Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 905: Who wants to apologize

Cheng Yunnai is Fang Cuihong's confidant, now following Fang Cuihong's rising water, he is already a sturdy rider.


The Zizi Tiantuan continued to go to the location of the fairy demon chess board, which was two days away from the mine.

Cheng Yun rushed to the mine alone.

With its identity token, it is naturally easy to board the mine.

The person who met her was General Yuan Chongluan, who was sent from South Xinjiang to guard the mine.

Cheng Yun waited patiently in the living room and heard Yuan Chongluan's dissatisfaction voice coming from behind the scenes: "How well I have been staying in southern Xinjiang, but I was transferred to this cold place where the bird does not shit."

"After arriving, I will not be seen by the gang of birds of the Northland Legion. I will come to the **** to do anything!"

With that, a fat general in a fur coat rubbing his hands came to the living room reluctantly.

He sat down without looking at Cheng Yun, and said unkindly: "What, say."

Even though Cheng Yun was dissatisfied with this general, he did not dare to reveal it, and only said: "At the end of the year, he will be informed by Master Xia."


Yuan Chongluan heard the clear voice of the woman and couldn't help raising her head immediately, looking at Cheng Yun, her eyes lit up immediately.

Although Cheng Yun has been practicing all the year round, his skin is rough, and his appearance is not good-looking.

But there are very few female soldiers in the Frontier Corps.

Yuan Chongluan was dispatched to this mine, and even a woman was not seen for several months. At this moment, even a sow can arouse her interest.

Not to mention meeting a female soldier with a good figure?

"Oh, come, come and talk." Yuan Chongluan's attitude changed drastically, and he immediately waved.

Cheng Yun frowned, but still walked by his words and stopped as soon as he stood, saying: "Return to General, Lord Xia ordered me to inform you that the trace of the enemy spy was found on the snowy mountain last night. Please be sure Be careful."

She presented the intercepted secret agent token: "Please look over."

Yuan Chongluan didn't take his words to heart at all, his eyes greedily stared at Cheng Yun's full chest.

When Cheng Yun reached over, he took the opportunity to hold Cheng Yun's hand with both hands and said, "It's cold outside. Let's eat something and go."

While speaking, take the opportunity to rub his skin.

Disgusted, Cheng Yundun immediately withdrew his hand and said, "General, please respect!"

She is the person of Xia Qingchen, the original team of the Yunlan clan, the cool warrior, but it is not a red dust woman with a smiling face.

"Hey! Quite serious? What kind of an adult are you, I told him to transfer you to me." Yuan Chongluan chuckled, wasn't he just a group of people for a day?

He is a general, does he have no face to come?

With that said, Yuan Chongluan took a step forward, and the tiger's body rushed, holding Cheng Yun in his arms, and his hands were even wanton.

Cheng Yun was anxious and angry, pulling out his short sword was just a stroke.

Fortunately, Yuan Chongluan responded in a timely manner, promptly closed his hand and backed away, but even so, his arm was still scratched with a blood stain.

This made Yuan Chongluan annoyed and screamed at the tiger: "Bashful ladies, dare to start with Lao Tzu? I'll kill you!"

Cheng Yunyi was not afraid, and put a dagger on his neck: "Then I want to see, I'm dead, will you feel better!"

Yuan Chongluan in the rage suddenly calmed down a little.

How to say that Cheng Yun is a member of the moat legion, if he died in the hands of the general of the southern Xinjiang legion, it would be unreasonable in any case.

He wasn't afraid of Wan Xiaoqi, who was in the purple character group, looking for trouble, but the moat was at the foot of the emperor, and not far from the military palace.

The moat can always give a small report to the military palace so that he can't walk around.

He gathered his anger and grunted: "Go!"

In this way, Cheng Yun put down the dagger, but Yuan Chongluan stepped forward suddenly, kicking her foot in her abdomen.

Cheng Yun was caught off guard and was kicked upside down. His abdomen was extremely painful, like a broken liver and intestine.

"Giving you a foot is a lesson, come here, and leave the mountain!" Yuan Chongluan waved his hand, letting his cronies come in and lifted Cheng Yun, who was difficult to walk.

At the foot of the mountain, Cheng Yun was thrown to the ground.

At this time, it was freezing cold, and Cheng Yun's abdomen was hit hard again. Only lying on the back of his monster, he painfully ordered the monster to catch up with the big army.

After a few hours, Cheng Yun felt that his body was almost numb and his eyes were blurred.

Finally, she couldn't hold it anymore and fell off the back of the monster.

In the obscurity, she seemed to hear the voice of her companion: "She's back... ah, it seems to be injured."

In the blurred vision, she saw the faces of several former companions.

"How did you guys come?" According to the process, the current large army should have gone far away and should not be here.

The companion said: "Master Xia hasn't seen you for a long time, so let me wait for you to come back and join you."

"Master Xia..." Cheng Yun's heart burst into a warm stream, and there were tears in his eyes.

She was just an ordinary soldier, and it was hard to even see Xia Qingchen. In front of him, she was as humble as a grain of dust.

However, Xia Qingchen would care about her life and death!

Deeply moved, surging inside.

With the help of her companions, her injuries barely stopped and she was taken back to the large army stationed there.

Xia Qingchen inquired and rushed to the camp for healing, Fang Cuihong and others were examining his injury.

"How is the injury?" he asked.

Fang Cuihong said seriously: "The organs are broken, and even Xingquan is almost injured."

Xia Qingchen took out a bottle of ointment: "I will apply it to her later, and it will be fine soon."

Looking at the unconscious Cheng Yun, he said in a deep voice: "Do you know what the situation is?"

Rescuing the female soldiers back to Cheng Yun, already on the way back, listening to Cheng Yun's ins and outs of things, they came one at a time.

After listening, Fang Cuihong's teeth closed and bite: "It's too much to bully! We kindly informed them. As a result, they were so distraught, they humiliated Cheng Yun, and they hurt her with anger and anger."

That Yuan Chongluan did not dare to kill Cheng Yun, but there was no problem giving her a kick.

But it's just a female soldier in every district. Is it possible that the commander of the moat will still make a special complaint to the military palace for this little thing?

As for the boss of the female soldier, the head of the Zizi Tiantuan, a Wan Xiaoqi, how can he be a tall general?

Not convinced?

Then endure!

Probably, this is Yuan Chongluan's idea!

Xia Qingchen's eyes were cold: "I let people go back and look for it, the original intention is to worry that the old man in the lunar environment is ambushing Cheng Yun, I can't think of..."

Unexpectedly, it is not the enemy who hurt Cheng Yun, but his own person!

"Adult..." Cheng Yun woke up and smiled forcefully: "I'm fine, continue marching, I can't delay my task."

But as soon as she talked, she hurt her abdomen, causing her mouth to twitch gently.

Xia Qingchen touched her forehead and said warmly: "Just rest."

After talking, he left the camp.

Fang Cuihong felt something and followed him to the camp.

Sure enough, Xia Qingchen waited there and turned his back to her, saying: "Leave the Yunlan clan, the rest of the clan continue to set off, go to the fairy demon chess game to continue."

Fang Cuihong said: "But lord, after all, it is the general of the foreign legion, and the number is large. The Yunlan clan alone, the other party may not be willing to apologize."

Xia Qingchen turned around, not knowing when she became extremely cold.

"Who wants his apology?" Xia Qingchen can tolerate others' disrespect for himself, but will never allow his people to be bullied by outsiders.

"Yun Lan battle group, all the arrow crossbows are replaced by explosive arrow crossbows, follow me!" Xia Qingchen turned over the demon beast, took a step first, and walked away in the snow.

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