Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 949: You are a traitor (seven more)

"Did you see it? The sky above the town has been locked." Masked Humane said: "The authority of Zhongyun Realm at dusk is much larger than you think. Once dusk has something important, any area of ​​the whole territory will cooperate fully."

"If there is no accident, the city's moat has assembled here. If you want to escape, it is best to kill the city immediately."

It seems to be verifying the masked man's words. Thousands of city guards surrounded the monster beast square.

Xia Qingchen immediately rushed out with their swords when they had not yet joined the encirclement.


A ten-footed sword went down, and immediately some of the soldiers were shocked.

However, there are too many moat troops, and a sword will not help at all!

"You go first! Go straight south, where there is a pavilion, wait for me there!" The masked Xuanyi people leapt forward, exhibiting Xiaoyuewei Xiuwei, instantly hurting a large area, and opened a way for Xia Qingchen .

Xia Qingchen stopped and said, "Who are you? Why help me?"

The masked man killed the enemy while saying: "You used to be gracious to me, I am here to repay you specially today! Come on, I will come back later, I will talk later!"

Xia Qingchen thought about it and left quickly.

Thanks to the masked people's ability to attract firepower, Xia Qingchen easily escaped and left the town.

Twenty miles south of the city, on a lonely mountain, there is a desolate little pavilion almost collapsed.

Xia Qingchen held his hand in the pavilion for a long time, and the masked man in black finally arrived.

He shook the blood stains on his body, and took off the hat and face towel, and said: "Master Xia, you are alive, it is my blessing to live in a cool environment!"

Xia Qingchen looked back, and there was not much surprise in his expression: "Dragon Star, Dragon City Lord."

The masked man with broken arm was no one else, but turned out to be one of the masters of the fairy demon city, Dragon Star.

"Your injury is all right?" Xia Qingchen asked.

Long Xingchen clenched his fists and said: "I can take back my life only after Master Xiamen rescued me."

He was seriously injured and comatose that day, and if he had not met the Xia Qingchen's Zizi Tiantuan, he would have died long ago.

"Being part of the same enemy is not enough." Xia Qingchen sat down calmly and asked, "How did you find me?"

He stretched out the hinterland of Zhongyun Realm and wanted to find him, but it was not easy.

"I have been a city host in Xianmo City for many years, and I have been dealing with people in Zhongyunjing all the year round. I have some connections, so I understand their movements."

"A few days ago, when I got the news that they were chasing a person in a cold place, I guessed it was probably Master Xia!"

Xia Qingchen smiled slightly: "Why do you see me? I died in a cliff."

Hearing the words, Long Xingchen sighed: "Master Xia has no idea. Since you fell into the cliff, the Zizi Tiantuan has been stationed on the cliff and has never left."

"They sent a large number of soldiers every day to look for the body of Lord Xia, but they turned over nearly 100,000 corpses, and none of them was yours, so I guess you might not have died."

Xia Qingchen's state of mind fluctuated: "How is the Zizi Tiantuan now?"

Long Xingchen said helplessly: "Your life and death are unknown. For Zizi Tiantuan, especially Yunlan Clan, it is tantamount to the collapse of the sky, down to the soldiers, and up to Qian Xiaoqi is decadent."

Hearing the sound, Xia Qingchen said sorry to Mo Dao in his heart.

False death escape is an insincere choice, but I didn't expect to have such a big impact on them.

"Master Xia, if you have nothing else, please go back as soon as possible, everyone is waiting for you." Long Xingchen persuaded.

Xia Qingchen shook his head: "I still have something to do in Zhongyun Realm and I can't go back for the time being."

Long Xingchen asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

He leaned forward, his face curious.

Xia Qingchen's fingers tapped on the broken pavilion and said lightly: "I told you, is it convenient for you to ventilate and report?"

Long Xingchen, who had a smile on her face, stiffened for a moment, then immediately turned into displeasure: "Master Xia, what do you mean?"

Xia Qingchen looked at him, and his eyes were as sharp as a beam of light that penetrated into the deep deep water pool, revealing everything: "meaning, you are undercover in the middle of the cloud."


