Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 855: Be guilty of death

   But who knew that it was about to be thrown out, a broken sword hurriedly flew over, and cut off the left hand arm of Lord Sword Cliff.

   The arm fell next to the Sword Lord Saint Cliff. Sword Lord Shriek could not help feeling the pain of the arm, and the exploding nirvana exploded on the spot.

   Xia Qingchen was not slow or slow, with a little sole on the sole of the foot, centered on the Holy Land of Sword Cliff, a square foot of the ground sank violently to a depth of five feet.


   A ray of fire rose into the sky with thick white smoke, and swept through the blazing heat waves, erupting in the cellar.

   The entire cellar was also shaken violently by the shaking of the ground, and the hero building above was swaying endlessly, and the soil continued to fall.

   This shock almost collapsed the cellar!

   This is still the case outside, not to mention inside the deep pit.

   When the smoke spread, Xia Qingchen came to the deep pit and looked down.

   A man who was so hot that he was left with bones and scorched meat, had a broken stomach, half buried in a deep pit and groaning painfully.

   has completely broken his hands and feet, and has suffered fatal injuries in many places, and has been unable to survive.

   "Kill me..." The holy Lord of Jianya begged hoarsely.

   Death is not the most painful way, because life is better than death!

   This is the case with Lord Sword Cliff. The burning pain on the body surface, the pain of broken bones, and the pain of intestinal erosion are all in one.

   Moreover, Lord Sword Cliff is a strong star, and he will not die for a while!

   Xia Qingchen's eyes were indifferent and said, "The more pain you take, the more the souls of death that are implicated in you will rest in peace."

   He retreated silently and came to many women.

   looked up at the stunned Bai Jing, Xia Qingchen's finger waved, and the broken sword cut off all the shackles on his body.

   "Xia... Brother?" Bai Jing felt like a dream.

   Xia Qingchen smiled faintly: "If you are well, I will rest assured."

   He galloped from the Nebula Sect all the way, and finally caught up.

  Bai Jing felt a tremor in his heart, and his eyes overflowed with fog: "Are you here for me?"

   Xia Qingchen smiled and asked, "Is there any injury on my body?"

   Bai Jing wiped her tears and shook her head: "That's not true. Yinhui Lake wants to sell us a high price, of course it won't hurt us."

   "Well, then lead these women to come out with me." Xia Qingchen said.

   Bai Jing immediately said, "Sisters, this is my brother, Xia Qingchen! He is here to save us today!"

  One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

   With this remark, all the overwhelmed women boiled in shock.

   "Which Xia Qingchen? Beat Yu Qingyang, the world's first Xia Qingchen?"

   "No! Can I even see him?"

   "Gosh! Only half a year, Xia Qingchen's strength has surpassed a holy lord?"

   "Master Xia, please be rescued. If you don't want to give up, the little girl would like to follow him for life!"

   Bai Jing's forehead jumped straight and stopped in front of them, staring at them fiercely: "Don't have daydreams, just stand by me and wait for Brother Xia to give orders!"

   One by one, shamelessly, even want to make a promise?

   She didn't dare to have this kind of thought!

   "Master Xia, there are still a few people in Yinhui Lake, how to deal with it? Do I need to be taken as a hostage?" Bai Jing asked.

  Several Yinhui Lake personnel guarding them in the cellar had no time to escape and was surrounded by a group of women.

   Bai Jingxin said that so many of them collectively left the hero building, the goal is very large, and it is easy to be noticed.

   These Yinhui Lake personnel can barely be taken as hostages.

   Xia Qingchen said: "I don't need it, I will take you away with fairness."

   Bai Jing stunned, but here is the headquarters of Yinhui Lake invading Tianyueling, masters are like clouds!

   The three masters who overcame the cloud and Buddha were sitting here.

  Are there any misunderstandings about Xia Qingchen's situation on the hero building?


   Xia Qingchen had opened the cellar door, and Bai Jing had to gritt her teeth, leading all the women to keep up.

   She is ready for a desperate battle!

  A group of people came to the ground one after another, but outside the hero building, there were already soldiers of Yinhui Lake.

   How did the huge shock of Fang Cai be able to hide the Yinhui Lake Powerhouse?

Among the comers, there are even five lunar powerhouses who exude an unmatched aura of oppression.

   The other big and middle star powerhouses abound, and they surrounded the Hero Tower.

  Mo said tens of thousands of women, even a fly can't fly away.

   "Who let you come out?" An elder lunar powerhouse yelled arrogantly.

   Many women are silent, no one dares to respond.

   "Speak!" The elders of Moonworld looked at them like a sharp cold knife, piercing their hearts.

   At this time, Xia Qingchen's indifferent voice came from the upstairs of the hero upstairs: "Call you the highest power in Yinhui Lake."

  The elder of the Moon Realm, with cold eyes, stepped onto the Hero Tower and climbed up quickly.

   When he reached the highest floor where Xia Qingchen was located, he saw a young man dressed in a silver-like silver coat, leaning against the railing and looking sideways toward the dark sky.

   Old Moon Moon snorted, turned over and jumped into the building, his eyes revealed the killer: "Your guts, dare to come to Yinhui Lake for destruction?"

   Xia Qingchen still looked at the sky and said indifferently: "Are you the highest power in Yinhui Lake?"

   "Of course not, but why do you need three masters to kill you?" The elder of the Moon Realm gathers a trace of beating power, that is the power of the deadly Moon Realm!

   Xia Qingchen's expression is also like the quiet night sky calm: "Since it is not, then go, let the three heads come!"

Ha ha!

   Old man in the moonlight smirked: "Your Excellency did not take the old man's eyes at all!"

   In front of a moon-level strong man, even let him get away, I really don't know where this young man's confidence came from!

  He didn't want to spend much more time talking about it, and stepped forward to prepare for the result.

   Xia Qingchen undertook an understatement, a golden flag flew from the sleeve, and faced the moon elder.

  The latter raised his hand and grabbed the flag in his palm.

   was surprised in his heart. The object seemed familiar, so he couldn't help picking it up. As a result, his face looked comfortable.

   "Jinggong Tianhuang Commanding Banner!" All the strength of the moonland shattered when the elders of the moonland were frightened.

The command flag of    Military Palace is only issued to one kind of people-those who go out to perform tasks.

   And the flags have different levels according to the color. Among them, the sky yellow flags are the most distinguished and represent extremely high weights.

   "You... are you a mediator, Xia Qingchen?" The elder of the Moon Realm suddenly realized something and was horrified.

  In Tianyueling, who is holding the Tianhuang commander, who else can be besides the legendary mediator?

   "So, don't you roll yet?" Xia Qingchen sucked in the palm of her hand and took back the Tianhuang Lingqi.

  The elder of the Moon Realm hurriedly bowed, and quickly said: "Under the eyes, I don't know Taishan, and I don't know if the mediator is here, and I should be guilty of death!"

   said, quickly exited the hero building.

(End of this chapter)

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