Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 954: Hard-won (three more)

  He grabbed his arm, grabbed the side of the ship, and then turned over and said, "I fell out of the flower boat, I lost."

Seeing this, Hong Qianfan was extremely angry!

   This is not the result he wants!

   What he wanted was that Xia Qingchen was treated as a dead dog, and was defeated on the ground tragically. It was better to be seriously injured.

   The current situation, he won, but did not show how powerful he is.

   He lowered his upper eyelids, staring dutifully at Xia Qingchen, his eyes echoed with a thick threat, and said, "Master, you haven't lost yet, let's keep coming!"

  He turned his hands into claws, and then he continued to do it. The blue flower fairy said: "He has accepted the challenges of the four of you continuously. If he goes on, he will not bully."

   Red Qianfan changed her face like turning a book, turning to the moment of the Blue Flower Fairy, and the gloomy face immediately turned into a warm face: "The Blue Flower Fairy is to understand our juniors."

   He stepped forward, patted Xia Qingchen's shoulder, gently smiled and said: "You have worked hard!"

   Before everyone, he seemed extraordinarily polite.

  Blue Flower Fairy rubbed her eyebrows and said, "I have seen the performance of the four of you. Yes, a little later. I will point out your shortcomings in detail. Now I am a little tired. I want to be alone."

  Everyone was so impressed that they said goodbye.

  Hong Qianfan also said with a smile, turned around, his face turned into a vicious color, and hugged Xia Qingchen's shoulders, said: "King son, come to my room, let's discuss martial arts again."

  Back to the room, his first thing was to give Xia Qingchen some mouth.

   The ear is deaf, and he didn’t do what he ordered!

   How can I stop this bad breath?

   "Princess Wang stays, I have something to ask him." Fairy Lanhua said.

   Hong Qianfan smiled immediately, let go of Xia Qingchen, and patted his shoulder and said: "The Fairy Lanhua talked with each other personally. Do you have a serious attitude, you know?"

   said, leaving with a smile on his face, and wrinkled his eyebrows immediately in the dark place of his turn.

  Why does the fairy of blue flower summon Xia Qingchen?

  Isn't it the discovery of Xia Qingchen's amazing potential? Interested?

  Thinking about this, Hong Qianfan was inexplicably panicked, and it seemed really possible.

   A mid-star position, six levels, leapfrog entangled with their big star position, did not fall too far.

   Such talents are rare in Zhongyunjing!

   "Should I lead a wolf into the room?" Hong Qianfan worried.

   on the deck.

  The blue flower fairy leaned on the side of the ship, and Qian Eye looked at the steep and strange peaks that gradually appeared on both sides of the river, saying: "You are stronger than them."

   Xia Qingchen's eyes were unsurprised, and she said: "Fairies are well-known, I am not as good as them."

   However, the Blue Flower Fairy said: "I mean, your combat experience! In terms of strength, you are naturally inferior to Jiang Tianguo and Hong Qianfan, after all, the foundation cultivation is too different."

   Xia Qingchen smiled and said nothing.

   "I plan to include you in the candidate list recommended by Shenliudong." Fairy Lanhua turned her head and looked at Xia Qingchen.

So simple?

   Xia Qingchen was quite surprised. I thought it would take a lot of money to do it. I didn't expect a simple discussion and let the blue flower fairy decide next time.

   He has a little affection for this gentle girl.

  How valuable is the recommended quota?

   She can use the quota in exchange for money and support from powerful people, and she can also give it to someone she knows well as a gift.

   But she didn't, but she plans to give it to Xia Qingchen who has only one side.

  Just because Xia Qingchen has good potential, it is worth studying!

   For a moment, Xia Qingchen saw the shadow of Saint Bai Lian on her body.

   The same Grand Duke is selfless, the same mind is fair.

   is just an iron selfless, a calm temperament.

   "Thank you." Xia Qingchen clenched her fists, sincere thanks, this quota came too unexpectedly.

