Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 887: Teachable

     "Take it." Xia Qingchen said.

   The maid smiled with an intimate smile, opened her palms, and a bronze, metal-like seed burned quietly in her palm.

   "With this thing in hand, you can go to the Temple of the King of Liangjing and pay homage to the silver coffin." The maid flicked her palm.

   Xia Qingchen thought for a while, and held it directly with the palm of her hand.

   The seeds that seem to be burning actually have no burning sensation, but a bit cold.

   "Also, can you tell me the real name of the son?" The maid's pretty eyes filled with expectation.

   Xia Qingchen replied: "Is it necessary to disclose?"

   Maid shook his head and said: "Naturally, it is not necessary. The Liangzhou main hall will not deliberately ask for a real name, but whether it is disclosed or not determines whether you are eligible to join the Jiuxing Shengtang."

  Joining the Nine-Star Church, in addition to the strength of reaching the ranks of the nine strongest contemporary teenagers in the cold realm, also needs a real background.

   Otherwise, the surname of Tianjiao in Zhongyun Realm went to Liangjing to occupy the top nine ranks. It is impossible to become Liangjing and to absorb it into Jiuxing Sanctuary, consuming resources to cultivate him.

   If Xia Qingchen wants to enter the Nine-Star Church, he must give his real name and origin.

  After the confirmation of the Liangwang Mansion, it is indeed a person from the cold environment to be able to recruit.

   "Nine Stars Church, I'm not interested." Xia Qingchen bluntly refused on the spot.

  Regarding resources, Xia Qingchen has more than Jiuxing Sanctuary.

  Finally, with a little toes, cast off and leave.

   The maid can only sigh in silence: "It seems to be a foreigner, as the hallmaster said, but it is a pity that Jiuxing Shengtang has no such talent."

   If it is a person in a cold place, why should he hide his identity so much?

   Talking about Xia Qingchen, half an hour later, he set off to the Ling Palace.

   But outside the Ling Palace, there were a few rare white demon snakes. They all had wings back and lay cross-legged on the corner.

   "See Master Xia." The guard at the door saw Xia Qingchen coming and immediately ran.

   Xia Qingchen pointed to several demon snakes: "Whose one?"

   There are very few demon snakes in the cold environment, not to mention the flying demon snakes that can fly. Such a rare species does not exist in the cold environment.

   "Looking back to the Lord, a few Nanban guests." The guard said.

  Nanman is the neighbor of the cold environment to the south, and the name of the south of the building.

   It is a wilderness land, filled with rare primitive areas on the earth, where the forest covers the whole area, and monsters and beasts run wild.

   It is very dangerous to walk among them, and may encounter powerful monsters at every turn.

   Moreover, there are still a group of strong and powerful people, barbarians!

   They are physically strong, good at fighting, and good at driving monsters.

   For those who can control the monster monster, they call it the master beast master. The general master beast master can drive a monster beast. The most powerful one is said to be their barbarian king, who can command a million army of monster beasts.

  Imagine how spectacular the scene of the impact of the army of millions of monsters.

   Millions of humans may not be able to compete with the army of millions of monsters.

   Fortunately, the barbarian lives deep in the mountains and seldom leaves Lounan.

   "Are you a barbarian?" Xia Qingchen entered with a hand. When he entered, he heard a fierce quarrel in the living room.

   "Are your spiritual masters in the cold realm so unbearable? Even small ninjas are not well-refined. I already knew that, I should go to Zhongyun realm." A loud voice yelled.

   Neighbors in the neighborhood are a little ugly, isn't this a blatant insult to them?

   in the living room.

  Two middle-aged men dressed in animal skins are talking to Li Zicheng.

   One of the skink men, dressed in snow-white snakeskin, had a tiger demon tendon belt around his waist, and a strangely shaped stone axe on his back.

  Although his face is rough, he has a calmness that is rare in the cold environment and the middle cloud environment. He sits in a chair and is silent without saying a word.

   And another hide-skin man, carrying a stone hammer, scolded: "We were blind, and we came to the Cold Spirit Master. When I went back, I couldn't spare Qiu Wanjin's turtle grandson!"

   It turned out that they were recommended by Qiu Wanjin to come to Liangjing Ling Palace to refine a ninja.

   Who knows that Li Zicheng has seen their refining drawings and said that it is too difficult to refine.

   This made them feel that they ran in vain and were extremely angry.

  Li Zicheng pulled down his old face disgruntledly, and hummed: "Li Moucai, really can't refine the nirvana you asked for, but you don't need to say such a word?"

  He also had anger in his heart. When the Nanban people first arrived, he was still quite proud. He felt that the reputation of the Ling Palace was known to the barbarians of Nanman.

  Who knows that they are so rude and do not know how to behave?

   "Useless old man, you are incompetent, I still can't say it?" Middle-aged animal skin pointed at Li Zicheng's nose and scolded.

   was full of saliva, Li Zicheng's face was sprayed.

  Li Zicheng was so angry that his beard was trembling and said, "There is no class to teach! There is no class to teach! Come and send off guests! We can't accept the barbarians of the Nanban in our Spirit Palace!"

   "Hey! Old man, who do you say is a barbarian? Your cold spirits are all rubbish, and you are not allowed to tell the truth?" The barbarian stared at the bead and raised his fist to hit him.

  Li Zicheng is angry and angry, this group of barbarians, they are doing so!

   He took a step back and was annoyed: "Come here, call me!"

   "What's the matter, so noisy?" It wasn't others who came in, but Xia Qingchen.

   He frowned lightly, looking at the messy scene.

  Although he is not very managed by the Ling Palace, Li Zicheng's approach to catching customers is quite bad for the future development of the Ling Palace.

  Li Zicheng immediately bowed to see him, and his anger continued: "Master, you came just right, these barbarians are so annoying!"

   The barbarian scolded: "Useless old things, dare to say that our great recipient Lou Nan is bad? Laozi punched you with a punch!"

   His sturdy body pressed over and punched Li Zicheng's chest.

   However, the fist had not yet gone down, the shadow in front of him flickered, Xia Qingchen blocked in front of him, and punched back.

   is quite man-powered. When the two sides touched, Xia Qingchen's fist was pushed back rigidly, and he himself took a step back.

   "How do people in the cold environment look like they haven't eaten?" The barbarian sneered and smashed his fist without breaking his fist, trying to smash Li Zicheng together with Xia Qingchen.

   It was just that when his fist was about to reach Xia Qingchen's chest, there was a sudden popping sound in his body.

   Then the barbarian screamed, howling with his body.

  Looking at his mouth and nose again, blood is already flowing, and Yan Ran is not hurt.

   But the squeal in his body did not stop, and it continued to erupt, making the barbarians yell in pain.

   That was Xing Qingchen's star power breaking into his body, becoming a self-explosive dark force, hurting him.

  At this time, the middle-aged middle-aged animal skin stood up and patted his shoulders.

  The pores on the surface of the mankind squirted out airflow, and his painful expression was immediately relieved.

   Xia Qingchen's eyes narrowed slightly in her eyes.

   His dark energy is not difficult to get rid of, as long as he has more powerful star power to suppress it.

  However, just like a middle-aged man, patting his shoulder at will will exquisitely dissolve all the dark energy in the body of others, and will not hurt the barbarian half.

   This use of power is like a god.

(End of this chapter)

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