Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 816: Elixir of Medicine Hall

   said, put the mace on the table.

   Unexpectedly, Xia Qingchen didn't see it. He flicked it and swept it down to the ground, saying lightly: "Don't put the garbage beside me, I'm not a garbage basket!"

  Are a fang, he is not rare.

   This person is good, just gave Xia Qingchen, not only withdraw but also wickedly face each other, saying that he does not **** and look in the mirror.

   Now seeing Xia Qingchen not only survived the crisis, but also promoted Wan Xiaoqi, and received the attention of the Cool King, and took this broken wolf tooth.

   Xia Qingchen has a good attitude, it is strange!

  The game and procrastination picked up the wolf teeth, and in the eyes of the guests scorned and smirked, they talked back to the table.

  Not only did he not please the Yu family, but he also formed a beam with Xia Qingchen. It can be said that Zhu Bajie looked in the mirror, and both ends were human.

   "Xia Gongzi, congratulations on adding a new official to the prince." Jun Zhengshuo, the third son of the military palace, filled his eyes with comfort: "However, with Xia Gongzi's ability, Wan Xiaoqi is still wronging you too."

   Evening, the first swordsmen all think that they are not as good as a general, all of them are talented, let alone Wan Xiaoqi?

   Beside him is Jun Ruyin and Jun Yaolan. The two female crystal eyes earnestly looked at Xia Qingchen and flashed their satisfaction from time to time.

   No matter in appearance or temperament, it is a dragon among people, which is really rare.

   "Xia Qianxiaoqi, the battle of the mine, you have great success. When the birthday banquet is over, I will set up a small banquet to celebrate for you." Jun Ruyin said with a smile.

   Jun Yaolan's eyes flashed a sense of competition, tenderly said: "I recruited an exotic sound band from outside the country. If Xia Qianxiaoqi is interested, come to my mansion and let them play for you?"

   Xia Qingchen nodded indifferently: "I am in good hands with the kindness of the two ladies, but the military affairs are busy and there is no chance, please forgive me."

   This is a very gentle rejection.

   The eyes of the two women passed a trace of disappointment. At first, the gift was given to the other party without a penny. Now they personally invite each other, but the other party still does not appreciate it.

   This person is really difficult to invite!

   "Okay, we have a chance to get together again." The two women said politely.

   Seeing that the two sisters were rejected, Jun Zhengshuo was very self-aware and did not join in, sighing, "That Xia Gongzi is busy first, we will meet again."

  Who knows, Xia Qingchen said, "Stay with the three sons! If you don't want to give up, let's drink two glasses together."


   Jun Zhengshuo couldn’t believe his ears a little. Both sisters didn’t give Xia Qingchen a little face, but he only invited him to drink?

   And Jun Ruyin's two sisters, their steps were stagnant. Although they did not look back, they could imagine that their mood was complicated.

  When Xia Qingchen was alone and missed, only Jun Zhengshuo respected him.

   They did not know Xia Qingchen!

   Xia Qingchen is now treated differently, not to blame others, but to blame themselves.

  Jun Zhengshuo sat down excitedly, a little nervous, and said: "Since Mr. Xia Meng doesn't give up, I'll do it first!"

   said it was a drink.

   The guests around were able to see this scene, and they were shocked. How come the three heirs of the military palace are proud to be close to Xia Qingchen?

   This is Xia Qingchen's position, is it a big difference from them?

   Where will they know that Xia Qingchen is more than a simple Wan Xiaoqi?

   He has another identity-sword fairy on the ground!

   Xia Qingchen said: "Is there anything I need to do?"

  He didn't want to owe humanity for too long.

  Jun Zhengshuo was about to be polite, and suddenly remembered something, saying, "There is indeed something that wants to trouble Xia Gongzi."

   "Please say." Xia Qingchen said.

  Jun Zhengshuo said: "It's true not to hide. The chess game will start in a few months. I want Xia Gongzi to take action."

   "I am not necessarily eligible to participate in the fairy devil chess game." Xia Qingchen said.

   He knew this game, but after the new mine appeared, the two sides fought to resolve the war.

   And the contestants are mainly the first geniuses of the sky and sky in 108 domains.

   Although Xia Qingchen is the first young strong in Tianyueling, he did not participate in the Tianyue Skywalking and is not included in this list.

   "Xia Gongzi did not know, the previous fairy devil chess game often has a second competition, and the second competition requires the dispatch of 108 people."

   So it turned out.

   Xia Qingchen said first: "Yes, if I have enough time, I can go to a battle."

  This battle can not only return human feelings, but also get quite generous merit awards for merit.

   is now.

   An attendant came from the hall and shouted: "Xia Qingchen, Liang Wang has a call!"

   heard the words, everyone cast their envious eyes.

   It seems that Xia Qingchen really wants to be rewarded by Liang King.

   Xia Qingchen entered the hall, looking at the golden sedan chair, surprised in his heart, and bowed: "See the Cool King."

   Both sides of the palace master looked at Xia Qingchen.

   A Qian Xiaoqi, can actually achieve such a magnificent achievement, is really incredible.

   "You, Xia Qingchen?" Jin Jiazhong shot two eyes that seemed to be materialized, as if to see Xia Qingchen through.

   Xia Qingchen was expressionless and said, "Yes."

   "Well, a list of talents." Liang Wang glanced back and applauded: "Sit."

   After hearing the words, the palace masters felt a great shock.

   What is the status of everyone present and what is the status of Xia Qingchen?

  Where are the qualifications to sit with them?

  Even if Xia Qingchen made a miraculous battle, what then?

   Rules are rules, how can they be easily surpassed?

   However, after careful consideration, they gradually understood the purpose of Liang Wang.

  Relying solely on the merits of war, Xia Qingchen is certainly not qualified to sit here.

   really allowed him to sit here, because he beheaded Yu Guitian at the entrance of Yufu!

  The cool king's high-profile favor is to warn the Yu family not to do anything else, otherwise the Yu family will die in vain!

   "Thank you!" Xia Qingchentai sat, but did not feel any honor.

  The cool king said again: "Today is the day of the king's birthday. Only the unhappiness of the princes has been revealed for a while. Here come, the three grand masters of the medicine hall."

   The appearance of the palace masters on both sides changed slightly, and he looked forward to looking forward.

   They have long heard that the Medicine Hall is preparing to refine a mysterious quasi-elixir, Gu Ling Dan, for the King's birthday feast.

   This dan is extremely old and has long been lost in the world.

  The Hall of Medicine was inadvertently discovered from a ruin. After years of groping, it finally came together with a precious formula.

   This panacea has only one effect, which is to allow the swallower to recall part of the memory of the bloodline ancestors.

What kind of person is the ancestor of King Liang?

   A superpower who created eight swords flying together!

   as his descendant, Liang Wang's attainment in flying with eight swords is far inferior to that of his ancestors.

  If you can recall the precious memories of the ancestors who practiced the eight swords flying together, one can imagine their cultivation effect.

   Even if you are lucky, you can still know how the ancestors created the eight swords flying together.

  Because of the legend, the Eight Swords Qifei was not created by the ancestors of the Cool King, but was given by a god.

   It's just that this legend is too vague and unbelievable.

   And the cold king held a banquet this time, to a large extent, it was the ancient spirit pill from the medicine hall.

   (Tomorrow starting to make changes, the number is uncertain)

(End of this chapter)

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