

The excitement of the crowd, combined with the events before and after, the people almost agreed that the tomb keeper was all bought by the devil.

The people of Sanshou Tomb were in a state of anxiety and quickly suppressed the momentum: "Whoever creates rumours will be dealt with by military law!"

The oppression of his tough posture not only did not work, but aroused more people's suspicion.

"Can I do it, but others can't say it?"


"Human traitor!"

"Get rid of the traitors and let them roll back to Linlang Island!"

"Go back, anti-bones!"

How spectacular are the millions of scoldings?

It was the tombs of the three guards who were so heartbroken that they were finally willing to put down their gestures and barely squeeze a smile of explanation: "You all misunderstood, I mean, there are some misunderstandings that are not known to outsiders."

"Hahaha! Listen, see, misunderstanding, not known to outsiders?"

"Simply say, we are colluding with the Devil Race, we are betraying mankind, but we will not say it!"

"Paranax, treat us all as fools! Get out!"

"What **** guards are all unreliable villains, but I still look forward to seeing you so much!"

"Oh, I heard that their performance on Linlang Island was even worse, and it was a shameful suppression of the young and powerful in the mainland."

"From now on, in the Human Alliance, I no longer admit to guarding the gravemen, my leader is Commander Xia!"

"Yes! Commander Xia should be the leader of the Human Alliance! A group of traitors to be human leaders is a joke!"

The three guardians were so anxious that their heads were sweaty.

Things are getting worse and worse, and going in a worse direction.

It was the Dashou tombmen who were solemn.

People's hearts are shaken and they have to be cautious.

Can't we be fearless because of the powerful guardians of the tombs?

Tomb keeper can't help them, can only watch them rampant, but the result? Losing popular support, he was caught by Xia Qingchen and killed a Jingguang.

In the end, even the four lords were unable to protect themselves and were pitted alive.

However, the Dashou Tombman has no ability to appease the many soldiers. His move to let go of the Demon Commander just now has made him lose the trust of the world.

"Xia Qingchen, take care of your people!" Dashou Tomb humane.

Xia Qingchen said with no expression on his face, "People just vent their hearts and minds. I can control their mouths, but they can't control their thoughts."

The eyes of the Dashou tomb squint narrowed, and he pressed the depth of his eyes according to his unbearable killing intention, saying: "Commander Xia, you will give us justice, and I will also give you justice."

The meaning of his words is very obscure, Xia Qingchen can understand.

The fairness of the anti-say should refer to the merit list.

It should be known that the power of evaluation of the merit list is in the hands of the messenger of the kingdom of God.

The source of intelligence for the messenger of the Kingdom of God is all the gravekeepers he trusts very much. If the big guardian of the graveyard does some tricks and deletes some merits from it, the messenger of the kingdom of God may not be affectionate.

Xia Qingchen wanted to regain the second place on the merit list, and the tombstone guard had to pass.

As a matter of fact, the grave keeper is unwilling, but, if this continues, the reputation of the grave keeper will be greatly reduced.

So I can only reach a deal with Xia Qingchen.

"It's best if you keep your promises." Xia Qingchen said, and then looked at the boiling army of millions, saying, "I am clear about you, the nine guardians of the grave."

"He was not colluding with the Demon Race, but was captured by the Demon Race, and he was forced to confess under the torture."

"Because he was guilty, he was already entangled in the realm of magic energy, and he was brave and righteous."

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