Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 944: Mingjin recruits soldiers (two more)

   When the two rounds of scrubbing attacks were completed, there were only 200,000 troops, only 70,000 to 80,000!

   General Storm and General Ice and Snow were horrified, and their high fighting intentions were all slaughtered by the Zizi Heavenly League.

   "Retreat!! Quickly retreat!!!" The sound of the drums of the troop withdrawal quickly sounded.

  Frightened soldiers who had been killed immediately fled with their helmets and armor turned.

   "Spread out, a group of Baixiaoqi, free chase." The opponent is a light cavalry, fast maneuvering speed, and this place is a plain suitable for them to play, and the pursuit effect is limited.

   hunted down a few times, and took another 20,000 or 30,000 heads.

   200,000 troops, less than 60,000 people left!

   Xia Qingchen coldly said: "Everyone listens to orders, runs Star Power, and marches urgently, and must catch up before the enemy's main retreat!"

  Everyone was all excited. In the past, the army of Zhongyun Realm pressed them to fight in the cold, and suffered the humiliation of humiliating the country.

   But now, it is completely reversed.

   Even the arrogant people who are not in the battle sequence are excited by blood into the war!

  Zhongyunjing Camp.

   General Tuoma and seven other generals are always waiting patiently for the outcome.

   for half a day.

   A cavalry arrived quickly.

   "Urgent report!!"

   is another urgent report!

   "Report!" The cavalry flew into the camp account, panting: "The two generals are writing, please read it by the commander in chief."

   Commander grabbed it, and his pupils shrank!

  On the letterhead, there were only six big characters!

   "Big defeat! Commander withdraw quickly!"

The words on the letterhead were all blood-stained. It can be seen that the situation was so urgent that the two generals did not even have time to find pens and ink.

   Can only write in his own blood in a hurry!

   Commander clenched his fists, unable to accept this cruel reality.

   "I... what am I fighting with a group of people?" The Tumor Commander asked in pain.

   Are those really warriors in the traditional sense?

   Thousand people, annihilating 300,000 troops in two days.

   Six thousand people, one battle will defeat 200,000 troops!

The number of    is completely meaningless in front of them!

   "Xia Qingchen! I am the enemy of life and death in the cloud realm!" The head of the cancer tumor remembered Liu Fenglei, who once said in the king of Zhongyun when the mine was defeated.

   At that time, he once said a word that no one cared about as the king of Zhongyun, as the commander of all parties, and as the leader of Zhongyun.

   "If there is a day of death in the cloud realm in me, it must be killed by Xia Qingchen alone!"

   That sentence, no one in my heart, all used as an excuse for Liu Fenglei's disastrous defeat.

   Even, he had satirized Liu Fenglei on the same day, without any responsibility, he suffered a fiasco, but he rose his enemies to destroy his ambition.

   Now he only deeply understands Liu Fenglei's words, how wise and wise!

   District of seven thousand people, has wiped out half of his army!

  If he was given an iron ride of 100,000 people, wouldn't he be able to calm down the middle cloud?

   This child must be the person in the cloud of destruction!

   "Commander, where shall we go?" The generals present, who did not tremble with trembling, and who dare to persevere in the fight as before?

  The chief of the poisonous tumor looked painfully at the mine in front of him, and at the countless corpses, deep and powerful: "Mingjin withdraws troops!"

The word    was dropped, announcing that the plan of Zhongyunjing had been brewing for a long time.

  The army of Zhongyun Realm immediately prepared to retreat.

On the mountain road, Fang Cuihong, who was watching this scene, hesitated for a long time before he gritted his teeth and said, "The Yunlan clan listens to the order, down the mountain to punish the enemy, try to hold them down!"

   Seeing that Zhongyunjing was about to retreat, she wanted to try her best to buy time for Xia Qingchen.

  The Yunlan clan went down like a tiger, and suddenly, it caused great damage to the soldiers on the edge.

  However, they can only cause some casualties, but they cannot delay the withdrawal of the entire army.

  At this time, General Storm and General Ice and Snow led the remnants to return.

   The two faceless returned to Zhongyun Realm and regarded death as the way to go: "Commander, you go first, let's break it!"

   Commander Tuoma's heart was desolate and his eyes closed painfully: "Your family, I will settle down!"

   The two generals smiled miserably, kneeling on one knee and saying, "Master, take care all the way!"

   After finishing his speech, he led more than 50,000 remnants to the back of the new mine and attacked the Yunlan clique from behind.

  Unfortunately, the Yunlan clan can only give up the main force that chases and evacuates, and instead will fight with this remnant soldier.

   Their combat power is naturally vulnerable in front of the combined attack, but it is considered that they have the strength to return to their death, and they do not take danger in their eyes at all.

  Waves of people broke through the slits of the assault technique and killed them.

   Fortunately, they are all equipped with explosive crossbows, and there is a Bai Xiaoqi who is not involved in joint strikes, specializing in shooting close enemies.

   "Ah! The cold thief! The old man will die with you!" In the smoky smoke, an old man with a disheveled hair, **** face, climbed up from the ground and rushed to the ground.

  He is the general storm.

   Another general, in the middle of a combined attack, was dead.

   Only he, with a little luck, came to the front with injuries.

   Fang Cuihong changed his face: "Let the arrow!"

   More than one team of Bai Xiaoqi Qiqi opened the bowstring, and even the falling women of the assault technique took out the explosive arrows and shot at them.

   This is Xiaoyue who is a strong man. Once he gets close, the casualties will be terrible.

  Is it possible? It is possible for the whole army to be wiped out!

   whizzing ——

   Hundreds of explosive crossbows fired in a storm, blowing up countless fires.

   is so much more than that, the female soldiers of the combined strike also focus on taking care of them.

   After some indiscriminate bombing, everyone saw only an old general who was kneeling on the ground and had closed his eyes forever!

   "General!!" The soldiers roared and killed over in anger.

   It is a pity that he fell under the merciless beam of light until the last soldier fell completely.

   Falling down together, and the once-fluttering banner of Zhongyunjing......

   Fang Cuihong glanced at the main force of Zhongyun Realm that had reached the horizon, and silently sighed: "After all, they still can't keep them! Clean the battlefield!"

  She has the intention to kill the enemy, but the enemy inevitably kills a carbine and captures the new mine, so she can't go far.

Da da--

   At this time, the Zizitian group marched hurriedly over.

   "Master Xia, his subordinates are incompetent and failed to retain the main force of Zhongyun Realm." Fang Cuihong asked the crime.

   The three sons looked at each other with a grin, and there would be soldiers of whatever kind.

   A Qian Xiaoqi, dare to threaten to retain the main force of Zhongyun Realm!

   However, when I looked around the mine and on the mountain road, the dense, piled up corpses of the mountain could not help but take a breath.

   These... are the results of the Yunlan group, right?

   Xia Qingchen looked at the body of the general not far away and silently said: "The two generals were buried."


   "In addition!" Xia Qingchen looked at the Yanyu County Master, the three sons and the Tianjiao people: "The non-combat sequences are all left in the mine and are guarded by the Yunlan clan, which can temporarily keep you safe."

   "When the Northern Xinjiang Army leads the army and takes over here, you can safely return to Liangzhou City."

(End of this chapter)

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