Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 798: Blatant rebellion

   "Yeah! Zhao Jinfeng trespassed into the barracks. General Zhao acted in accordance with the military regulations. There was no crossing, and he hoped the adults would investigate."

  Zhao Fei Mo's several confidants spoke one after another.

   Yang Zhong’s Mandarin has a long center of gravity and full of justice tone: “You can rest assured that the Supervision Hall will give you General Zhao an innocence, and now investigating her is also good for her.”

  What **** logic, maliciously arrested them General Zhao, and said it was good for her?

   But what made them even more unimaginable was that Yang Zhongguo took out another scroll and said: "The following people, etc., are brought back to the surveillance hall and subject to investigation, and they must not be disobeyed, otherwise they will be disobeyed and killed on the spot."


   Ten thousand monitoring troops immediately stepped forward and surrounded all high-ranking generals of the Northwest Army.

  The supervising army has the will from the vice-president. The generals of the Northwest Army do not dare to act rashly, and can only act by chance.

   "Chen Xinze, Huang Hurui, Lian Pengyao..." Every time Yang Zhongguo reads a name, the supervising army arrests one person.

  When one hundred names were pronounced, the high-level of the Northwest Army was almost arrested for more than half!

   Ten of them, Wan Xiaoqi, were arrested, seven were arrested, Qian Xiaoqi rided more than 50 people, and Bai Xiaoqi had more than 80 people.

  Familiar with the division of the Northwest Army's strength knows that all the people they catch are the confidants of the moths.

   Now I'm all blown away by one net!

  Zhao Fei Mo said calmly: "Yang Zhongguo, if you go back and do it, are you not afraid of Liang Wang knowing?"

   More than half of the Northwest Army's high-rise was captured by the Supervision Hall. Such a huge shock, could you hide the eyes and ears of Liang Wang?

  Yang Zhongguo chuckled, with pity in his eyes: "Our monitoring hall is the ears and eyes of the cool king, let's not say, how does the cool king know?"

   "You... you're too brave!" Zhao Fei Mo was only shocked.

  Don't the Supervision Hall rely on the Yu family, have they not put Liang King in their eyes?

  Dare to deceive Liang Wang!

  However, as Yang Zhongguo said, the only way for Liang Wang to understand the military palace was the supervision hall under his command.

  The Supervision Hall did not report to Liang Wang, he would not know that the high-level Northwest Army died.

  And the other nine palaces, who would offend Yu's family for a general to expose the incident here to Liang Wang?

   Yang Zhongguo smiled unscrupulously: "The words are too heavy, we are only doing our duty to share the worries for Liang Wang."

  Zhao Fei Mo grasped with five fingers, too dark!

  The Yu family is lawless in the cold environment!

   She has to endure, she must endure!

   "Take it away!" Yang Zhongguo waved his hand, but he did not evacuate because he had nothing to do.

"In addition, Xia Qingchen neglected his duties while performing tasks in the mine, resulting in the captain of the Qimeng League being captured by the enemy, causing great losses to both skills. Now I invite the members of the Yunlan Group to take a trip with us, accept survey."

   He even wanted to smash Xia Qingchen and Zhao Fei moth at the same time, and cut off the only left arm and right arm that supported the commander.

   "Bullshit!" Fang Cuihong was in the army and rebuked: "At that time, the enemy commander was hiding at the negotiating site, and if he did not take the hostages to retreat in time, not only our army is in danger, but the Ouyang leader may also suffer unexpectedly!"

   is clearly Xia Qingchen's observation and saving everyone, but when he came to the mouth of the monitoring hall, he became a big sin!

   Yang Zhongguo frowned, scolding: "Do you want to resist the purpose?"

   Fang Cuihong sneered: "I'm just stating the situation at that time, Master Superintendent is so anxious to impose on me the crime of resistance and non-compliance, is it guilty?"

   How can Yang Zhongguo have a little Qian Xiaoqi?

  If he had to capture her, prying out Xia Qingchen's evidence from his mouth, he was too lazy to say a word to this little ant.