Long Xingchen snapped the case, and said with awe, "Master Xia, I respect you for saving my life, but because of the past, I have slandered me at the end of the festival. Is it too narrow-minded?"

"Defamation?" Xia Qingchen looked at him indifferently: "The second son, why did they get attacked by unknown forces as soon as they left the fairy demon city and took them away?"

"They were at that time, but they chose a random path. If no one reported it, how could the enemy intercept them so accurately?"

Long Xingchen stretched his face and said: "It's ridiculous, my undercover, actually paid the price of one arm in order to save people in the cold environment?"

Xia Qingchen sneered a little: "Don't pretend to be in front of me! I have seen your broken arm. It was broken at least 20 years ago, and then you have been using artificial limbs."

"On the battlefield, all you lose is a prosthesis!"

At that time he saw the clues and paid attention.

There was a trace of confusion deep in the eyes of Long Xingchen, but he still did not admit: "Well, I admit, I made up some deeds deliberately, but that is to hope for the praise of the Cool King. How can I conclude that I am a traitor?"

Xia Qingchen said blankly: "This is just one of the doubts. Since then, the enemy army has suddenly evacuated. Isn't it someone who has reported it?"

"How do you know it is me? At that time, six or seven thousand troops, everyone may be a traitor!" Long Xingchen said.

Xia Qingchen looked at him and said, "Doubt you because you are the least likely to be doubted."

Because at that time, Dragon Star was in a comatose state!

Anyone who reports the news can't doubt him.

According to Xia Qingchen's examination of the injury, the injury of his prosthetic limb was actually not enough to coma.

Therefore, Long Xingchen at that time was pretending to be comatose.

"Of course, these are doubts." Xia Qingchen said: "The thing that makes me most sure is that you are a traitor, you, actually know my exact location!"

He had long felt that someone could speculate on his trajectory in advance and set the ambush ahead of time.

Long Xingchen, but as soon as Xia Qingchen arrived in the town, he immediately caught up!

The enemies are not as detailed as he has!

Therefore, he can almost conclude that Long Xingchen has a big problem.

Long Xingchen's nostrils hummed: "If I am a traitor, what are you doing to save you in the city?"

Xia Qingchen said: "That's because, you didn't know **** me, so you played a play with the enemies in Zhongyun Realm to gain my trust and then waited to kill me."

"A nonsense!" Long Xingchen refused to admit it.

Xia Qingchen slowly stood up and said, "Really? Then how can the thousands of soldiers ambush near this pavilion explain?"


Long Xingchen's pupil shrank, his eyes suddenly sharpened, staring at Xia Qingchen.

He was very surprised. Since Xia Qingchen found out, why did he come in?

"All come out!" Long Xingchen sipped.

Hualao and a group of strong crossbow warriors dispatched by a nearby legion surrounded the pavilion.

Hua Lao walked up to the gazebo and patted Long Xingchen's shoulder: "The old man really didn't expect that the flag that the poisonous tumor commander has arranged in the cold environment for many years would be you. It's really unbelievable!"

Yes, he is a traitor in the cold.

Because, the people of Zhongyunjing and the office of the same city are in the same year, they are deeply tempted by them, and they completely turned to Zhongyunjing five years ago.

Long Xingchen frowned, saying: "Or solve this as soon as possible? He knows that this place is still trapped and broke in, something unusual."

"Is it?" Hua Lao's eyes flickered slightly, and he moved backwards quietly.

He has maintained a considerable degree of caution during his many years of investigative career.

Long Xingchen also plans to withdraw from the pavilion and let those elite soldiers solve it.

But, who knows, Xia Qingchen sat immobile in the gazebo and said leisurely: "Since I let you in, of course I won't let you go out again."

What about Satsuki?

They thought they were hunters, but they did not know that they had already changed roles and became prey!

His hands were quickly sealed, and eight marks were drawn, and he broke into the underground near the pavilion.

In his mouth, he slowly said four words: "Big! Yan! Sword! Array!"

(Five changes tomorrow night)

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