Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1847: Star teacher

Xiao Qian is not slow: "But this is not Yaohui College, but the Star VIP Building!"

She pointed to the head of the bodyguard: "If the other party gathers to make trouble, use force, don't be polite!"

She couldn't wait for the female teacher to dare to do it. In that case, she could justify her revenge.

"Little Niangpi, you're upset!" The female teacher was so angry that she was stepped on the forehead by a front desk. She was about to do it immediately, but was pulled by the male teacher.

"Ms. Zhou, this is the end of the matter, hurry up." The male teacher's face was somber: "Without the room, should we continue to lose face?"

There are more and more people onlookers, and many insiders have even smiled gloating, just to watch them lively.

The female teacher Zhou surnamed was full of indignation and could only hold hatred, saying: "You all wait for me, this is not the end!"

She has a fiery temper, roaring with grievances.

Xiao Qianwei smiled and said, "Okay!"

The teachers and students of Yaohui College left without any anger.

Say Xia Qingchen.

After checking in a little bit, I found that the security measures here are indeed very good.

All the rooms are forged with special materials and are indestructible, that is, it is difficult for the powerful men of the moon to destroy the room.

As a result, the security of staying there is greatly improved.

In addition, as a special VIP, Xia Qingchen was guarded in the corridor, and any wind and wind could not hide their ears.

"It's no problem to put them both here." Xia Qingchen was relieved.

After thinking for a while, Xia Qingchen took out his identity document, and his eyes flashed lightly: "What's in my identity document, which made Director Chen's attitude change so much?"

He weighed the five silver coin purses, and then realized that it was not a gift from the Kingdom of God to the new residents.

It was a gift given by the lord himself.

"If you have a chance, you have to check your identity document to see what is written in it." Xia Qingchen touched her chin.

Putting the two girls on the bed to rest, Xia Qingchen began to search using the Skytron.

There is such a convenient thing as a telegraph, and many information need not be asked anymore, just search directly.

Xia Qingchen wrote six words in the box, "How to Go to God Capital".

One hundred million messages are immediately posted below!

Xia Qingchen hurriedly read the first message. After reading it, she looked slightly calmly at the second, third, and fourth articles.

In the end, after reading ten in a row, he looked dignified.

It turns out that God is not a place where he can go!

The God Capital is the political, cultural and economic center of the Kingdom of God and is extremely prosperous.

It is a place that the people of the whole kingdom yearn for!

However, not everyone can go.

The kingdom of God is too large for the imperial family to rule over one by one.

It divides the entire territory of the Kingdom of God into ten thousand regions.

In each area, a king is sealed, and the king is appointed to manage the area. The Kingdom of God collects taxes every year and sends troops to garrison. It is enough to ignore the rest.

A thousand areas around the **** capital, it is God who sent his own people as kings, belonging to the directly governed kingdom.

The people of the directly governed kingdom, by virtue of their identity documents, can freely travel through a thousand areas and enter the **** capital.

However, for the other nine thousand people of the land, they have no right to enter the God Capital.

Their identity document only restricts them to travel among the other nine thousand fields, but it is impossible for them to go.

Once you enter the capital without permission, that crime is a five-year start!

Moreover, God has checked the identity document very strictly. People on the road, inns, restaurants, shops, and police halls may appear at any time and place, asking you to check the identity document.

If there are any abnormalities, they will immediately be arrested and tortured.

Perhaps many people have thought about it, just go into the city and avoid the police hall.

But, in fact, the way to enter the God Capital completely eliminates this way.

Anyone who wants to enter God has only one way-teleportation!

Gods are closed, there is an ancient formation completely closed, no city gate, no sky, no underground.

No way to enter!

Only through the outside of the God Capital, a special formation enters.

And to use the formation method, you must first pass a level-identity check.

Those who fail to pass the inspection will be immediately rejected from using the teleportation array, and then handed over to the police hall for trial.

Because, even if you have not entered the God Capital, you are already in a thousand-state territory, and according to the law, you have surpassed the restricted area of ​​the Wentian without permission, and you must go to jail.

So if you want to mix in the **** capital, the possibility is zero.

However, the people of 9,000 land closures are not completely unable to enter.

There is only one way to apply for the Capital Entry Certificate if you want to enter the **** capital with the identity of nine thousand fiefs.

The entry permit, as the name implies, is a temporary permit to enter the **** capital.

Holding this card, you will be able to enter the God temporarily through the teleportation array and stay for a while.

The temporary duration is determined by the destination.

Such as visiting relatives, participating in martial arts discussions, business dealings and so on!

However, it is not easy to apply for admission card!

Shendu is the most prosperous place. In order to get a better life, many impoverished 9,000 people of land have entered Shendu under various names, and then moved to Tibet to earn a living in Goddu for a long time.

This kind of person severely divided the resources of the God Capital, causing strong dissatisfaction among the local residents.

Therefore, God doesn't issue certificates to ordinary people at all.

Only those who, in the eyes of God Metropolis, do not plan for God Capital resources, and do not have the tendency to become Heihu, will be issued with a city card.

There are four kinds of such people, one is a celebrity that is well-known in the country, one is a cutting-edge talent in all walks of life, and the other is a martial arts strongman.

The last one is displayed separately, that is, the star teacher!

In addition, it is necessary to have a teacher with a level of six stars or above in order to easily obtain the admission permit.

However, for the six-star teacher's admission permit, the time limit for temporary entry into Shendu is ten days.

The admission certificate for a seven-star teacher is one month!

The admission certificate for an eight-star teacher is three months!

A nine-star teacher's admission permit is one year!

Xia Qingchen is here and God is together with everyone. I am afraid that he has to wait for each other. Three months may not be able to wait for everyone.

I am afraid it will take a year to wait for them.

As for being a celebrity in the Kingdom of God, becoming a cutting-edge in the industry, and becoming a martial arts strongman, this is not a year of success.

Only the teacher, he has a little confidence.

After all, when it comes to the richness of learning, I am afraid that no one in the entire kingdom of God can compare with him.

And he has searched and wants to become a teacher, he must first accept the official assessment, and only after passing the assessment can he be qualified to be rated by a star teacher.

"I haven't been a teacher for a long time." Xia Qingchen couldn't help but smile slightly.

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