Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 800: A group of stupid pigs

   Commander felt that something was wrong and said, "What about Zhao Fei Mo? What is she doing?"

   The face of the visitor turned white and said: "General Zhao was arrested by the Supervision Hall, and all seven Wan Xiaoqis under his command were arrested, so there was a riot with no talents and no restraints!"

   "Supervision Hall! You are looking for death!" Commander Bai Fa Zhang Yang shattered the case in front of him.

  Monitoring the group of wine bags that never lead soldiers to fight, where do you know how to use soldiers?

  A military area, from the highest commander to the subordinate generals, were almost arrested, and the middle and low generals were captured more than half.

   Such a behemoth army, without the command of the leader, if someone provokes, it would be strange not to riot!

   Which stupid thing made the decision made by the brain?

   "Convene the four major armies of the North Army, South Army, West Army, and East Army to send me to intercept!" the commander eagerly said.

  If it is not stopped in time, it will be a big disaster!

   said that Yang Zhongguo fled all the way back to the Supervision Hall with a pale complexion, his expression flustered.

   "Master Yang, the deputy palace lord is waiting for your reply." Supervising the patrol guards, when Yang Zhongguo returned, he smiled and said immediately.

   Yang Zhongguo's heart twitched and came to the main hall.

   In front of the main hall, he wandered again and again and dared not go in until there was a voice of dissatisfaction: "Do you want me to invite you in?"

  The deputy palace master sat at the top of the main hall and tasted tea slowly.

   Although his head was not lifted, he had already noticed the return of Yang Zhongguo, and he frowned when he saw that he was not reporting in.

  Yang Zhongguo had to bite the bullet and enter, bowing: "See the Vice-President."

  The deputy palace owner held the teacup and said leisurely: "Zhao Fei Mo and Xia Qingchen have been brought to court?"

   The former shook his head guilty: "Zhao Fei Mo has been brought to justice, but Xia Qingchen is not in the army."

   The deputy palace master nodded slightly, put down the teacup, and calmly said: "Zhao Fei Mo can be brought to the case, find a way to convict him..."

   He raised his head when he was talking, so he noticed the embarrassed appearance of the vice palace master, and could not help squinting: "You are..."

  Yang Zhongguo couldn't hide it, he quickly said: "Vice Palace Master, please dispatch the army of the Supervision Hall as soon as possible, the Northwest Army... The Northwest Army has rebelled and is attacking the Supervision Hall!"

   "What?" The deputy palace master was taken aback, suddenly got up and bumped into the case for a while.

   The tea cup was turned over on the spot, and the tea inside was spilled from it, soaking up a lot of paper copy on the table.

   "Rebellion? We must also attack the Palace of Supervision?" The deputy palace master was unbelievable: "This is a mutiny! What about Wan Xiaoqi of the Northwest Army? What do they eat, are they afraid of losing their heads?"

  Even if Zhao Feiguo was arrested, the Northwest Army had Wan Xiaoqi in charge.

   They actually let their soldiers riot, this is definitely a great sin of the Zhulian Nine!

   Yang Zhongguo ducked his eyes and said, "Everyone... is in the prison car."


   Vice-President of the Palace almost flashed away, pinched Yang Zhongguo's shoulders, his eyes widened: "You are telling me, did you catch them too?"

   He only ordered the arrest of Zhao Fei moth without moving those Wan Xiaoqi.

  Yang Zhongguo's shoulder was sore, and the pain was sore. He said: "It was Yu Guitian's order. He suggested taking this opportunity to wipe out Zhao Fei mo's heirs, so that he could quickly control the Northwest Army!"

   Listen, the deputy palace master punches in Yang Zhongguo's abdomen.


  Only heard a muffled sound, Yang Zhongguo was flying like a kite and smashed **** the wall.

  The eyes of the Vice-President of the palace were so angry that he yelled, "A bunch of stupid pigs!!"

  He was so angry that his chest kept rising and falling, and he couldn't believe how he would cooperate with such a person!

   It was the cold king who came in person, and he did not dare to take down all the middle and senior ranks of a military region in one breath, lest there would be a mutiny.

  Hui Guitian and Yang Zhongguo are bold and courageous, and dare to do such a thing!

   Sure enough, people who depend on the relationship are still too incompetent.


   Suddenly, there was a messy shouting in the distance, and the vice-lord was somber and watery, saying, "Immediately dispatch all the troops in the palace, and... please invite the lord!"

  The regular army monitoring the temple is only 30,000. Before this, Yang Zhongguo had been dispatched to 10,000, but now there are only 20,000 left.

   Moreover, the Army of the Supervision Hall is only responsible for the internal, never experienced large-scale wars and fighting.

   How is the opponent of the 100,000 Northwest Army?

   Can only invite the main palace palace to come and let him calm the war!

   It was just that when the palace master had asked him to show mercy to Li Linlin, he was dismissed by him. Now that the turmoil has occurred in the monitoring hall, he may not actively help.

  Supervision Hall is close to the military palace.

  The Northwest Army is so powerful that the military palace has no idea?

   In a garden, Jun Zhengshuo, the chief of the military palace, listened to the report of his subordinates, with a rude face, surging in blue muscles: "Monitor the temple, what you did!"

   Yesterday he warned the Vice-President, don’t go too far in everything.

   But the other party did not listen to their opinions, and even led to the mutiny of the Northwest Army, creating a riot that attacked the Palace of Supervision!

   "I'm going to see how the Supervisory Hall explained to the Cool King!" Jun Zhengshuo sneered, actually having some gloating in his heart.

   It is conceivable that when Liang Wang learns that the Supervision Hall will act arbitrarily, triggering the mutiny of the Northwest Army, how angry he will be.

   "In addition, if you come to the temple, tell them that the owner of the palace is not in the palace." Jun Zhengshuo said.

   as the palace master, if he came forward, he could naturally command the Northwest Army and quell the war.

   But why?

  Monitor the misfortune of the temple, and taste the evil yourself!

   Soon, the people who supervised the temple hurried over, and the result was conceivable.

  The Vice-Palace learned the news and looked very ugly: "Jun Zhengshuo!!"

  He was too late to anger Yu Zhengshuo and said, "Come here, be ready to fight! In addition, sign my flying crane."

   It is impossible for the monitoring hall to block 100,000 rebels, he is ready to escape.

   Upon seeing this, the high-level officials of the hall were preparing for the way back. Once the surveillance hall was breached, they set off and fled.

   "Kill!" The Northwest Army finally arrived.

  The twenty-thousand army of the monitoring hall hurried to fight.

   Probably, they never thought that one day they would face their own army of 100,000.

  , who had no psychological preparation, their combat effectiveness was conceivable, and they were all pressed down by their superiors to harden their scalps.

   However, war is about strength, and it is not courage to decide victory or defeat.

  The Northwest Army outperformed them in all respects, and the outcome of the battle was conceivable.

  The main force of the Supervision Hall is mainly defensive, and the courtyard wall of the Supervision Hall is closely guarded, and the courtyard wall is used as a cover to prepare for a protracted battle with the Northwest Army.

  However, the soldiers of the Northwest Army were baptized through the battlefield.

   Even if no one is commanding at this moment, the formation is slightly scattered, and they cooperate very well.

  Two Qianxiaoqi, dressed in silver armor, pushed ten long-range strong crossbows forward.

  The long-range crossbow is ten feet long and three feet high, and is pulled to the front by several monsters.

  Several Qianxiaoqi boarded the strong crossbow and inserted a giant arrow.

(End of this chapter)

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