Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 804: I'll lead

The six generals were asked to come and watch, that is, kill the chickens and show them to the monkeys, warning them to be honest.

That's it!

What made the six of them angry was that Yu Guitian was also invited to the scene!

He sat on the top seat in the top class, leaning Erlang's legs, leaning lazily on the Taishi chair, and behind him were several beautiful maidservants holding umbrellas to protect them from the rain.

What does this mean, need to say?

It is a warning to the world that Li Linlin died against the Yu family!

It is ridiculous and ridiculous that the treasoners sat there in good order, while the justice general who was loyal to the cold and exposed the darkness was waiting to be executed.

The extreme darkness seemed to suffocate the six generals' necks with one palm.

No one can avenge General Li, and no one can save him.

Because, even the King of Liangjing Future stood beside the Yu Family.

The general situation in the world is already clear. The Yu family is a taboo that no one can offend, and it will die immediately!

Today, the death of Li Forestry will surely sound the alarm for the whole Liangjing, and no one will dare to shake the Yu family for half a step.

It rains more.

Like crying for the fall of a generation of Zhongliang.

However, the time is ruthless, and did not stay for a while.

It's still noon!

Under the **** of many soldiers, a jailed officer boarded the jailed platform.

"Bring the prisoner Li Linlin!" Jian Jianguan said with dignity. There was no long-term lord who was chased and killed by the Northwest Army yesterday. Some of them were re-condensed.

It is Yang Zhongguo who took Li Linlin to the guillotine in one hand.

Under the **** of the four guards, Li Forestry was carrying shackles, and his hands and feet were heavy chains, making it very difficult for him to move his steps.

In fact, you don't need to beware of him at all.

Because his body has been severely tortured in successive days, tortured into a human form.

The former General Dongzheng, who was so vigorous in the past, had long since refused to be traced, and was replaced by a blood-scarred, swollen, old man who stumbled upon walking.

Not seen for a few days, Li Forestry seems to be twenty years old.

Seeing this scene, the six fellow generals bowed their heads sadly, and some tears rolled in their eyes.

"The prisoner was taken to power." Yang Zhongguo said indifferently, his face apathetic.

Li Linlin was escorted to the stage and knelt down. A bowl of wine was placed in front of him. The boundless rain slammed into the bowl and splashed all over.

The decapitated wine is the last bowl of wine in the life of every executioner.

The hand picked up the wine bowl and gave Li Linlin a drink.

Perhaps Li Lin, who was too hungry and had turbid eyes and lost his eyes, was swept away.

That expression, that posture, was extremely downcast, extremely desolate.

Yang Zhongguo raised a sneer in the corner of his mouth, knowing why it was today?

He said in earnest: "Prison Li Linlin, do you want to say anything before you die?"

Li Forestry turned his head and looked at the behind him on the stage. Yang Zhongguo, who was on the top of the table, had lost his gaze, and finally had some focus.

But he didn't speak, just stared straight at Yang Zhongguo.

Like a dying soul, remember him firmly so that he can return to seek revenge after death.

Yang Zhongguo was not afraid, and said with a smile: "General Li, you can't blame me. After all, I am doing things impartially. You should blame yourself. Why do you make a big mistake."

He raised his hand and slowly pulled out a command arrow, ready to throw it out.

But Li Linlin's lips wriggled suddenly, as if to say something, his voice was extremely subtle.

Yang Zhongguo frowned: "What are you talking about?"

Indistinctly, he seemed to hear Li Forestry say the word "secret".

Could it be that he wanted to tell him a secret before he died?

After a little deep contemplation, Yang Zhongguo came to him and listened closely: "You say it again."


Suddenly, Li Linlin's eyes suddenly became fierce. He opened his mouth and sprayed with a spit of wine and water, spraying Yang Zhongguo's face.

The latter knows that he is fooled.

He wiped off the liquid on his face with a blank expression, staring at Li Forestry three breaths quietly, and suddenly raised his palm and slammed it on his face.

His expression became quite untidy, and he roared back to the front of the case, grabbed a lingering arrow and threw it on the ground, somberly: "Execution!"

Li Forestry was not afraid, and looked up to the heavens: "Willing to kill thieves, unable to return to heaven! If there is an afterlife, never be a cold man!"

Outside the execution ground, howling and crying came.

He heard that it was his only five sons left.

With tears in his eyes, Li Linlin raised his voice and said, "My son, you can only bleed and not cry!"

"Yes, father..." Five griefs that couldn't be stopped emphasized outside the execution ground.

Li Linlin closed his eyes, forbearing tears, and shouted to heaven: "Take my body and be buried in the ancestral tomb. Ru and his five brothers will resign from the military, and they will be hidden in the mountains and forests. Be ordinary people. "

An ancestor sacrificed his life for the country, a battle where all five of his sons died, and the last general of a century-old celebrity family whose dying legacy was to make future generations no longer loyal to the cold.

How sad and sad is that?

No more sorrow than death, he is no longer disappointed with the cold, but despair.

"Just follow my father's will." The descendants of the Li family outside the execution line could not help crying after all.

The Li family filled the door for the country, but ended up sadly withdrawing.

Numerous bystanders outside the execution ground were filled with indignation, but they could not be stopped.

Because the hand of the gentleman had raised a big knife, and cut it hard against Li Linlin's neck.

Yu Guitian leisurely picked up a peanut and threw it into his mouth, looking at Li Linlin who was about to land.

As for the resistance outside the execution ground, he was deaf.

Why do you care about the voice of a group of ants?

However, at the moment when Li Linlin's head was about to land, the hand of the slave suddenly shivered and then shivered with foam at the mouth and fell to the ground.

The sharp steel knife fell to the ground and inserted into the hard slate.

Yang Zhongguo's eyes flashed and shouted: "Someone robs the court!"


From the backstage of the execution ground, a series of golden armor guards immediately flooded out, all of which were the guards controlled by the second son.

Dispatched here today is to prevent someone from stealing Li Forestry.

"Robbery? You think too much, I just came to lead people!"


The sky, the heavy rain suddenly stopped.

However, it wasn't raining and the weather was clear, on the contrary, the sky was darker.

Everyone looked up and found out that a strange giant bird was coming to the sky somehow.

They are huge and each one is like a mountain!

Twenty whole, flying side by side, forming a sun-shadowing tendency, only to stop the pouring rain!

Yang Zhongguo recognized it at a glance and was surprised: "Little Kunpeng?"

Kunpeng is a legendary bird. It is said that it spreads its wings for thousands of miles and is endless.

And Xiao Kunpeng is an ancient bird with Kunpeng blood veins.

It is huge in size, like a mountain, flying thousands of miles, it can cross the cold north and south in just one day.

There are only fifty birds in this cold environment.

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