Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 919: Win easily

  The life and death of the fairy devil chess game depends on her own ability, but now she pushes all her responsibilities to Lin Daoran.

   Lin Daoran had some miserable words and could only gritt his teeth: "Auntie, rest assured, Lin will do his best to protect Huan'er."

Afterwards, he patted Wu Huan's incense shoulders and said, "Sister Huan, you can rest assured that the elite of Zhongyun Realm has come out, and the rest of the candidates are unclimate. For formal contestants like you and me, instead It’s top-notch, and there’s no need to be afraid.”

   left a hand in the cold realm, the first round of fairy magic chess game, did not send the first Tianjiao of all the sky and moon.

   retains a few, beware of the second round of fairy magic chess game.

   He and Wu Huan are just one of them. In the second round, most of them are mediocre, and they have an absolute advantage.

  Wen Huan felt relieved.

   Yeah, what's the fear?

   In the second round of fairy magic chess game, she is among the top ranks!

   Relaxed, she and Lin Daoran shot side by side into the fairy demon chess game.

   Both sides quickly seated.

  Long Xingchen's eyes showed a hint of hope, saying: "Lao Tang, it seems that the fairy and devil chess match is not over yet."

   Liangjing left a lot of formal contestants, but Zhongyunjing didn't have any one, and Liangjing still has a silver lining.

   To this, Tang Yaorong just smiled gently, the smile was meaningful.


   The fairy chess set rotated again, and the lingering voice resounded in the sky.

   The second fairy magic chess game, the first stage began!

   However, no matter whether it is people in the cold or middle clouds, they have not paid much attention.

  Because Liangjing didn't have much hope, Zhongyunjing also felt that the winning ticket was in hand, and there was no suspense.

   Therefore, the crystal plane in the deep pit was not watched by many people at a time.

  The chess position where Xia Qingchen and Bai Xiaozhu are located is not just a flat ring, but a mountainous forest with a radius of three miles.

   Dense woods, overgrown with weeds, and streams running through the forest, and even some monsters with little strength.

   The whole simulation of the wild environment!


   only heard a muffled noise.

   That is the fusion of two chess positions, the two teams of both the enemy and the enemy entered the same chess position.

   "It's about to start." Bai Xiaozhu breathed tightly and strained, and the body couldn't help trembling, and he was very scared.

   Xia Qingchen patted her shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid, come with me."

   "Where are we going?" Bai Xiaozhu immediately trot to keep up, all relying on Xia Qingchen.

   Xia Qingchen pointed to the nearby terrain: "If you don't know the strength of the enemy, you should focus on the defense. If you want to form a favorable defense on the mountain and forest, you must choose a dangerous area."

   He looked at the stream under his eyes and said, "It should be able to walk up to the water source, where not only the terrain is high, but the woods and weeds will be denser, but it is a good place to ambush and defend."

   Bai Xiaozhu listened blankly, staring at the admiring little star: "Xia Gongzi knows so much!"

   "Common sense only." Xia Qingchen took a leap in disapproval, ripped a branch with leaves from the tree, and then walked away while removing the footprints left by them with leaves.

  Bai Xiaozhu looked very admirable, and even thought of it, Xia Qingchen was really spicy!

   walked against the water and found the water source.

   It was a depression on the mountainside.

   The nearby weeds are extremely dense, and all of them are tall. They crouch inside and cannot be seen by others.

   "It's a great place!" Bai Xiaozhu squatted down and tried, and felt a sense of security.

  Ke Xia Qingchen took out a kettle and poured it into this thick and thick grass, almost everywhere.

   "What is this?" Bai Xiaozhu touched her finger lightly and found it sticky and greasy, but there was no smell.

  Xia Qingchen put away the kettle and said, "Smokeless oil."

   "Ah?" Bai Xiaozhu immediately stood up and quickly moved away from the grass, saying: "Why are you pouring it? Smokeless oil is too dangerous, and it will deflagrate when it encounters a sparkle."

   This is a very common high-grade kerosene. Once ignited, it will continue to burn even in water and cannot be extinguished.

  Fire oil is often used by drug refiners. Xia Qingchen fills the grass they want to hide. What on earth do they want to do?

   "Of course it is ready to burn the grass." Xia Qingchen jumped up and jumped to a big tree above, and then climbed into the canopy.

  Because of the dense canopy, looking from the bottom up, you can't see anyone hiding in the tree.

  Bai Xiaozhu climbed up in embarrassment, panting: "Did you mean that the grass is the best hiding place? Why burn it?"

   Xia Qingchen looked at her and said, "That's for a novice like you, for me, it's the most dangerous place."

  Bai Xiaozhu ten fingers twisted together, said weakly: "I don't know why, it seems a little angry."

   It turned out that Xia Qingchen said that in detail, for her newcomer to explain the experience of field battles.

   himself, he is ignoring such a hiding place.

   "But what do you do to burn it?" Bai Xiaozhu asked again.

   Xia Qingchen said lightly: "Because you can know that this is a good place to hide and defend, the enemy will be dumb than you, don't you know?"

   Bai Xiaozhu deflated his mouth: "Should I thank Xia Gongzi for imparting experience, or should I be angry?"

   Really, is there any way to teach field combat experience in this way?

  She is just timid, but where is she?

   "Hush." ​​Suddenly, Xia Qingchen raised his finger and made a mute action.

   She stiffened and looked down immediately.

   condescending, you can clearly see two men in red fire cloud suits, bowing to the water source.

   They lay on the ground, crawling slowly and alertly into the grass.

   is holding a strong crossbow in his hands, and once he finds the target, he shoots immediately.

   Bai Xiaozhu was shocked to see, no wonder Xia Qingchen took her to the tree instead of hiding in the grass.

   It turned out that the enemy expected that they might be hiding in it.

   At this moment, Bai Xiaozhu admired Xia Qingchen's five-body cast!

  The two men crawled into the grass, looking for something, but got nothing.

   "Not here?" The two stood up, suspiciously: "This place should be this area, the best place for Tibetans. If they are not here, where would it be?"


   A clear sound came from the tree above them.

   looked up at Xia Qingchen's movement to open the Huozhezi.

   His face was expressionless, and as soon as his fingers were loose, the fire fold fell down and fell into the grass full of smokeless oil.

   "Ah! There is cheating!" The two shouted and hurriedly rushed out of the grass.

   But the smoky oil exploded instantly, burning up a whole piece of grass.

   The two immediately fell into a raging fire and were quickly ignited by the flames.

  When they rushed out, they had turned into firemen and burned screams.

   Xia Qingchen leaped down and slapped in the palm of his hand. Xing Li just shattered the burning clothes on the two.

  Even so, the short flame still burned them to faint.

   In this battle, Xia Qingchen and Bai Xiaozhu win.

(End of this chapter)

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