Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 922: Elders

Tang Yaorong pondered: "Why do you ask?"

Hongying said with a deep voice: "Four people were all killed by the same person. The swordsmanship was fast, accurate and ruthless. One sword was deadly!"


People on the cold side couldn't help but be surprised.

The four are all powerful players who are aware of the big star position and have rich combat experience.

Can you be killed by the same person?

This is no small matter!

Tang Yaorong and the Master of Yanyu County came to examine the four corpses. After careful comparison, they were all surprised.

The wounds are shallow, wide and narrow, and they are exactly the same.

"Good swordsmanship." Tang Yaorong said solemnly: "The swordsmanship is so fast that there is a trace of scorching near the wound, and the sword is fierce, and the cut wound is very smooth."

It turned out that Tang Yaorong was also a master of Kendo, and he once studied sword art with the swordmaster at dusk.

So at first glance, it was speculated that this man's swordsmanship was extremely brilliant.

"This man's swordsmanship is so deep that he can be ranked in the top ten in the cool environment of kendo." Tang Yaorong narrowed his eyes and looked at the expression of Yanyu County Lord and others.

The Yanyu County Lord and others showed confusion.

The top ten kendos in the cold realm refer to the rankings including the swordsman at dusk?

Possibly among the top ten, who is not a martial arts master who has practiced tens or even hundreds of years?

How could it be a fairy chess player less than twenty years old?

"I hope, your cold environment gives an explanation!" Tang Yaorong's eyes rose sharply.

Is there a certain powerful kendo master in Liangjing who lied about his age and got into the fairy chess game?

As soon as this remark came out, Hongying took the lead in questioning: "It must be so! Liangjing lost his eyes, what could not be done?"

Long Xingchen's nostrils snorted: "Little girl, if you have no credentials, can I think you are insulting the cold?"

So, the red tassel shut up.

When it comes to the dignity of a state, it is better to be cautious.

However, although she no longer speaks, the contempt and anger in her eyes are obvious.

The arrogants on the side of Zhongyun Realm are also full of contempt.

It means that if you can't win in the cold, you want to crook the evil way!

Tang Yaorong said sternly: "Longcheng Lord, although the children have no secrets, but if you do not give a reasonable explanation, this matter may be difficult to be good."

Mixing the famous kendo masters into the competition to kill the arrogance of Zhongyun Realm is a matter of indignation between people and gods!

Once settled, another battle is inevitable between the two realms.

Long Xingchen didn't believe that Yanyu County Master and Niseko would be confused to do such a stupid thing, but it was indeed the master of kendo who could not bear the injury of the dead.

This matter is indeed too weird.

The Master of Yanyu County felt that the situation was serious, so he naturally had to find out and looked back at his own people: "Who killed?"

Alternate contestants looked at each other, looked at each other, and no one responded.

Seeing that no one responded, Tang Yaorong hummed: "Don't you dare to be a dare? A kendo elder, who is good at killing juniors with Xiuwei and swordsmanship, does Wu Yan stand up?"

Niseko also spoke, clenching his fists: "This senior swordsman, your heart for the cold world, Shijiko understands and appreciates, but please stand up and explain the situation."

The two asked one after another, and a soft sigh came from the crowd.

"You are all called elders, Xia Mou is difficult to show up."

The crowd was shocked and looked towards the end.

Xia Qingchen leaned against a sand wall, holding a broken sword in his arms, and said indifferently.

"Xia Qingchen killed it?"

"Fake it! He is not as good as me!"

"Probably in the limelight, but dare to show such terrible limelight, what did he think?"

"Oh, maybe it's a bad brain."

The master of Yanyu County and the second son looked at Xia Qingchen.

His eyes were full of surprises and confusion.

Will it be Xia Qingchen?

Given his current practice and situation, should it be difficult to achieve?

Only the two young ladies from the military palace, as well as the three sons, fell into deep thought.

Only they know that besides Wan Xiaoqi, Xia Qingchen also has an identity that few people know about—the sword fairy on the ground!

Once, the first sword sacred star in the middle of the cloud in the dusk of the cloud, all convinced the sword fairy on the ground that he had failed!

If there is anyone in the younger generation who can compare the swordsmanship of the older generation of kendo masters, then only Xia Qingchen.

Tang Yaorong looked indifferent and displeased: "Youth, be careful when you speak!"

Regarding the fairness of the fairy chess game, a teenager can't play tricks.

Niseko frowned, and scolded: "Retreat!"

Hongying sneered and said, "There's nothing to do with you here, or let the cheating elder Kendo stand up!"

Xia Qingchen smiled softly.

With a straight waist, he left the sand wall and stood up straight.

His thumb flicked the scabbard lightly, only to hear the sound of the sharp sword, the broken sword turned into a stream of light, and it punctured the red tassel instantly.

Because the speed is so fast, the air is whining, and even a trace of Mars appears.

Everyone only felt that there was a reddish mark in front of their eyes, and the broken sword reached three inches away from Hongying's chest.

"Ah! Stop it!" Tang Yaorong, a man in Kendo, reacted first.

He jumped over and pulled out his sword on the way, trying to pick off the broken sword with his own sword.

But the broken sword seemed to be thundering, and it was extremely difficult to catch the sword with his eyes. How difficult was it to stop it in time?

He picked it with a sword, only to pick up its afterimage.

Unstoppable watching Broken Sword stab straight at Hongying's vital chest.

Hongying's own reaction is sensitive, but this sword is too fast, too sudden, too fierce, too ruthless!

Not giving her any space or time to flinch!

"Ah!" When the broken sword couldn't stop piercing three inches into the chest, Hongying screamed uncontrollably.

I can't imagine the feeling of the cold sword tip entering the body!

Broken sword turned suddenly when she was an inch in front of her chest, rubbing her under the slant.

The fierce sword gas cut her waist, making her loose red robe loose, revealing a round and white shoulder.

She covered her clothes in time so that the spring breeze wouldn't burst out.


Broken sword a roundabout, re-enter the sheath.

Xia Qingchen stood there, never moving his footsteps, and even holding his arms in his arms.

From beginning to end, he only flicked his thumb lightly!

Broken swords are all manipulated according to their ideas!

Tang Yaorong's figure fluttered to the ground, and his pupils narrowed, staring at Xia Qingchen, and said horror: "When you read the sword! You, you are a saint of kendo!!"

Yu Jian destroys the enemy, but anyone who can reach the mid-star position can do it.

However, ordinary people need to use the star power in their fingers to manipulate remotely, so as to destroy the enemy.

However, there is a person who no longer needs star power, but uses the mind to manipulate the sword to hurt people.

That is-Kendo Sage!

It is also a sword saint very respected by Liangjing!

Arriving at the realm of sword sage, you can step on the empty sword to fly in one thought.

There are only less than ten people in Zhongyunjing arriving at this level.

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