Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 907: Invincible Division

   "You...you are the Yunlan clan!!!" Dan Ziyang's words came to an abrupt end!

   When the beam of light dissipated, there was only a single Ziyang with his whole body untidy and bloody.

   He fell into a coma, but his face still retained great shock.

   The prestige of the Yunlan clan, the South Xinjiang Army is thunderous!

   Thousands of people, killing 100,000 enemies, creating a miracle of war!

  The commander of southern Xinjiang, Bai Zhantian, once said with emotion that the Yunlan regiment was better than a military area. Although there were only a thousand men, there were no less than one hundred thousand troops.

   It is the most prestigious, that is the beam of light struck by air.

   To this day, it is still an immortal legend in the southern army.

  Dan Ziyang didn't think of it anyway. The one who came to the mine turned out to be the invincible division of the crown of coolness-Yunlan Battle Group!

  The two Qianxiaoqi who followed them were terrified.

  Looking at the indifferent Thousand Warriors, the scalp felt numb and trembling.

   No wonder this team is so well-trained and equipped so well, it turns out that it is the legendary Yunlan clan!

   Fang Cuihong fell down, walked in front of Shan Ziyang with a sword, and carved three words on his chest with the tip of the sword: "Roll down!"

   Immediately, she stared at the two trembling Qian Xiaoqi: "Bring him back and give it to Yuan Chongluan! In addition, remind him that time has passed."

   There is only half of the incense in the incense burner.

   "Yes yes!" They immediately carried Shan Ziyang and fled back to the top of the mountain.

at this time.

   General Fire Dragon and General Ice Phoenix are still continuing to communicate.

  The charcoal in the furnace was extinguished. Yuan Chongluan rubbed his hands and yelled, "Come here, add charcoal!"

   He could not help but scold: "The Northland is simply not treated by humans! We are also hot and sultry in southern Xinjiang, or the moat is comfortable, without fighting, and the environment is comfortable."

   Referring to the moat, General Fire Dragon couldn't help saying: "Your southern army has heard that the moat has fought a big victory?"

  Yuan Chongluan sneered: "Yunlan clan with thousands of people killing 100,000 people, right? The whole of southern Xinjiang is spread all over, how could our southern Xinjiang legion not know?"

   "Nanjiang Army knows all about it? That's really far enough." General Bingfeng said in surprise.

  Nanjiang Corps is the one farthest away from Liangzhou City. The geographical location is extremely remote and the news is particularly blocked.

   As a result, even there.

  Yuan Chongluan placed the jug in the fire and simmered, saying: "This war is a miracle in the history of war, and it has a far-reaching influence. It is hard for us to be unaware."

   "In a hundred years, we will all be reduced to a loess of loess, and will be nameless after death, but the name of the Yunlan clan will certainly be passed on in the history books forever."

   General Fire Dragon and General Bingfeng sighed.

   Yunlan clan prestige is too prosperous, has already shone through the history, shimmering time!

   General Fire Dragon admired: "If I can have a Yunlan clan under my command, I will die without regret."

   "Hehe!" Yuan Chongluan casually said: "I advise you not to daydream, and not to mention how you can train such a team, I will ask you, are you qualified to meet Yunlan?"

   General Fire Dragon shook his head bitterly: "No, although Yunlan Group is just a 1000-person group, its leader is Wan Xiaoqi, who is sealed by King Liang, and his future is unlimited."

   "In Liangzhou City, flattering his family power is countless, one of my generals is just a small person, there is no chance to see one."

  For this, General Bingfeng took it seriously: "I don't hide from you, I have a lot of friends in Liangzhou City, but the Yunlan clan is very famous, but no friend is qualified to see the leader of the Yunlan clan."

   "The friend made by the leader is at least the level of the three sons of the military palace, and it is also the flow of the drug king, the palace of spirits, and the weapon alliance. We generals can't even count the small people in front of him."

  Talk to each other, the two generals only smile bitterly.

   Yunlan's status is much higher than that of their two unknown military commanders.

  Yuan Chongluan leaned comfortably on the recliner: "So, I don't have that dream. People at this level are not eligible for us."

   In his heart, the Yunlan clan and its leader are mysterious and distant myths.

   could never have any intersection with an ordinary general like him.

   "Adult, it's not good, Master Shan is injured." Two confidants carried Shan Ziyang and hurried in.

  Yuan Chongluan opened his eyes and suddenly got up, exasperated and said: "What's going on?"

   The person he sent was actually beaten so seriously?

  Wan Xiaoqi, who came to find him in trouble, wasn't sure anyhow?

   Did he just kick him, dare not to take the trouble of finding his general.

  I am really impatient!

   "It's the other party's subordinate who teamed up to hurt Master Shan." The two of them were afraid.

   Wen Yan, General Huolong and General Bingfeng could not help frowning: "Where is Wan Xiaoqi, so ignorant?"

  The three military regions were stationed on the mine, but the king was in charge.

  Wan Xiaoqi, who came to find trouble, couldn't help but say that he injured the high-ranking in the military area, and he really ignored the overall situation.

   "Have you said it well?" General Fire Dragon frowned.

   Where do the two confidants dare to say that Shan Ziyang seeks bitterness?

   can only lie dumbly: "We have a good communication, but the other party bully, no matter what our task is, openly bullying the single adult, but also such a heavy hand."

   In fact, Fang Cuihong and others left their hands, otherwise they really attacked, and Dan Ziyang had already killed the corpse on the spot.

  After hearing this, General Fire Dragon hummed: "What a bully! Bullying! I'm afraid that this mine is not a place where Wan Xiaoqi can spread wild in other areas!"

   There was a real trouble, and it spread to Liang Wang's ears. He didn't have enough life to cut it!

General   Fire Dragon said to Yuan Chongluan: "Since this person is determined to make trouble, then I can't just stand by and watch."

   Now that the three military areas are in common, he cannot sit back and watch the unknown Wan Xiaoqi making trouble here.

   General Bingfeng nodded indifferently: "Well, it is estimated to be some miscellaneous soldiers, there are no rules, there is no less dare to give a lesson."

   paused, he said: "Chen Fei Ge, led the strong crossbow camp down the mountain, disperse them, if you insist on trouble, shoot me one or two as a warning!"

   "Yes!" Chen Feige led the order and immediately led the soldiers to go.

   Yuan Chongluan clenched his fists and said: "Thank you General Bingfeng."

   General Bingfeng didn't care: "Whereever you and I are colleagues, don't be polite."

  Finally, General Bingfeng Yu Guang glanced at Shan Ziyang, whose blood and flesh were vague, and he could not help worrying about Chen Feige’s lack of manpower.

  When he wanted to come, it should be a crowd, otherwise it would not be so rash.

   "No." The two answered truthfully.

   has no banner? That's really a miscellaneous army. The strong crossbow battalion led by Chen Feige is enough.

   Yes, a confidant and trembling said: "However, they do not need a banner."

   The combined strike beam is the best banner of Yunlan Group! (Twelve noon tomorrow, at least three more)

(End of this chapter)

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