Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 903: Thrashing

  Two years ago, Sai Tian was born in Zhongyun Realm.

  , as the world's arrogant, sweeps all contemporary strongmen in Zhongyun Realm.

   At that time, Haotian, who claimed to be the first person of the same generation in Zhongyun Realm, lost three hands in his hand and almost lost his life.

   That battle was a shock to the world!

   There are rumors that this son has the power of gods, and there are rumors that he came from a distant place of gods.

   There is even a legend that he himself is a reincarnation of gods.

  About him, there are countless!

  However, after defeating Tianjiao, he did not stay at half a point and took the Hedong to leave only a legend and an indelible shadow of war.

  The monster that Hua Wenwen said is this person.

   A contemporary invincible myth exists.

  The names echoed in the minds of the people present, all frowning.

   If the match day appears, there will be no chance of winning in the cold environment.

   "However, Sai Tian left Zhongyun Realm for two years and never returned. Why worry?" Yanyu County Lord calmly said: "We should worry about Hao Tian."

  Everyone's frown is not linked.

   Although Haotian failed, it did not mean that he was weak, but on the contrary, he was also terribly powerful.

  Judging from his life experience, he is similar to the Emperor.

   "His words, give it to me." Emperor Gui Yi smiled indifferently: "Three strokes defeat him, it is enough."


  Tear the corner of her eyes when she smells tears, three strokes?

   Where did the Emperor's self-confidence come from?

   Night Devil's Dome is also a little dignified. Since he reached the age of 20 two years ago, after stepping into the ranks of youth, the Emperor has never shot again.

  'S strength cultivation is still a mystery.

  Now it is claimed that three moves defeated Haotian!

   In two years, how terrible has his strength improved?

   For a time, everyone was in a mixed mood.

   "Beijing about Wuwu, don't worry, you should worry about the fairy devil chess game." Emperor Gui raised his red umbrella and walked away, his back disappeared into the bright sunlight.

   Everyone's heart sank again, especially with Niseko and Yanyu County Master.

  The winning or losing of the fairy magic chess game is related to the ownership of the new mine.

  The king of Liang paid more attention to it than ever!

   If this battle is defeated, no one will feel better.

   "I heard that Xia Qingchen broke through the defeat, and actually participated in the fairy demon chess game?" Niseko stared at the master of Yanyu County, trying to shirk her responsibility for defeat.

   Yanyu County Lord calmly said: "The second brother could not forget the lesson Xuanji asked? Don't make an assertion until the last minute."

When    asked the mystery, Niseko also degraded Xia Qingchen one after another.

   But what about results?

   He is the king of his generation!

  Nishiko chuckled: "The old times have changed, and the eldest sister still has illusions about her! Okay, let's go and wait and see!"

   He laughed away, leaving Yuyu Yanyu standing in place, Xiu Mei wrinkled inconspicuously.

   She was only calm on the surface, and her heart was more regrettable than anyone else.

   Perhaps Xia Qingchen once achieved a miracle, but it was A Qing who saw the breaking of the big star position.

   "Xianmo chess game, you must fight for at least one victory. If this game wins, it is not just a little money reward." Yanyu County murmured.

  The reward of Xianmo chess game wins one billion games.

  Does many Tianjiao and its family have a lot of billions of cold coins?

  Why do they make them so sweet and make them think that the fairy game is a great opportunity?

   That is because the outcome of the Xianmo chess game determines the opportunity to change their destiny in the future.

   Every victory or defeat is crucial!

   At that time.

   Liangzhou City, Wu Family Mansion.

   Wu Xiong worked in the moat army all the year round, so his family followed him to move to Liangzhou City.

at this time.

   Wu Xiongzheng Tieqing sat on the Taishi chair with a sullen face, glaring at the woman with scattered hair in front of her eyes.

  She sat on the ground, crying violently: "Wu Xiong! There is no such spoiling daughter like you! My poor Huaner, what blindness did she have, she was born into you as a daughter?"

