Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 881: Challenge list

"Choose a group of elite soldiers, and the Yunlan regiment is responsible for teaching the tactics of the flying fairy." Xia Qingchen said.

Fang Cuihong sighed bitterly: "Yes, Master!"

So, Xia Qingchen went to the Liangzhou main hall.

Xia Qingchen put on a hat, looking at the tenth "moon" on the starry sky list.

When he was in Tianyueling, he had already exposed the identity of the moon. He knew that the moon was Xia Qingchen, and it was not a small number.

Anyone with a heart can detect this news.

Therefore, this identity can no longer be used, lest it be detected by others when it is detected.

As he stepped inside, a maid stopped and asked, "Will you challenge Liangzhou List or Star List?"

Tianyueling also has the points of the Tianyue List and the Starry Sky List.

Liangzhou is no exception.

"Which list is stronger?" Xia Qingchen asked.

"Your son is coming to Liangzhou City first?" The maid smiled, but if she looked at Xia Qingchen deeply, she said: "There are more powerful Liangzhou."


Xia Qingchen was surprised.

The Liangzhou list should record the ranking of Tianjiao in the territory of Liangzhou, and its scope is much smaller than the star list.

Why are there more powerful in Liangzhou list?

"Why?" Xia Qingchen asked.

The maid explained patiently: "Because the star list is not timely, many excellent people are not willing to challenge, they are more willing to try the Liangzhou list that is updated every day."

The coverage of the Starry Sky List is too wide, and the ranking update is very slow. It changes every few years, and it cannot effectively reflect the true ranking of those contemporary talents.

So they are more willing to challenge the Liangzhou list.

Anyway, almost all the geniuses of Liangjing are gathered in Liangzhou, and the weight of Liangzhou list is no lower than that of star list.

"First star list, then Liangzhou list." Xia Qingchen said.

The maid smiled with a smile: "Okay, may I ask your son Gao's name?"

Xia Qingchen pondered for a while and said, "Heart."

Jiang Xuexin's heart.

The maid said again: "Heartboy, Star List and Liangzhou List, there are already dozens of people waiting in line, probably waiting for a day, you can come again tomorrow."

She wrote down a voucher for appointment, holding the voucher to come the next day.

"One more day?" Xia Qingchen frowned slightly.

The maid smiled: "Yes, there have been many challengers recently, which can only be so."


Xia Qingchen couldn't do what the strong man could, it seems that he can only run in vain today.

He was about to turn around and leave, a turbulent Tsing Yi slave came in and slapped on the table: "Arrange a place for our Nine Star Son!"

His actions were rude, and Xia Qingchen was squeezed away.

The maid seemed to know him, and there was a little more enthusiasm in the expression, saying: "Okay, you can start right away."


Xia Qingchen raised his eyebrows gently, saying: "Why do I need to come back tomorrow, but he can jump in line directly?"

Depending on the situation, the servant came only, not by appointment.

"Boy, what does it mean to jump in line? I don't know how to yell!" The servants raised their noses and raised their nostrils badly: "Our nine-star hall, but we have money in the main hall of Liangzhou."

Xia Qingchen didn't care about his bad attitude, just looked at the maid.

The latter bowed apologetically and said: "Heart Master, Liangzhou Main Hall has regulations. If the challenge is important, you can spend extra money to challenge in advance."

"Nine Stars Church has money in our main hall. With a brief notice, we can take away some of the money and arrange challenges. I did not intentionally embarrass you."

Just spend money?

Xia Qingchen said lightly: "Why didn't you just say that?"

In Xia Qingchen's eyes, none of the problems that money can solve is not a problem.

The maid smiled unnaturally and did not respond. The slave sneered and waved her hand, causing Xia Qingchen to flash away: "Why else, of course, because you are poor and can't afford the money."

Xia Qingchen shifted his footsteps and said indifferently: "Why can't I afford this money?"

The slave's impatient teeth: "Hey! Are you still on the bar? OK, I want to challenge in advance, right? A quota of 500 million cold coins, come, you show me!"

Under normal circumstances, the cost of challenging the list is 100 million.

Five hundred million is indeed a sky-high price.

But for Xia Qingchen, it was nothing but drizzle.

"Oh, are you stupid? Do you think it would be enough to add 10 to 20 million cold coins?" The slave was very unscrupulous and said: "Dead fellow! You are also a match for first-class family play?"

At a cost of 500 million yuan, people of the second-class family are not qualified to play.

Only a first-class family has this wealth.

No wonder the maid didn't even mention that you can buy a ranking.

It's no wonder that slave dogs look low.

"Heartboy, come again tomorrow." The maid smiled apologetically and asked Xia Qingchen to leave.


Xia Qingchen took out a burning flame card from his sleeve, and threw it on the table: "Arrange it, challenge now."

The maid's face appeared amazed, she couldn't help looking at Xia Qingchen again, and her eyes became deep.

A stranger, who took out billions of cold coins, was no ordinary person.

The slave froze, looking a little surprised.

His despised eyes also drew a lot, and said to the maid: "Nine Star Son is coming soon, you look at the arrangement!"

The maid became embarrassed, and both paid for it, and arranged for everyone to offend.

"Well, you look at the arrangement." Xia Qingchen casually dropped a fire card on the table, adding up to two billion.

The maid was really surprised. Except for Liangzhou City, where could the influence be able to throw 2 billion, just to challenge the list one day in advance?

Who is he?

Is it a person in Liangliang?

The maid gave Xia Qingchen a deep look and nodded her head: "According to the rules of the Liangzhou main hall, the grandson pays more money and should be arranged in front. Please follow me."

The servant could only stare with both eyes, and dared not stop.

At first, he was just a servant, and he had no right to make money without authorization.

Secondly, a mysterious man who can throw out 2 billion at will is not a slave who can offend him.

Not long after Xia Qingchen followed her maid, a handsome tall man with a sword and eyebrows and a few friends talked and laughed inside.

"Li Zhong, are all arranged?" The tall man said.

The servant's face collapsed and said, "Yeah, I'm afraid to wait."

The tall man stepped in and said, "Why? Is it that the money I have saved in the Jiuxing Temple has been used up?"

"No, there is a foreigner who smashed 2 billion and wanted to challenge in advance." Li Zhongwei feared to be fined.

It is said that the tall man just pondered and shook his head indifferently: "Wait and wait, it's nothing more than an hour. By the way, let's take a look at all the fellows who have arrived."

With the immortal chess game approaching, many excellent people want to check their level so that they know.

There are many familiar faces of Liangzhou city.

The servant breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Yeah, I heard that Zhao Yunshi has also come, and queued up inside."

The tall man's eyes lit up, and he adjusted the whole dress, and his expression was more friendly: "Miss Zhao is also here, just I can point her."

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