Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 928: But so

  Wait for the second son's comfort, there was a quiet and indifferent voice from the fairy magic chess game.

"What is the significance of the victory of charity?" Xia Qingchen stood in the rolling yellow sand and said plainly: "Everything should come in accordance with the rules of the fairy demon chess game, so that the so-called Tianjiao people in Zhongyun Realm would be convinced to take it by mouth, and then shut their mouths. "


   The party in the cold environment was taken aback, and they all succeeded. What did Xia Qingchen do?

  As for whether Tianjiao, one of Zhongyun Realm, will be convinced by mouth, does it matter?

   It's enough to get victory!

   "Xia Qingchen, you shut up!" Niseko shouted: "I'm in charge here!"

   "What are you, what is it?" Xia Qingchen said indifferently: "It is me, not you, who is standing on the fairy chess game, fighting for the cold environment!"

   He looked at the remaining four sets of Tianjiao in Zhongyun Realm and said lightly: "Let's go together, maybe it will be faster!"

   said a word, all uproar and anger.

   "What a joke, he wants to stand alone against all the arrogance of the cool contemporary era?" Niseko hated his teeth, did Xia Qingchen deliberately push out his victory?

   The side of Zhongyunjing felt endless shame.

   "One person contends with us all? Ha ha ha, he probably regards our mid-cloud environment Tianjiao as waste?"

   "Fulfill him!"


Among the four members of the group, the only remaining seven members of Fengming Pavilion came out one after another.

   Bai Buhan put his hands in his sleeves, his eyes drooping, with a bland but unacceptable command tone: "Retract what I just said."

   That sentence is an insult to the contemporary genius of Zhongyun Realm.

   Xia Qingchen's body turned around and stirred the yellow sand in the air to form a round ball. He stood with his hands in his hands and said, "How can I recover the words like splashing water?"

   Bai Buhan's eyes closed gently and said, "If you are dead, just do it."

   Xia Qingchen's death is the best way to take back what he just said.

  Only death can wash away the insult.

   "For your part, I give you a chance to die!" Bai Buhan said with closed eyes.

   Xia Qingchen lightly smiled, Yun Danfeng lightly said: "Do people in Fengming Pavilion like to talk to themselves like this?"

   Hao streamer is, so is Bai Buhan.


  Hundred steps cold suddenly opened his eyes, the cold cold air condensed the air into fine ice.

   However, the cold and cold, but his eyes are cold!

   "Then, I will give you a death!" Bai Buhan's arms folded in his sleeves suddenly pulled out, squatting on the ground, his palms pressed **** the ground: "Nine Departments Ice Dragon!"

   Click, click, click——

   Around Xia Qingchen, there were ice crystal runes after another.

   Rune flashes rapidly, and then a ten-foot ice dragon is rushed out of it immediately!

   A total of nine, showing the trend of winning the pearl from Kowloon, slamming into Xia Qingchen.

   dong dong dong ——

   Only listened to the dense rumbling sounds. The nine ice dragons did not give Xia Qingchen any room to shrink and buried it in place.

   A thick ice mist dispersed, exposing the broken iceberg high in the hill!

   On the ground, there was a slight tremor when Jiulong pressed the ground.

   And around, there is still a cold breath.

   The world is quiet, Xia Qingchen, who was just a lifetime away, was buried in Bai Buhan's stunt!

   The cold side sat down in a state of desolation, both regretting and blaming.

  Why bother?

   However, on the iceberg, a piece of broken ice suddenly rolled down.

   "Take up the corpse and leave him a little decent." Bai Bu coldly withdrew his palms, shrunk into his sleeves, and turned back.

  'S slight voice stopped his footsteps, and turned around with a frown.


   Another piece of crushed ice fell from the iceberg.

   Then, more!

   "The iceberg is shaking!" Hongying's eyes were sharp and he wondered.

   The look of Bai Buhan was slightly dignified, and his gaze looked away.

   Suddenly, a faint red light appeared at the foot of the iceberg.

   Against the red light, there was an upright figure.

   His palms were on his chest, facing up and down. Between them, a ball of flame, like a human heart beating continuously, set the shadow against the shadow.

   "He is not dead?" Hongying was taken aback!

   The nine ice dragons of Bai Buhan are rare prefecture-level martial arts in Zhongyun Realm. They are extremely powerful, and no one in the same generation can bear it once.

   Once, there were three unknown big-star three-conscious strongmen who assassinated him.

   As a result, Bai Buhan made a note of nine ice dragons and instantly turned the three into ice sculptures.

   It is said that the three assassins maintained their panic attitude before their lives, but their vitality has been extinct.

  Unimaginable, Xia Qingchen was not dead!

   Bai Buhan's eyes shrank, and his hands were sealed again, and he patted **** the ground.


  Nine runes appeared again near the iceberg, and nine ice dragons rushed out of it and pressed hard towards the iceberg.

   However, just when Nine Dragons are about to hit the iceberg and give Xia Qingchen a second attack.

  Xia Qingchen under the iceberg shattered the ice above his head in one fell swoop, and the man jumped to the top of the iceberg.

   Then stretched out a slap and lightly captured the nine ice dragons!

  Don't let the ice dragon roar, dance and swing in a swinging posture, they can't break free!

   "What?" Bai Bu coldly took a breath.

  His family has practiced nine ice dragons in all generations. It has been more than three hundred years. It is the first time to know that ice dragons can be caught!

   "The way to give me a death, is that all?" Xia Qingchen said lightly: "To be honest, I was a little disappointed."

   originally thought that since it is the first arrogance of Zhongyunjing's contemporary era, its strength should be very strong.

   Under a try, I found that the other party was not as good as Phalanx.

   That brilliant man, he didn't take it seriously and was a little dangerous.

   can be a hundred steps cold, too much difference!

   "Zhongyunjing Tianjiao, but that's it." Xia Qingchen sighed softly, his arms flicked down suddenly.

  Nine ice dragons are like the unique weapon of the nine handles, with their arms sweeping in front of a cloud of heaven.



  Many people were swept up and immediately flew across the body, vomiting blood.

  Only the marginal and dependable arrogance have not been affected.

   "Let's go together!" Roar broke out in the crowd!

  But when they thought they were safe, Xia Qingchen gently said the word "burst."

   Suddenly, the sky fire in his palm suddenly poured into the nine ice dragons.

  The sky fire exploded rapidly in the small space of the ice dragon, and the result was that the ice dragon exploded!

   Bang Bang Bang——

  Nine ice dragons exploded one after another, the huge body exploded into countless pieces of ice, and a large area of ​​radiation went out.

  In an instant, most of them were hit by the crushing ice and swept down.

   Only a few people retreated to safety by virtue of agility, but they were afraid.

   can't believe that nearly 50 casualties were all from the same person!

   When they looked at Xia Qingchen again, they all felt cold in the back and felt an inexplicable chill.

  In their eyes, Xia Qingchen is not a Tianjiao of the same generation, but a monster monster!

  Bai Buhan gritted his teeth and sighed, "Fengming Pavilion, fight!"

  Ordinary people can't cope with him, only members of Fengming Pavilion can work together to suppress it.

(End of this chapter)

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