   Wu Xiong slapped it on the armrest and scolded: "Hugh is going to play tricks!"

   It wasn't others who were spitting in front of him, but his wife Liu's.

  Liu just returned from Nanjiang today, and got a bad news. His baby daughter was even arranged with Xia Qingchen.

   So Liu cried twice and hanged up three times for a long time, and Wu Xiong was not in the mood to be on duty at the military camp.

   "I'm fooling? You said I'm fooling?" Liu's got up, pointing at his nose, like a mad woman: "You ruined Huan'er's future, and said I was fooling?"

   "What this time immortal chess game means, you know better than me! Losing this opportunity, she will be left behind by her peers!"

   "Wu Xiong! You will make another arrangement for Huan'er immediately, otherwise our husband and wife will be cut off!"


   Wu Xiong got up angrily and raised his hand to slap in the face, flipping Liu's to the ground: "Come on!"

  Crazy Liu, was only slapped by the slap.

   Their marriage is the marriage of two families, in fact, it is easy to say that the two are cut off?

   "But, but you can't hurt my Huan'er!" Liu covered his face and grieved.

   Wu Xiong nodded heavily: "What does a woman know? Well, what am I doing to Huan Er?"


  Liu said distressedly: "What is the situation of Xia Qingchen, spread all over the city, Huan'er followed him to form a team, only to be dragged down, not even a victory."

   Wu Xiong sat down again, and the vicissitudes of his eyes flashed deep: "I think Xia Qingchen may not be as rumored as rumor!"

  He said slowly: "In a short period of time, the person who teaches the top-level battle group such as Yunlan Group, will it really be a dumb man with overdraft potential? I don't believe it!"

   He is different from ordinary Wan Xiaoqi.

   Ordinary Wan Xiaoqi, who joined the military palace when he was young, and then became Wan Xiaoqi step by step.

   However, he was a young traveler who traveled all over the world as a ranger. He has seen countless talents in the rivers and lakes.

  With years of experience, he can see Xia Qingchen's extraordinary.

   The unhurried temperament, the habit of hiding deep, does not look like an overdraft potential for quick success.

   He failed to break through the big star position, there must be another reason.

   "However, a few days ago, the moat army, the Zi Zi Tian Tuan's performance was a mess, ranking the bottom." Liu said.

   Wu Xiong's eyes were deep and deep: "That's because Xia Qingchen didn't take Dabi seriously, and just sent a few representatives to participate."

  Liu shook his head and said sharply: "I think you are blinded by lard! Anyway, I didn't see any more powerful Xia Qingchen."

   Wu Xiong hummed: "So, you are a woman's opinion! Have you been a missed person for so many years?"

   This point, Liu's really did not refute.

   Wu Xiong only joined the military palace in his thirties, but by virtue of his extraordinary knowledge, the selected subordinates are all elite soldiers.

   So that the heavenly group he was in charge of, won the first place in this competition, and got the ace flag that symbolizes glory.

   "Huan'er will follow him and he will never lose money!" Wu Xiong said to himself.

   paused, he sighed again: "In addition, my career in the barracks has reached the bottleneck, stuck in Wan Xiao riding for many years, unable to move forward."

   "For the reason, Xia Qingchen not only won the commander's trust, but also the senior officials of the military palace were very optimistic about it. I sent charcoal to help him in the snow, and if he would fly to Huang Tengda in the future, he might be able to carry me."

  Although he came from a large family in southern Xinjiang, he was unmatched, and the family relationship was difficult to reach the military palace.

  If there is no one to carry, it is likely that Wan Xiaoqi will be his life.

   "For the sake of Huan'er, and for me, please ask my wife not to play tricks, believe me this time, OK?" Wu Xiong's tone eased.

   Liu nodded: "The concubine listens to her husband."

   But when he nodded, a strange flash of light flashed in his eyes.

   (to be updated tomorrow, two o'clock in the morning, two days later, will be notified later)

(End of this chapter)

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