   But who knows, the voice of the Blue Flower Fairy turns: "But, that was the previous idea."


   Xia Qingchen looked at her expression, only to see the tranquil face of the blue flower fairy didn't know when she was disappointed and contemptuous.

   She said indifferently: "Silver Fox is given to you by Red Qianfan, will you embarrass Jiang Tianguo?"

   Xia Qingchen was silent, he didn't like to lie.

   "You played against Red Qianfan just now, did you deliberately admit defeat?"

   Xia Qingchen remained silent.

   His expression fell in the eyes of the blue flower fairy, which is equivalent to confession.

   "I appreciate your talent, but I hate you as a person." Blue Flower Fairy Road: "The road of martial arts, not only cultivation, but also the heart."

   "If the sky has a great strength, but the heart is despicable, it will be a disaster."

   Blue Flower Fairy got up and said: "You and Red Qianfan are embarrassed and hoodwinked. I can see that the heart is impure, and the qualification of God to stay in the hole cannot be given to you."

   Her sleeve robe waved, her slender jade finger pointed to the river bank, and said indifferently: "You go! Flower boat, you are not welcome!"

  Xia Qingchen was unexpected.

   did not expect that the final result will be like this.

  He, in fact, is not considered embarrassed. He just used Silver Fox and didn't want to expose his true behavior, and he took the initiative to admit defeat.

   does not mean to deceive the blue flower fairy.

   However, these cannot be explained.

   He also disdain to explain.

   "You take care." Xia Qingchen didn't plead, only a light reminder, jumped and left the flower boat.

   After a few breaths, he reached the shore and disappeared into the vast mountains and forests.

  The blue flower fairy was stunned. I never thought that Xia Qingchen would be so free and easy to leave.

   thought he would beg to give him another chance

   This is different from Xia Qingchen's imagination.

  A person who pursues fame and profit should not be so calm.

   Did she misunderstand something?

   For a long time, the blue flower fairy sighed a little: "Well, everyone is gone, what can I say?"


   When the flower boat was passing through the river, the black birds on the Qijun Mountain peaks on both sides actually flew into pieces.

   She recognized that it was a famous fierce bird, one-eyed bird in this river.

   They usually live in groups and have fierce personalities, but whenever there are creatures breaking into their territory, they will definitely attack in groups.

   However, now the cyclops are all frightened.

   There is only one possibility for such a situation. Something that scares the one-eyed bird appears and breaks into their territory!

   Blue Flower Fairy was immediately vigilant and scolded: "All the guards, maybe a powerful monster is coming."

   This place is within a hundred thousand miles, and it is the most fierce gathering place of monsters and beasts in Zhongyun Realm.

   It's possible to run into a monster with a strong little moon.


  Hong Qianfan, Jiang Tianguo and others got out and looked at the cliffs on both sides with vigilance.

  However, except for the flying one-eyed bird, the mountain peaks on both sides were silent, and there was no worms.

  Because of this, on the contrary, it shows that there is a terrible presence on the mountain, which oppresses the monsters nearby.

   collapse card......


   On the right side of Qifeng, a huge kilogram of rock rolled down from the middle of the mountain and crashed into the bottomless river, splashing a white spray.

   They looked at the source of the stone, and saw a rush of bushes on the cliff, there was no danger.

  However, the blue flower fairy had the best eyesight and was keenly aware of the abnormality.

  She discovered that something moved on the earthy yellow stone wall.

   A closer look, a snake head the size of a house!

   It was staring coldly at them on the flower boat, spitting scarlet snake letters.

   The body that is as long as a hundred feet, is densely attached to the cliff, occupying a small half of the cliff!

   Because the color is the same as the cliff, I didn't recognize it for a while.

  The blue flower fairy sucked in a cool breath, and his scalp was numb: "Baiyan Tongtian Python?"

   Her teeth were trembling, and she couldn't keep shaking.

(End of this chapter)

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