Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 952: Learn from each other (one more)

   Xia Qingchen smiled faintly, glanced at Baizhangkuan River, and then stepped forward.

  With his amazing body, he walked the river to the ground.

   But, Red Qianfan grabbed him: "You swim past? Isn't that dirty blue flower fairy's flower boat?"

   He grabbed Xia Qingchen's shoulder blade and proudly said: "Come on, let you experience my unique skill in the world, swallows!"

   said, taking a breath, leap forward, and galloping Xia Qingchen across the river.

   Behind them, there was a string of white waves, which was very shocking in the eyes of the inferior warriors.


  The two fell lightly on the deck. Red Qianfan regained a humble look and said to Xia Qingchen: "If you want to learn this method in the future, please feel free to ask me."

   unknowingly, thought Hong Qianfan was a gentle gentleman who treated others generously.

   The blue flower fairy looks in his eyes, unmoved, get along with him for seven or eight days, what kind of character do they have, the blue flower fairy knows.

   "Your Excellency is willing to learn from all of you here?" Lan Hua Fairy asked softly, lest Xia Qingchen was forced to come here.

   Xia Qingchen looked at her, her eyes were so clear that she was not moved by her calm temperament.

   Nodded gently and said, "Well, who comes first?"

   pondered in his mind, how to get this blue flower fairy's recommendation, and entered the Shenliu Cave brightly.

   "Don't worry first." Blue Flower Fairy said: "You cultivated geometry? Where do you come from, who is the last name, who is the teacher? Should the identity token be carried with you?"

  Before formal discussion, she first examines Xia Qingchen's identity.

  All the children on the ship are honorable and honorable, but can you let unidentified people learn from them, in case the other party is mischievous?

   "In the next Wang Kai, Xiu is the sixth star in the middle star, this is my identity token." Xia Qingchen presented the token to the past.

   On the snowy mountain, Hua Lao and his apprentice spied on the military situation, after being seen by Xia Qingchen.

   Hualao escaped, but his apprentice died tragically in an explosive arrow crossbow.

  The token naturally fell into the hands of Xia Qingchen.

   "Second agent, Wang Kai?" Blue Flower Fairy surprised, said: "Why are you here?"

   Secret Agent is a more common position in Zhongyunjing and is under the jurisdiction of Dusk.

   Xia Qingchen said: "The fairy demon city war is over, and my mission is over, so I walk along the river."

  The blue flower fairy dissolves the doubt.

   No wonder he will appear in such a barren and dangerous area, it turned out to be the agent who returned from the mission.

  The agents in the middle of the cloud are acting mysteriously, often appearing in places with rare human traces. It is not strange that he came here.

   "Well, since it is a person at dusk, let's walk with us all the way." Blue Flower Fairy said.

   This fits Xia Qingchen's heart.

   "Thank you." Xia Qingchen said.

  Blue Flower Fairy smiled indifferently: "They are all talents in the middle of the cloud, need someone to discuss one or two, if you want, you can deal with them."

   Xia Qingchen said: "It just happens to be lonely along the way. I can exchange martial arts with the talents of Zhongyun Realm, and I can also solve the boredom."

   He was a bit interested in learning from each other. Based on their strength, he might speculate about the overall strength of Zhongyun Jingtianjiao.

   "This tone seems like he is very extraordinary." A young girl in the middle star position, with a disdainful look on her face.

   She stepped out of the crowd and said, "I will meet you first!"

   She is anxious to express, also want to get a second look at the blue flower fairy.

   This tour, on the surface, the Orchid Fairy was instructed to direct their practice, but actually the Blue Flower Fairy investigated them.

   If any of them are satisfied with the performance of the Blue Flower Fairy, she has the right to give a chance for a **** to stay in the hole.

   "Why do you come first? I come first!" Another rude boy pushed the girl away, rudely.

   "Isn't this right? You cultivate so high, what if you hurt him, no one behind us can discuss." Another boy said.

  Blue Flower Fairy frowned lightly and said lightly: "Who will discuss with whom should be decided by Prince Gong!"

   Everyone immediately looked at Xia Qingchen with hopeful eyes.

   Xia Qingchen smiled lightly: "The first girl to speak comes first."

   The girl, with a firm chest, chuckled: "You think I'm a woman, so it's best to learn right?"

   Of all the people, Xia Qingchen did not choose who chose her first.

  In her perception, she looked down on her.

   Xia Qingchen put his arms around his chest and said, "Girl, if I don't choose you, you will be dissatisfied, but if you choose you, you will look down on you! You're so bad to serve!"

   others laughed.

   "Haha, is this kid trying to reason with the black widow?"

   "He probably hasn't heard the name of the black widow? Is she a reasonable person?"

   "I have to say that he has really bad vision in picking opponents, and picks a female opponent who should not be selected." A woman plays with taste.

   The black widow's attacking method is quite fierce, and he learns from it normally, and few people do not fall a little bit injured.

   Xia Qingchen chooses who is bad, but chooses her.

   The black widow slowly took out two black gloves and put them on his hands. He smiled and said with a smile: "Wait, you will know, my aunt, I'm even worse at serving!"

   Her arms fell naturally and said, "You can do it first, so as not to hurt you, it would be boring."

   Xia Qingchen's arms were still wrapped around his chest, saying: "It's still you first, our spy's martial arts power is huge. Once the shot is made, it is preemptive, so that the opponent has no chance to move."

   means that if he shoots first, the opponent will not even have the chance to move.

  The black widow is funny: "You spy, you have good faith, but you don't know how long you can last!"

   The voice fell, and the black widow jumped forward, reaching 800 feet in one step.

   Eight hundred feet is a big star position. Judging from her six star positions, it is quite good.

   "Shuanglong spit fog!" The black widow twirled her palms and changed her posture.

   Black gloves are filled with layers of black smoke. At first glance, it looks like two black faucets spraying black smoke.

  The smoke is naturally poisonous, although it is not violent, but once touched, it must be uncomfortable, and the combat power will decline, and the other party will find the flaw.

   Xia Qingchen said indifferently: "It doesn't work!"

   He lifted his right leg and swept it fiercely, a gust of wind passed, blowing the poisonous mist of his palms upside down, and put the poisonous widow in the face.

   Suddenly, the poisonous widow sneezes and tears in her eyes.

  Mo said to continue to fight, it is difficult to protect themselves.

   Xia Qingchen's tiptoe was a bit, and he lightly said on his shoulder: "Throw away those two gloves. If it's life and death, you're already dead."

  Tianjiao who watched the good show couldn't help looking at Xia Qingchen in surprise.

   Not only is the Widow Widow higher than Xia Qingchen, the martial arts and nirvana are also very clever.

   But Xia Qingchen didn't even take it seriously and beat the opponent?

  The blue flower fairy sat on the bow of the boat with boredom, watching them pass the time without a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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