Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 802: Refer to

     Jun Zhengshuo's old squint, immediately stepped forward, respectfully worshipped: "See Niseko!"

   The young man with a blue dress and long blue hair and a fair-faced and paper-faced face is not someone else. It is Liang Wang's second son, known as Niseko.

   brought him with him, was the master of the royal palace, and once appeared in the sword cliff holy place for the wedding of Yu Qingyang.

   His relationship with the Yu family is extraordinary.

  The long blue hair of Niseko dances with the wind, but his eyes are calm.

   He looked down at the devastated surveillance hall, the battlefield with corpses everywhere, and there was no trace of waves in his eyes: "The day after tomorrow is the father's birthday, but today the Northwest Army is changing."

  Whether it was the Northwest Army or Jun Zhengshuo, his expression calmed down slightly.

   This knot is really special.

   "Who gave you the courage?" Niseko looked down at the Northwest Army under his feet, his face severe.

  Jun Zhengshuo took a step forward and said, "Second son, the reason is to monitor the temple to reverse its actions and abuse it..."

   However, Niseko interrupted him mercilessly, saying with majesty: "For whatever reason, this is not a reason for mutiny! Soldiers, only obey!"

   heard the words, the Northwest Army generals laughed.

  Does the monitoring hall want to kill them, they still have to obey?

   Just ignited the Northwest Army returning to the hope of the military palace, and was immediately poured a pot of ice water.

  At the same time, the distant horseshoe rumbling.

  Looking up, the sky is golden and full of golden guards.

   In the cool environment, only one army is the golden armor, and that is the guard of the Liangwang Mansion.

  Most of the guards are controlled by Liang Wang himself, and several guards are controlled by his descendants.

  The Northwest Army general's complexion changed deeply, staring at the Golden Armor Guard at a loss.

  If you destroy the Supervision Hall, you can still be regarded as a famous division, and against the imperial guards, you will be against the cold environment, and you will be a complete treason.

   "The Northwest Army rebelled, the crime was terrible!" The second son announced in public that he was convicted of rebellion: "Ordinary soldiers surrendered their heads, and they were exempt from crime."

   With this remark, many soldiers changed their minds.

   Faced with the mighty Golden Guards, their fighting intentions quickly fell to zero.


  A war group killed by Qian Xiaoqi, immediately put down its blade and surrendered.

   led them, and the rest of the soldiers followed suit.

  Hundreds of thousands of troops quickly laid down their weapons and wanted to withdraw from this, not wanting to continue.

  Anyway, the Palace of Supervision has been almost destroyed by them, and the enemy has reported it.

  Bai Xiaoqi, Qian Xiaoqi and Wan Xiaoqi are not so good.

  The eyes of Niseko were cruel and said, "I wait for the general, lead the army to rebel, and sin is unforgivable! I don't want the Nine Clan to be destroyed.

  Wen Yan, Wan Xiaoqi, Qianxiaoqi and Baixiaoqi appeared ugly.

   Their ending must be a death sentence.

   However, the general trend is gone, and the soldiers no longer want to follow them to continue their rebellion.

   Moreover, if they continue to resist, they will only affect their own Nine.

   Therefore, the Golden Armored Guards effortlessly arrested all the rebellious generals, including Qiu Qiu and Zhang Lianxing who were Bai Xiaoqi.

   One person and one dog looked at each other, and the secret path was bad.

   They really did not expect that the second son actually came in person!

   And Niseko's so obvious favoritism to the monitoring hall, no, is a favoritism family.

  The Yu Family controlled the Supervision Hall and reversed the actions, which eventually led to the rebellion of the Northwest Army, but did not have to bear any responsibility.

   It's too dark!

   They did not resist, instead of being killed on the spot, it is better to wait and see their changes.

   "Press it all down!" Niseko said coldly.

After glancing at his eyes, he glared at Jun Zhengshuo and narrowed his eyes: "The Lord of the Military Palace, this is the end of the day, don't mention it to the father, otherwise, this world son can't guarantee whether your monarch's family can still Continue to control the military palace."

   Jun Zhengshuo's pupils shrank.

  If the rest of the world said this, he might not have put it in his heart yet, but Niseko is different.

   He is the most important son of Liang King. He has repeatedly revealed that he wants to make Ershi Zi the heir of Liang King.

  Now that the Liang King is in poor health, the wind of becoming the heir of the Second Child is becoming more and more popular.

  Unexpectedly, Liang Wang will announce soon.

   "The words of this son, do you understand?" Niseko stared at Jun Zhengshuo with a cold look.

  The latter pondered for a moment and said: "The old man can not report, but the Northwest Army has undergone a mutiny, such a major event, how to give Liang Wang an explanation?"

   This matter is too shocking, even if he does not report it, and there are countless people who follow, will pass into the ears of Liang King through various channels.

  How to explain then?

  The second son said lightly: "Account? What kind of account? The superior of the Northwest Army is Shi Yanhu? He is not strict with his subordinates, leading to the mutiny of the Northwest Army. Of course, he should be severely punished!"

  The palm of his hand said, "Deputy palace lord, Shi Yanhu is neglected in his duty, conniving at the army what crime should he commit?"

  The deputy palace lord calmly said: "Return to the second son, deprive him of the position of commander-in-chief, and refer to the supervision hall for trial and conviction."

   "What are you waiting for?" Niseko put his hands on his back: "Pass my order and capture Shi Yanhu!"


   The palace master was furious, upside down black and white, upside down black and white!

   Obviously the Supervision Hall triggered everything, and in the end the Supervision Hall had nothing but the crime of innocent Shi Yanhuding.

  Unfortunately, Niseko is in a position, and Jun Zhengshuo can't compete head-on.

   can only watch Shi Yanhu in jail!

   There was a deep desolation in his eyes, even though he was the master of the palace, there were too many people who could not.

  After all, Liangjing is the world of Liangwang and his heirs.

   He was just a courtier who served the cold king.

   "The subordinate leads the life!" The deputy lord of the palace raised his eyebrows and relaxed.

   was secretly surprised in his heart, that the Yu family's great energy actually pulled the two sons to their side.

  If it were not so, he was really escaping today.

   "The follow-up matters are handed over to you, seal the palace lord, you are responsible for supervision, and report the situation to me in a timely manner." Before he left, Niseko also inserted his confidant to seal the whole lord of the palace lord to guard Jun Zhengshuo from doing it.

  Just like this, a mutiny event that shook the cold, so quietly disappeared.

  Even if the cold king learned afterwards, he would only be enraged by Shi Yanhu who was not strict in his discipline.

   Liangzhou City, in a restaurant.

  Hui Guitian quietly listened to the changes of the moat, and couldn't help but sneer out loud: "Shi Yanhu, really treat yourself as a thing? As long as my Yu family is a little more serious, you can never lose your life!"

   "Now, Shi Yanhu, Zhao Fei moth and their relatives are all wiped out, Xia Qingchen, you must be trembling with fear now!" He was looking forward to seeing Xia Qingchen.

  He wanted to know how Xia Qingchen would be afraid of the huge power of the Yu family when he witnessed the drastic change of the moat army.

(End of this chapter)

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