Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 885: Crush all

   Between his palms, the aura of the three consciousness of the big star surrounds.

   Xia Qingchen, who exhibited the real cultivation behavior, failed to distinguish himself from him.

   Moreover, this is already the third move!

   can clearly feel that the huge gap between the first and third places is not a level at all.

   Right now, this powerful man named Fei Ran is quite capable.

   Its cultivation is the realm, and it has even reached the three star positions of the big star position, and the cultivation is actually a prefecture-level martial art.

  It's just that, its ground-level martial arts practice is also extremely pure, much stronger than Yu Tingtong.

   easily detonates the aura, and the moves are full of dangerous atmosphere.

   "In addition to the Yu family, there are people who can teach such characters, but it was an accident." Xia Qingchen said indifferently.

   Within the cool environment, has prefecture-level martial arts, and can train the children so well, except for the Yu family, I can't think of anyone else.

   It seems that there are some mysterious forces or ancient martial arts families that Xia Qingchen did not know within the cool environment.

   "Shadow Singing Song!" The projection came again, and its body style also reached an astonishing speed of 1,200 feet in one step, which was almost the same as Xia Qingchen.

   holds a strangely shaped embroidered hand knife upside down in his hand and fights closely.

  The wave of the hand knife produced a continuous war song, which seemed to be a thousand horses and horses, coming across the Han River.

   The song reached people's hearts, which made people tremble and even caused a trace of distraction.

   Masters often play against each other to decide victory or defeat!

   Besides, there is a trace of disappointment.

   Xia Qingchen's heart identification was not affected by the war song. He quickly pulled out his broken sword with his eyes and blocked the opponent's blade with his sword body.


   The two will retreat at the touch, but after all, the other is performing ground-level martial arts. Is it so simple?

   The moment the hand knife withdrew, a trace of cold mist circulated from the knife, impregnated on Xia Qingchen's broken sword.

   As a result, in an instant, the broken sword was covered with ice and turned into an ice icicle.

   Fortunately, Xia Qingchen knew his martial arts strength well and gave up his hands in time so that his palms would not be frozen.

   With the terrible cold mist, if the palm is frozen, it will inevitably make the palm abandon.

   Projection combat experience is extremely rich, as if it has been predicted that Xia Qingchen will let go, so he once again jumped in and slashed.

   At this moment, when Xia Qingchen is unarmed and very close, how can he cope with a knife carrying ground-level martial arts power?

   "The response is good." Xia Qingchen applauded, and then reappeared dumbly towards the broken sword.

  However, instead of holding it empty-handed, he gathered a very powerful skyfire in his palm. With the skyfire in hand, he immediately melted all the ice from the hilt.

   Then, holding the hilt firmly, stab a sword at the coming projection.

   The projection was caught off guard. It was completely unexpected that Xia Qingchen abandoned the sword as a fake action, the purpose of which was to bring the projection to his body.

   At this moment, the projection door is wide open, how can I stop Xia Qingchen's ready sword?

   Seeing the broken sword about to pierce the chest of the projection, suddenly, the projection knife was thrown into the air.

   Xia Qingchen's eyes flickered lightly, and he took the sword decisively-even if the chest of the projection was close at hand!

  And Yujian quickly circled around him, sheltering the surroundings from air.

   At the moment, the knife of the hand exploded and turned into a small sword of ninety-nine to stab Xia Qingchen together.

   Ding Ding Ding——

   Xia Qingchen immediately heard a dense and crisp collision sound, and a handle knife was even flicked to the ground.

  After ninety-nine clear sounds, all the small swords were blocked, and Xia Qingchen only closed the sword.

   Looking down, the surface of the broken sword hit a dense white light scar, which shows the power of those small swords.

  If the broken sword is not recovered in time, the consequences will be disastrous.

   "Hidden weapon?" Xia Qingchen was really surprised. Whether projection or martial art, or combat martial art is the best choice, the most rare thing is that he is also proficient in hidden weapon.

   If you want to practice a hidden weapon, the effort required is not simpler than fixing a martial art.

  Feiran projection could not be hit in one shot, pulled backhand, pulled off the cloak on the back, and actually showed the female body with unevenness.

   She turned out to be a woman!

   Of course, Xia Qingchen cares most about the densely packed hidden weapons under his cloak.

   whizzing ——

  Feiran immediately backed away, opened the distance, and immediately cast the hidden weapon.

   Xia Qingchen shook his head: "It's pointless to show the hidden weapon."

   Until now, he has only exhibited all the cultivation practices, and has not used his real strength.

The reason why    has reservations is to confirm what level it is in the first place in Liangzhou list.

   Now if the opponent uses the hidden weapon, it will lose the meaning of learning.

   "Let's stop here." Xia Qingchen held the broken sword, and the star power of the three stars in the palm of her hand suddenly increased again.

   Its cultivation behavior is indeed three consciousness of the big star position, but in fact, its star power is much thicker than ordinary people.

   The real star power is equivalent to the four stars of the big star position!

   "Broken!" Such a huge star power urges the broken sword and the sword to damage the enemy. The power can be imagined.

  I saw a stream of light passing through the secret room, and the projection was just too late to move away, and was ruthlessly pierced through the body.

   There is also a dart weapon in the hands of the projector.

   At this point, the first place in the Liangzhou list was also defeated.

   Xia Qingchen closed his sword and said to himself: "You need to practice martial arts as soon as possible."

  The improvement brought by the prefecture-level martial arts has been seen just now.

  Under the realm, ground level martial arts can sweep the same level of invincibility.

   Xuan-level martial arts have no such great effect. No matter how powerful Xuan-level martial arts are, they cannot guarantee that they can sweep the same level.

   looked at the time, just one hour.

   And the outside stele also caused an uproar again.

  Because, the stele lights up again.

   "No! Who's down this time?" Although the people were upset, they were a bit numb.

   first Yugong, then Yu Tingtong, and now there are changes.

   "Will it be the second place? Haha."

   "If it doesn't work, it will be the first drop."

   Yu Gugong also frowned, looking at it with a calm state of mind, with no waves in his heart.

   has already confirmed that it is the secret room that caused the problem, not that there are powerful peers of this generation.


   The red light faded away, leaving a striking name—Feiran!

   "Hahaha, it's really the first place!"

   "The problem in this secret room is not small. Even the first place dare to be lowered."

   "I don't know what it would be like if Fei Ran knew, Ha ha!"

   "Probably will come to Liangzhou main hall to ask and understand?"

  Yu Gongong's arms were wrapped around his chest.


  , the door of the secret room opened, and he set his sights on the hall staff.

   The members of the hall frowned, knowing what to do without their urging. He stood at the door and said, "The people inside are coming out quickly. There may be a problem in the secret room, which requires temporary inspection."

   Xia Qingchen was just about to step out of the Chamber of Secrets.

  Is there any problem in the back room?

(End of this chapter)

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