Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 956: Smoke Wave Covenant

   "Priest, let's set off quickly. The King of Spirits in Zhongyun Realm is already waiting for us." Barbarous said.

  Huang nodded slightly, grabbed the barbarian volley in one hand and went away.

   Say the other end.

  The blue flower fairy took out an emerald transverse flute and played it gently. The sound of the flute penetrated into a hundred miles.

   After hearing the flute, the lost Tianjiao rushed over to gather.

   Finally, apart from the disappearance of several boatmen, the rest of them returned.

   "After going back, let the people of the gang bury the crew." Lanhua Fairy sighed slightly.

  The life of ordinary people, she cares, and the heart is indeed pure.

   "Given the irresistible danger of Baiyan Tongtian Python, the sharpening ended early." Blue Flower Fairy said.

  She played the flute again, this time the flute has a strange tone, at least how people sound.

  But not far away, the one-eyed birds hovering in the sky seemed to be summoned, flying over and hovering above their heads.

   Some of them fell down very docilely, creeping in front of the blue flower fairy.

   Xia Qingchen looked in his eyes, slightly surprised, should this be the control monster of the barbarians?

   seemed to be aware of Xia Qingchen’s surprise. The blue flower fairy put down his flute, and it felt slightly unnatural: "Let the young prince laugh, this is an improved martial art that the ancestor stole from the barbarian."

   Xia Qingchen chuckled and said, "No explanation."

  Can't do it, he still doubts that the blue flower fairy is a barbarian?

   The blue flower fairy's calm face, with a trace of unseen gloom, said: "Go up, let's go back to the capital as soon as possible."

  The day when the gods left the cave is not far away, you need to go back one step earlier to make preparations.

   Hong Qianfan was shocked and said, "Blue Flower Fairy, I still have many martial arts to ask you. Can I share a bird?"

  He was worried that he would be in danger again. If the blue flower fairy is beside him, he will undoubtedly be much safer.

  Second, you can still kiss Fang Ze, and see if you can get the recommendation opportunity of the **** to stay in the hand.

   Blue Flower Fairy refused without thinking: "Sorry, I and Wang Gongzi share the same car. If you have any questions about martial arts, go back to the king and ask again."


   Hong Qianfan's eyes suddenly shot sharply towards Xia Qingchen.

   Sure enough, he led the wolf into the room!

   The blue flower fairy always doesn't like to be close to men. Mo said that he would ride a flying bird with a man.

   He was calm and smiled and said, "It turns out this way, then okay, Prince Gongzi remember to serve a good blue flower fairy along the way!"

   After finishing his words, he turned and boarded the one-eyed bird.

  When he got on the bird, his face became very gloomy, and he said in his heart: "You must find a way to get rid of it!"

   The one-eyed bird is very fast. It is estimated that the 10-day journey will arrive on the 7th.

   Standing in the clouds, Xia Qingchen overlooked, a glorious and magnificent human city that could not be seen at the end came into view.

The area of ​​   is much larger than that of Liangzhou City!

Suddenly, Xia Qingchen suddenly noticed a very special existence.

   One hundred miles away from the capital of the king, there was a huge dark pit that looked dark, looking from the top to the bottom, and there was no end in sight.

   "That's the Shenliu Cave. Nearly two hundred years ago, there was just an insignificant dry well. Later, I don't know what happened. With the dry well as the center, there was a collapse of ten miles, and then there was a huge sinkhole."

  Blue Flower Fairy introduced carefully.

   Xia Qingchen's eyes flickered lightly. Could it be that the madman's sword had accidentally moved in the secret realm, which caused the upheaval?

   "Hurry up, the one-eyed bird is about to land." Blue Flower Fairy reminded.


   One-eyed bird landed on the outskirts of Wangdu in a roundabout way, the designated bird landing point.

   It is forbidden for unidentified birds to hover over the king, otherwise it will be shot down by the enemy.

   "Blue Flower Fairy, two days later, all of us will thank Blue Flower Fairy for your kindness and guidance in Yanbo Pavilion. Please come and pay a visit." After the landing, Hong Qianfan specially invited.

  The blue flower fairy refused without hesitation: "Sorry, God's leaving the cave will start soon, I need to prepare for it."

  Hong Qianfan had long expected that she would say so, saying: "All the sons of Mochizuki will also be there. It is a pity that the blue flower fairy does not go."


   Blue flower fairy Dai Mei gently opened: "Mochizuki, will he participate?"

  Moon Moon Son, is the second highest arrogant in Zhongyunjing, second only to the first one Haotian.

   Of course, the blue flower fairy itself is the fifth-ranked existence, and this identity cannot make him move.

   What really impressed him was another identity of Mochizuki Son——

  The third son of Zhongyunjing!

   There are six sons in Zhongyun King, he is one of them, and the deep favorite of Zhongyun King is very powerful in the territory of Zhongyun.

