Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1789: Two-phase collusion

"Kill Xia Qingchen?" Emperor Dongyuan narrowed his eyes: "Why?"

The unspeakable gloom of Lin Lang Island's expression, combined with the obscured half of his cheeks, resembled the ghost of revenge crawling out of the grave.

"Why? Because Xia Qingchen **** it!" He suddenly raised his head, showing his fierce vicious eyes under his scattered gray hair: "You still treat me as your island owner, come over immediately!"

Dongyuan Emperor's eyelids flicked lightly and sighed secretly. Is this still the Lord of the Langlang Island in charge of the universe?

Isn't it already?

Beiyuan Jianzun also trembled in his heart and said, "Island Master, please return to the shore at this point. The general trend cannot be blocked by individuals."

Xia Qingchen is already the common respect of the mainland, the **** of the world, why should he insist on fighting against it?

In his view, the tomb-keepers today are all blamed, and they really can't blame others for Xia Qingchen.

"You are either on my side or on Xia Qingchen's side." The main eyes of Linlang Island were radiant, if you want to eat human beasts: "Stand on my side, you can live, stand on his side, you must die !"

The threat of Chiguo Guo made Emperor Dongyuan and Beiyuan Jianzun narrow their eyes.

If the owner of Linlang Island tells them well, they still care about their past sentiments and may stand in the middle.

Can be full of threats, making people feel disgusted.

Beiyuan Jianzun held the hilt and stroked across the air, drawing a long sword gas between the two of them, and said coldly: "When you left me, we are already decisive!"

When Lord Dongyuan thought of being abandoned by the silver flying boat and being killed by the Demon Race, he thought: "When you abandoned us and gave us to the Demon Race, you are no longer my island master! "

After finishing his speech, he also chose to draw clear boundaries.

"Hehe! Hehehe!" Dashou Tombman smiled, and grumbled sneer: "Even you betray me, good, good, good!!!"

His mouth was splashed with murderous air, and his eyes were like ghosts, full of murderous opportunities: "The first one I want to kill is you!!!"

The two Yuan masters murmured, and secretly troubled.

Being stared at by a tricky figure, um, is still a powerful character who is going crazy.

Emperor Dongyuan leaped to Xia Qingchen's side, his mouth lightly pumped: "Boy, I'm out for your sake, give me some cards, don't let me die too ugly."

Beiyuan Jianzun also cast Xia Qingchen's hopeful eyes. This kid always turned the eye-catching card in the most desperate time.

This time, it should be no exception?

Who knows, Xia Qingchen lightly smiled: "Don't you all see my hole cards? Nothing else."

A little fluke broke in the heart of Dongyuan Emperor's heart, and there was a deep wry smile in the corner of his mouth.

Yes, Xia Qingchen has already used it all in West Xinjiang. What more powerful cards can be used?

Beiyuan Jianzun laughed at himself: "Boy, I didn't expect that I will stand with you in the end."

At the beginning, their father and son never died with Xia Qingchen.

Unexpectedly, he eventually became a comrade-in-arms on the same front.

Xia Qingchen shrugged helplessly: "Fate fools people."

Beiyuan Jianzun took a deep breath and stared at the distant island owner from afar, saying: "Then you are ready to die, the island owner is crazy."

Xia Qingchen confronted calmly: "Is it?"

On the earth.

The curled up Yujia all boiled and cheered.

"Dark Moon collectively dispatched!"

"Hahaha! There is a dark moon in front and a shrine in the back. Our Yu family is already invincible!"

"The master of the house is a good man, and he has been planning ahead for a long time, and has prepared for today!"

"With the head of the family, my Yu family can stand for thousands of years!"

There was a smile on the face of the feather dragon, and he laughed in the sky: "Hahaha! I want to see, Xia Qingchen can do what I do!!"

Under the sky, two of the strongest forces, Dark Moon, Temple and Tingxuelou, stood on the side of the Yu family.

I would like to ask, who can be an enemy to them?

The soldiers were indignant, the strong family members were indignant, and the ordinary people were indignant!

"Damn! Even the dark moon came forward to protect the Yu family. Does the Yu family's sin need to be explained?"

"A dark organization, a bright organization, all protecting the Yu family at all costs, are we really unable to take them?"

"It's really unwilling!"

"Don't worry, the dark moon comes out of the nest, not necessarily for the Yu family."

"Yeah, what is the Yu family worth protecting at any cost from the two superpowers?"

But, Yuezun's words broke their fluke.

"The Yu Family is the key protection object of the Dark Moon, and those who are shot by the Yu Family will be chased and killed by the Dark Moon forever and ever, until the family is wiped out and will never be restored!"

The sensational words floated on the silent sky, causing many soldiers and strong family members to feel numb.

Yuezun means, to destroy the clan?

They have no doubts about Yuezun's words, let alone the ability of Dark Moon.

If Zhenyue is remembered, their wives, children, children, and children will all be assassinated by the dark moon.

Judging from the dark moon's past, once it is decided to hunt, no matter how long it has passed, it will not stop.

The longest hunt record lasted a full hundred years.

A young man was on the dark moon hunt and kill blacklist. He chose to hide wisely, but when he was old, he was still found by the persistent dark moon and assassinated successfully.

The young man was a very ordinary person, just a junior warrior, and he was a little talkative.

However, as long as you are on the Dark Moon Hunting Blacklist, no matter how common you are, Dark Moon will never forget and will continue to hunt down until it succeeds.

Their relatives and tribes may be able to hide temporarily, but they will be assassinated by Dark Moon sooner or later.

One year, two years and three years, and even thirty years later, they may still be assassinated.

They have to live in a nightmare of fear and anxiety throughout their lives, making it hard to breathe.

Thinking of such terrible consequences, the seven heavenly soldiers who supported Xia Qingchen in the sky were shaken.

The corner of Yuezun's mouth was slightly ticked, and his eyes were fixed on them: "Note the members of the seven heavenly regiments, don't miss one!"

Her request to name her surname, like a sword, penetrated the hearts of the seven soldiers.

A commander gritted his teeth and ashamedly gave Xia Qingchen a clenched fist: "God of War, I can only accompany you to this step. I still have wives, children, children, and dozens of people.

Xia Qingchen waved his hand: "Go!"

He has no resentment, no blame, no loss.

Because he is not qualified to ask people who have never met, to use the whole family and relatives to protect his safety.

It is commendable that the opponent can stand beside him and openly attack the temple. He is too late to thank him.

Looking at the soldiers in the rest of the sky group, many people's eyes changed, their faces were slightly stiff, and there were some composure. They looked okay, but in fact they were terrified.

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