Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 883: Drop in rank

  In addition, Yu Gugong's character is also commendable.

Although    was born rich and wealthy, he did not have the habit of having too many disciples, but treated others with courtesy and modesty.

  I don’t know how many times better than the rude man who was just now.

   Yu Gugong came over with a smile, and the arrogant sons of the nearby sky gave up, all with respectful eyes.

  The name of the nine-star son of Liangzhou City, who doesn't know who knows who?

   The so-called Nine-Star Son is the name of the nine most modern people in Xiuzhou.

   Each generation of Nine-Star Son is different.

   For example, the previous generation is represented by the Emperor's Unity, Huawen Tears and the Night Demon's Dome.

  The current generation is represented by Yu Tingtong, Yu Gugong and others.

   "I really envy Jiu Xing Sheng Zi." A young male, enviously said.

   "Dream less, and want to be a son of Jiu Xing Sheng, provided you can join Jiu Xing Sheng Tang." The female companion beside him shouted relentlessly.

  Nine Stars Church is an organization founded by Liangwang in a thousand years, the purpose is to give top nine resources to the most talented nine young people in Liangzhou.

  As long as they can be ranked in the top ten of the Liangzhou list, they can be regarded as the strongest nine young people in the contemporary era, and then be absorbed into the Jiuxing Church.

  After joining the Nine-Star Church, all cultivation resources are provided by the church.

  As long as there are in Liangzhou, they are all provided free of charge.

   For example, the Luoshen relics, which have been buoyant recently, how many people have no chance to get it.

   And the nine top youngsters of Jiuxing Sanctuary did not have this trouble, and Sanctuary will actively send Luo Shen's relics to them.

  Nine Star Son is so enviable.

   With a gentle smile, Yu Gugong came to Zhao Yunshi and said to the slaves: "Li Zhong, explain to the front desk that my challenge will be transferred to Miss Zhao."

  Li Zhong smiled slightly: "Yes, Lord."

   However, Zhao Yunshi couldn't appreciate it and said, "No, I'll be here soon."

   She just waited for another hour, why should she inherit the favor of Gu Gong?

   "Miss Zhao, don't be polite with me." Yu Gugong smiled.

   Zhao Yunshi was silent, his expression was very indifferent, like an attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

   For this, Yu Gugong was used to it. He didn't understand why Zhao Yunshi suddenly rejected men.

   "Well, it's Yu Tang," Yu Gugong said again: "While there is still a period of time, why don't I instruct Miss Zhao to practice?"

  The young people around them all showed their admiration.

   "Zhao Yunshi really is not what he used to be, and he can get the guidance of Nine Star Son."

   "Hey, this blessing, I don't have to think about it in my life."

   Zhao Yunshi was also excited, she did not lack the guidance of elders, but she lacked the advice of her peers.

  Only against his peers can he clearly feel his own shortcomings.

   moved his red lips slightly, hesitating in his heart.

   If you learn from other men, will you be misunderstood by the snowlord?

  Seeing his hesitation, Yu Gugong smiled confidently: "Although Yu Mou is not talented, he still thinks that Yu Wudao is still a bit talented. In Liangzhou, there are no more than five people who can surpass me."

   "Guide about Miss Zhao's cultivation, Yumou thinks he is competent."

   is ranked fifth in its Liangzhou rankings, and this is completely modest.

  Zhao Yunshi was tempted and thought to himself: "If it is just a normal consultation, should it be okay?"

   She was a little bit, just about to agree, suddenly, a stone monument outside the secret room suddenly brightened.

   "Eh! Has the Liangzhou list changed?" the girl who was closest to the stele was surprised.

   The ranking of Liangzhou list changes daily.

   However, it will never change automatically.

   requires the members of the Liangzhou main hall to manually update the list through the strength of the challenger.

   The current change may only be one case-the top ten rankings have changed.

  Only the top ten rankings are automatically adjusted and no artificial replacement is required.

  People noticed one after another that they all surrounded the stone tablets.

   Yu Gugong was also surprised: "Who is the top ten who has made great strides, so has the ranking changed?"

   After one or two years of intensive competition, the top ten geniuses have already been ranked, and their rankings have remained stable, with few changes.

   "Besides me, who else in the top ten will come to challenge today?" Yu Gugong came to the stone monument to watch.

  Zhao Yunshi was also curious, if the rankings really changed, it should be the rude person who entered just now?

   Is he also a top ten contemporary arrogant?

  She moved gently, and also came to the stele.

   At this moment, the stele emits a bright light, and the above name keeps floating, which is because the ranking is about to be adjusted.

  Yu Gongong Mo held his chin, looked at the top ten names, and said, "Miss Zhao, who do you think is going to rise in rank?"

   Zhao Yunshi looked at the top ten and said, "Should it be the last three?"

   Liangzhou list, the greater the difference between the strength of the genius and the latter one.

   changes in ranking, the most likely is the next few.

   Yu Gugong thought deeply and laughed: "I think it should be Mo Daolan!"

   looked at the ninth place in the Liangzhou list, and sighed: "Since joining the Jiuxing Church, Mo Daolan's heart has become impetuous, and he has spent a lot of time with friends all day long for practicing."

   "I reminded him to stop arrogance and impatience, but unfortunately he didn't listen to his ears." Yu Gugong shook his head: "Now, he is caught by the tenth place, it is reasonable."

   Listening to his analysis, Zhao Yunshi feels quite reasonable.

  Yu Gongong Mulu said regretfully: "It's a pity, Mo Daolan's talent was originally good, but he was so bad-hearted."

   was saying that the light of the stele changed from white to orange-red.

   "The position to be changed will become red soon."

   "It should be Mo Daoran who turns red? Yu Gongzi's analysis makes sense, he is the most likely to decline in rank."

   "Well, he can't be wrong!"

   Then, the orange-red color changed into a deep red color, covering all ten names.

   After ten breaths, the red light faded away gradually, and the stone tablet returned to calm.

   left only a name with a red light, quietly suspended on the stone tablet.

  Everyone's eyes are fixed on the 9th ranked Mo Daolan, but his name has not changed.

   Instead, in their afterglow, there was a faint flash of red light.

   They looked up and their pupils shrank.

"How can it be?"

   "Actually... It's Yuzi!!"

   "Is there something wrong with the stele?"

  Yu Gongong also stared at his red name with amazement, and he was a little surprised, and his expression looked a little unbelievable.

  Zhao Yunshi's wide-eyed eyes also filled with surprise: "It's actually Yu Gong!"

   But he is the fifth-ranked contemporary arrogance and the dragon of man.

  World, how many people can compete with each other?

  Yu Gu Gong could not help looking at the hall member and asked, "What happened?"

   This time, even the hall members were stunned, his face blank.

   Due to the strength of Gu Gong, how could it be downgraded.

(End of this chapter)

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