Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 841: Chicken dog

Xia Qingchen forgave him.

"Princess Xia." Yun Shu and Princess Tianyin walked quickly. Unlike Ouyang Zhen, they knelt on one knee and bowed down.

Xia Qingchen waved his sleeves, and a gentle force lifted them up: "All of them are old people, don't have to do this gift."

At this moment, Master Yinhui leaned quietly against the wall of the Jin Luang Temple and sneaked out.

Ouyang Zhen noticed this scene and was going to chase forward, but Xia Qingchen reached out and stopped: "A little bug, don't care."

"But he..." Ouyang Zhen said.

Xia Qingchen shook his head and said, "I will handle it myself."

So, Ouyang Zhen gave up, but she didn't understand very much, how could Xia Qingchen let Master Yinhui escape?

Letting this person go is absolutely a return to the mountains.

Qiu Qiu also ran over, and the dog's eyes suspiciously said: "I heard you say Xia Qingchen's wife when he was outside the palace. Who is that?"

As soon as this remark came out, Jin Luan Dian immediately died, and no one dared to speak.

Today Xia Qingchen is like a myth of martial arts in the Principality of Shenxiu. Who dares to take advantage of him?

Yun Shu also appeared in a panic, hesitating to kneel down again: "Son, Xia, just now the expedient measure, I made a false statement that the Queen is your wife, and I want to use this to eliminate the wrongdoing of the criminals against the Queen."

"This matter has nothing to do with Huangmei. If you are punished, please punish me." Crown Prince Yunshu was in front of Princess Tianyin, very worried.

Tianyin Princess gave Xia Qingchen no good impression.

Xia Qingchen looked up at Princess Tianyin. Compared with the uneasiness of Yunshu, Princess Tianyin was more self-deprecating.

The person she didn't look down on at that time, now she doesn't even qualify to claim to be his wife!

The speed of change in the world is unacceptable!

"Oh." Xia Qingchen gave a soft whisper, and did not pursue it, but asked in detail about the current situation of the principality of Shenxiu.

Prince Yunshu breathed a sigh of relief, and Xia Qingchen's heart was generous in the end.

But only Tianyin Princess understood that Xia Qingchen did not pursue it, not because of generosity, but... in his eyes, she could not be seen at all.

In Xia Qingchen's eyes, she is too small to be worth considering!

Prince Yunshu gave a detailed introduction to the present situation of the Principality of Shenxiu.

After occupying the Northern Kingdom, the power of the Shenxiu Principality grew rapidly, rising overnight to become the strongest Principality among the ten.

The time that Yinhui occupied the martial arts palace is still short, and has not caused substantial damage to the Principality of Shenxiu.

"Xia Gongzi, Yinhui's power is very strong, you better not face it alone." Yunshu Prince said seriously.

No matter how strong personal force is, they are no match for thousands of troops.

Xia Qingchen replied: "Should they let them take away my 100,000 young women in the Principality of Shenxiu?"

In fact, Xia Qingchen knew better that Yin Hui asked so many women not for pleasure, but for plundering population resources.

If a domain wants to be strong, it must have a steady stream of talented warriors.

Only the best mother in Wumai can give birth to a newborn with good qualifications.

Yinhui is doing this like no other way!

Unsurprisingly, a similar scene not only occurred in the Principality of Shenxiu, but all the places occupied by Yinhui Lake were plundering outstanding young female disciples.

In the future, Yinhui Lake will be able to give birth to countless other highly qualified warriors. In contrast, Tianyueling, because of the lack of excellent women, will produce fewer and fewer outstanding offspring.

In such a continuous evil cycle, for up to hundreds of years, Tianyueling will be degraded without even decent talent, and martial arts will decline completely.

The viciousness of Yinhui Lake is evident!

"However, Master Xia, you are alone, it is difficult to compete with Yinhui!" Yun Shu worried.

Qiu Qiu grinned: "Prince Yunshu, don't you understand Master Chen by now? Mo said that a little Yinhui means that one hundred can be extinguished."

This remark was heard in the ears of Crown Prince Yunshu, of course, it was an exaggeration.

Even Ouyang Zhen did not take it seriously, and solemnly said: "Yes, Brother Xia, let's think long."

Xia Qingchen talked for a long time and said: "I have understood the situation, Yunshu, continue to protect the Principality of Shenxiu. If there is a future, I will come back."

This time, he didn't know what year and month he would return.

Yun Shu felt sour in his heart, clenched his fists and said, "Give him Xia Gongzi!"

Manchu culture and martial arts bowed: "Send Senior Xia!"

Ouyang Zhen also sighed helplessly and clenched his fist: "Go all the way!"

Xia Qingchen nodded his head, pulled his backhand, and broke his sword out of the air.

Lian Xing and Qiu Qiu jumped up immediately, Xia Qingchen jumped up and jumped onto the sword head, clenching fists: "There will be a period."

Then Jian Jian swished out, turned into a shock, disappeared to the horizon in an instant.

"Ah! Fly... fly away!!!"

"God! That's God!!"

"God, we have a **** out of the Principality of God Show!!"


The cultural relics of the Manchu Dynasty were all frightened, and they all knelt down and knocked on their heads: "Congratulations to Xia Shenming!"

Both Yunshu and Tianyin were so frightened that their legs softened and knelt on the ground, murmured: "Xia Qingchen...becomes...becomes a god?"

Only Ouyang Zhen from Zhongling knows that it is not only the gods who can escape from the world, as long as they reach the mid-month position.

However, this still shocked Ouyang Zhen.

In Jin Luan Hall, the voice of excitement continued for a long time, and then the **** and maidservants in the palace also knelt and knelt excitedly.

Then came the Imperial City, wherever it passed.

History of the Principality of Shenxiu, April of the first year.

A deity passed through the Principality and caused the Principality to shake and worship the nation.

Say Xia Qingchen.

He freely controlled the broken sword flight for half an hour.

On the way to January, he finally cultivated "The Real Sword" to complete consummation.

From the initial flight of the sword, there was only ten breaths, and now it can last for half an hour.

Although it cannot be compared with the real mid-month position, it is extremely rare.

"Master Ye, why don't you grab this kid?" Qiu Qiu lay on the broken sword, and the dog looked down.

On the ground, Master Yinhui didn't even know they were following a broken sword above their heads, and they were rushing towards the former Wudao Tiangong.

"Why should I catch?" Xia Qingchen said indifferently: "Isn't it good to follow him to find Yinhui?"

Lian Xing heard the murderous intention in Xia Qingchen's words and said, "Xia Lang, you are here to mediate and wantonly kill Yinhui's people, fearing that they will lose control."

Xia Qingchen said lightly: "It's under the premise that someone knows how to handle people."

Hearing this, Lian Xing opened her mouth.

Xia Qingchen means that chickens and dogs do not stay!

She tilted her head and looked at Xia Qingchen's back, pursing her mouth, "Xia Lang seems to be cold."

Xia Qingchen in the past was not so cruel.

"However, I like it." Lian Xing smiled and hugged Xia Qingchen from the back, his whole body sticking to his back: "I like Xia Lang most like me."

Xia Qingchen was caught off guard, Xing Li was shocked, and his sword broke out of control.

"Smelly girl, let go, the sword is shaking!"

"Godfuck, I'm going to fall!"

"Ah... I can't spare you..."

The voice of hatred and despair reverberates in the sky...

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