   Although the blue flower fairy is indifferent, why is she born from a mortal world? Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to run around for the benefit of your family.

  Hong Qianfan smiled and said: "Exactly! The son of Mochizuki said that the two kingdoms were about to marry, and I won a great victory in the middle of the cloud.

   Blue Flower Fairy knew in his heart that Mochizuki wanted to win over her and her family.

  Thinking about the film, the blue flower fairy nodded: "Okay, when?"

   "Two days later, at dusk, Yanbo Pavilion." Hong Qianfan looked forward.

  His family is Mochizuki son camp. If at that time, Mochizuki son asked for a recommendation, the blue flower fairy should not refuse.

   said, Hong Qianfan suddenly looked at Xia Qingchen and said, "Let's come together."

   Xia Qingchen said: "No time."

  Having nothing to do with him, what are you going to do?

   "How to say, we are all in trouble this time, what is the reason for the excitement?" Hong Qianfan said: "Furthermore, Mochizuki may reveal some information about God's staying in the hole, so listen to it."

   Xia Qingchen is excited, if so, you can participate.

"it is good."

   Hong Qianfan's eyes flickered, his smile was cordial, and he said: "Then two days later, Yanbo Pavilion is waiting for the two of you to come."

  The people separated, and the Blue Flower Fairy said: "Duke Wang, if you don't want to abandon, before God stays in the cave, come to my Zhou Mansion."

   Xia Qingchen is all right: "Then disturb."

  The two of them entered the king capital and stepped into it.

   Many rare grasses, spirit stones, spirit blood, etc., which are rare in Liangzhou City, can be seen here at any time.

  You can even see many high-quality secret medicines, which are too bright compared to Liangzhou City.

   For example, he actually saw a mysterious medicine that raised the mid-star position, called Yue Qinghui, which can increase the cultivation effect of the mid-star position twice.

   On the efficacy, it is comparable to the cold sand of Yanxuelou!

   is just expensive, several times more than the cold sand of Yanlong.

   "Return to the mansion, I will give you some." Blue Flower Fairy Road, her real name is Zhou Jingxuan, Blue Flower Fairy is just the name of Wu Dao.

   Xia Qingchen was stunned, and she smiled lightly: "The Zhou family is the two alchemy families in Zhongyunjing. The Yue Qinghui you see is my Zhou family refining."

   So it turned out.

   Xia Qingchen did not expect that the secret medicine in Zhongyun Realm is so prosperous, it can be compared with his cigarette cage cold sand.

   paused and said: "I heard that Liangjing has a force called Tingxuelou. Didn't their panacea sell in Zhongyunjing?"

  As early as a few months ago, the forces of Tingxuelou should have reached Zhongyun Realm.

  Zhou Jingxuan looked more solemn and said, "Of course there is! It's just that our local alchemy family fought a price war and temporarily stopped it."

   heard the words, Xia Qingchen smiled.

   It turned out that the alchemy family headed by the Zhou family, in order to counter the secret medicine of listening to Xuexuelou, lowered the price of their own medicine.

  Which of the two secret medicines have the same effect, do the warriors choose cheap or expensive?

  Because of this, the secret medicine of Xuelou cannot be sold well.

   "Hey! But we can't persevere for too long, now we are selling at a loss, and only hope that Xuelou exits Zhongyun Realm as soon as possible." Zhou Jingxuan said helplessly.

   Xia Qingchen smiled gently, I'm afraid she was going to be disappointed.

   Listen to Xuelou's wealth, and withstand the price war, only to wait for the alchemy family in Zhongyun Realm, that is, when Xuelou kills Sifang.

   However, the time lost during the period will not be interrupted, it is necessary to help.

   "Have your Zhou family doubled the big star position secret medicine?" Xia Qingchen remembered the dragon pattern he had made, which had not yet been handed over to Tingxuelou for large-scale development.

  Zhou Jingxuan blinked and said, "Are you scorning me, or don't you really know?"

   "How to say?" Xia Qingchen asked back.

  Zhou Jingxuan looked at Xia Qingchen strangely and said, "The mysterious medicine at the big star position is always scarce. This is a recognized fact! Because of the difficulty of refining, Danfang, materials, pharmacists and other factors are rarely sold."

   "Even if there is, it is the effect of increasing the speed of cultivation by 20%. As for the secret medicine that you have doubled, I have never heard of it."

   She couldn't help but laugh, if there were such a powerful secret medicine, wouldn't the big star powerhouse in Zhongyun Realm go everywhere, and the small moonbit powerhouse would be everywhere?

   Is this so?

   The dragon tattoo language seems to be able to give Xue Xuelou a lot of chips!

   (one chapter tonight, twelve noon tomorrow, at least three chapters)

(End of this chapter)

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