   "To say one more sentence, treat it as disobedience and kill on the spot." Yang Zhongguo said indifferently.

   Fang Cuihong felt sorry for Xia Qingchen, and was really worthless for Xia Qingchen.

  He worked for the cold environment like this, creating a superb power, but he could not withstand the persecution of a villain.

   The end of Li Forestry is near, Xia Qingchen Yin Jian is not far away!

   She was sad, "Master Xia, you should leave the cold place!"

   Even though the cloud is the enemy, at least they appreciate Xia Qingchen's talents.

   Not like a cold place, strangle him in the dark!

   "Come on, Yunlan battle group Bai Xiaoqi has many disobediences, repeated teaching without change, kill on the spot!" Yang Zhongguo did not have time to talk nonsense with Xiao Xiao.

  Kill her one and deter the rest of the members of the Yunlan clan.

   But he underestimated the unity of the Yunlan clan, and even more underestimated the position of Xia Qingchen in their minds.

   "The traitor is in power, the sky is filthy, and I want to kill Fang Baixiaoqi, let's go through us first!" The hundred soldiers under her command immediately surrounded Fang Cuihong and spontaneously formed a circle formation.

   That's what they have been working on for a long time.

   Her spirit of Baixiaoqi quickly infected the rest of the members.

  If Xia Qingchen was persecuted, what would the significance of the Yunlan clan still exist?

   "The Yunlan clan can't be violated!" The rest of the 100 Xiaoqi riders formed a formation and waited.

   At this moment, Yang Zhongguo wanted to laugh.

  He had seen a team that could not control himself, but he had never seen such a soldier who could not control himself.

  A small team of thousands of Xiaoqi, dare to openly contend with the army of tens of thousands of people who monitor the temple?

  Not to mention the serious consequences of confrontation, can they just stand up to it?

   "I hit the stone with an egg!" Yang Zhongguo shook his head and laughed. He really couldn't figure out, where did the Yunlan clan destroy 50,000 enemies and hurt 100,000 enemies, don't they all boast fake information?

   However, since the Yunlan clan gave him an excuse to kill, why didn't he appreciate it?

   "Come on, Yunlan clan openly confronts the Supervision Hall, suspected of rebellion, killing on the spot, and one will not stay!" Yang Zhongguo was condescending.

   wipe out a Qian Xiaoqi, what is it to him?

   happens to be a revenge for Hanguida's finger pointing!

   "Rebellion is rebellion!" Fang Cuihong can be seen through, the supervision hall is to let the Yunlan clan disappear.

  Even if they did not react today, after falling into the prison, they still inevitably suffered from various kinds of torture, and it is better to die than to die.

   Rather than sitting still, it is better to leave the palace!

   "Kill!" Facing the rapid siege of a large army of tens of thousands, Fang Cuihong and other ten Bai Xiaoqi were calm and incompetent.

  Clan members also calmed down and followed Bai Xiaoqi to kill.

   But they faced hundreds of thousands of troops in the cloud, destroying 50,000 enemies and injuring 100,000 enemies.

   What is a 10,000 army?

  Yang Zhongguo was slightly stunned. Did the leaders of the Yunlan Group see the situation clearly? If they didn’t run at the moment, they still attacked head-on?

   "Being stupid!" Yang Zhongguo said: "The Yunlan clan blatantly rebelled, killing without amnesty!"

  The army of tens of thousands of people took out their strong crossbows and shot at Yunlan.

The    Yunlan clan is also equipped with powerful crossbows, but their number is one-tenth of the other party. Once they fight with the crossbows, they will only be destroyed quickly.

   Fortunately, the strong crossbow is just the conventional combat strength of the Yunlan battle group, the real combat strength is behind!

   "King formation!" Fang Cuihong exchanged a look with several Bai Xiaoqi, and immediately used the formation method to bounce.

  In an instant, a thousand people jumped to the sky.

   Tens of thousands of crossbows were caught off guard and all arrows were shot into the air.

  When they re-targeted the Yunlan battle group, the latter had already been lifted above Baizhang.

(End of this chapter)

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