Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 863: huge difference

   The true strong will not be gloating, but will only forge ahead because of his opponent's strength.

   What about Luo Narcissus?

   was born out of gloating and contempt because there were other peers better than Xia Qingchen.

   This kind of person can't see the good attitude of others, and it's easy to grow up to be a strong one.

   "If I were Xia Qingchen, I would probably be embarrassed to show up." Luo Narcissus smirked with his hands behind his back.

   The pomegranate fairy's eyebrows were so old that Qiongbi hummed: "Did Brother Qingchen do something wrong? Why do you say that?"

  What she saw in her plain eyes was that Xia Qingchen became the mediator, and thousands of miles hurried back to help Tianyueling.

  I don't know how many times stronger than the madman's sword flow that is not heard from home.

  Why did you not only get the approval, but was mocked by the elder sister?

  Luo Narcissus bent down, looked straight at her, and said seriously: "I know you like Xia Qingchen, but I did not make a mistake! After all, it is a mission to save us, not a mediator."

   "I think, the mission is here, Xia Qingchen is faceless, haven't you seen him for so long?"

  Pomegranate immortal clenched his fist, inexplicable grievances and sadness in his heart, stubbornly said: "No! Brother Qingchen will definitely appear, I believe him."

  Luo Narcissus patted her head and shook her head and smiled, "You still don't understand men."

   "Xia Qingchen returned as a mediator, I think it was holding Guangzong Yaozu's mind? But halfway out of a mission that made him lose his color, he felt inferior, how dare to show up?"

   "I guess he should have gone back to Liangzhou City now, and he hasn't seen his face again for a long time."

  Pomegranate Xian's big eyes were filled with mist, and he couldn't help wiping his eyes: "Brother Qingchen is not such a person, no!"

  Luo Narcissus loved to wipe her tears, as the eldest sister Dun Dun taught: "Pomegranate, you are still young, do not understand people."

   "When you reach the age of your elder sister, I will understand that Xia Qingchen is an ordinary person, and at best it is better than ordinary people."

   "It's just that you are in your own mind, making his illusion too perfect."

   Wen Yan said, Pomegranate Immortal still holds a small fist, stubbornly believes that Xia Qingchen is not an ordinary person.

   "Ancestor, Xia Qingchen has gone?" In the other corner, the juniors of Gongliang's family were also asking around Gongliang's ancestor.

   is most concerned about Xia Qingchen, Gong Liangyun.

  She wondered: "Why did Xia Qingchen go!"

  The ancestor of Gongliang reiterated the meaning of Xia Qingchen: "The meeting is too short, it is better not to see."

  Luo Narcissus, who listened to this remark, touched the corner of his mouth gently, and touched the head of Pomegranate Immortal, saying, "Sister Sister is right."

   "Xia Qingchen looked at us facelessly, so she left in a huff."

   This time, the pomegranate immortal finally couldn't bear the bitterness in his heart, and his tears fell down.

   At this time, I heard Gong Liangyun's inquiry: "What about the mission? Has Xia Qingchen seen the mission? Do they know each other?"

   Gongliang's ancestor laughed hoarsely: "Xia Qingchen is a mission!"


  People of Gongliang blasted the pot instantly, and even the nearby Xiahou Shenmen tribe, including the three **** generals, were shocked.

   "Gongliang Patriarch, don't you have to make a joke, Xia Qingchen is the one who sent me?" Sanshen will shouted.

   "The ancestor means that Xia Qingchen is both a mediator and a mission?"

   To this, Gongliang ancestor nodded with a smile: "Is it necessary for the old man to cheat the three seniors and many juniors?"

   The whole audience was in an uproar!

  Xia Qingchen not only served as a mediator, but was he even a handicapped adult over 10,000 people?

  Pomegranate fairy cried, her ears moved, her eyes suddenly widened: "Brother Qingchen is that young handicapped?"

  After confirming that he heard it correctly, Pomegranate Faire cheered joyfully: "Oh! Brother Qingchen is really a mess!"

   Immediately, she turned around and made a grimace to Luo Narcissus: "Humph, I said that Brother Qingchen is the most powerful!"

   Only then did she realize that Luoshui's complexion was frozen, as if frozen by the sudden ice.

  Luo Narcissus turned around hard, looking at Baihua Patriarch.

  The latter is quietly tasting tea, not paying attention to the outside noise.

   "Ancestor... These are all true?" Luo Narcissus held the last trace of fluke to confirm.

  She couldn't figure it out anyway, why could Xia Qingchen be a mission.

   That's unreasonable!

   is totally unreasonable! !

  Hundred Flowers Patriarch lowered his head and continued to drink tea, said lightly: "So, I asked you not to ask about the mission."

  Luo Narcissus's mind roared, and it was only after he understood the ancestor's intention.

   Patriarch did not want to say, but did not want Luoshui to be hit.

  A mediator is already in the position of Luoshuixian for a lifetime, and there is one more mission, which will make Luoshuixian lose his fighting spirit.

  Luo Narcissus trembles all over, only to feel that her heart is pressed down by a mountain, so depressed that she feels desperate.

   "From now on, practice meditation." Baihua Patriarch said concisely.

   For Luo Narcissus, she has lost hope.

   With such a mentality, it is difficult for the future to be a major event, and it is impossible to make the Baihua Family go to a higher glory.

   is a pomegranate immortal. Although he is still young, he has a better mentality and is worth cultivating.

  Luo Narcissus red lips quivered, said: "Why is this so? I'm not bad, why was Xia Qingchen thrown so far?"

   Once upon a time, her and Xia Qingchen's strength was weak.

   But now, the two are far different.

The huge gap made Luo Narcissus difficult to accept: "No, I must not lose to him!"

   She took out a black jade pendant and carved a fierce "night" on it!

   "People at Ye Family have promised me, but can take me to a wider world, and the time is not far away, I will go to find her." Luoshui Xiandao.

   At the beginning, she helped Ye Linglong find the first day of Tianyueling, Yue.

   got this jade pendant. Holding this jade pendant, he could go to Liangzhou City half a year later, follow her, and become his maidservant.

   But the sister of the night demon dome, even if it becomes its maidservant, the status is extraordinary.

   In the future, he will be able to obtain endless resources and become a man.

  Baihua Patriarch stretched his face and said: "Don't you want to be a maidservant?"

  Luo Narcissus said absolutely: "As long as the strength can soar, what is wrong?"

  She firmly believes that she will never be mediocre!

   Three days later, despite the repeated blockade by Baihua Patriarch, Luoshui Xian chose to leave the Baihua family and embark on the road to Liangzhou. ,

  Leave Tianyueling at the same time, there is a lame and an old man who was repaired as a waste.

   "The times have changed, I can't think of Xia Qingchen not only as a mediator, but also as an adult. I want to deal with him in the future, it's not easy!" Qi Qixuan said with a cane.

   They wanted to take advantage of the chaos to destroy the Baihua and Gongliang families and the Nebula Holy Land.

   But who knows, Xia Qingchen turned the tide as a handyman, making them lose their mobile phone opportunities.

(End of this chapter)

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