Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 967: Open your eyes

If he has expert advice, why visit the Lord of Longyuan Palace often without hesitation?

I really don't understand what the Lord Longyuan Hall means.

He bowed solemnly: "The juniors are dull, but also ask the seniors to express."

"You are really playing tricks on the old man!" Lord Long Yuandian pointed the scroll with his finger: "Surely someone already has a detailed and thoughtful answer for you, but the old man is posing in front of him!"

"You are telling the old man that there are more intelligent people in the world than the old man, and I can answer the questions without me, is it?" Lord Long Yuandian's words were plain.

But all the teapots and porcelain cups on the table cracked silently.

That's the reason for the murderous flash!

Huang Zizhen was really anxious, and repeatedly said: "It's a pity to see, the juniors have been searching for the seniors for many years. If they are expert, why do they have to work so hard?"


The eyebrow of Longyuan Palace Master Yu Yu gently wrinkled, listening to his tone, as if something was wrong.

"Then what's the answer on your scroll?" said Longyuan Hall.

Huang Zizhen was stunned and looked forward to the ink pen left by Xia Qingchen. He quickly said: "Return to Senior, this is a junior graffiti move, is there any problem?"

"Did you say this is a graffiti?" There was a weird color in the main character of Longyuan Palace: "Are you sure you have seen these answers?"


Huang Zizhen froze, saying: "This... naturally did not read! Under the circumstances of yin and yang, a junior was scribbling, but the junior did not look closely."

"Junior scribbles?" Lord Long Yuan's expression became unpredictable: "So, the old man advises you to take a good look at the above answer and evaluate it."

Do you have any questions?

Huang Zizhen had doubts, and only then carefully watched the answers above.

He looked at it with a faulty mentality. At first glance, he said, "Isn't this nonsense? How can the phagocytic mind and martial arts technique delay the cultivation to a breakthrough...Wait, the external force usually carries intangible impurities over time. , Which affects the smoothness of the moon's strength... It is necessary to pour hot soup into the body, take the bright Shengsha internally, and adjust the body for one month."

The first question is aimed at the lunar powerhouses who are getting old.

This question is a difficult problem that plagues many older generations of moon power, causing them to break through extremely hard.

In some decades, it is impossible to move forward.

They have discussed many times, and there is no justifiable explanation.

But the answer written by Wang Kai made Huang Zizhen's eyes suddenly shine!

It was the first time I heard the saying that invisible impurities block the monthly force. It is very novel, and it is sturdy, well-founded, and completely unlike random writing.

"This..." Huang Zizhen immediately looked at the answer to the second question. At first glance, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Too accurate, indeed this symptom!"

The second question is about the level of the lunar environment, why is there physical discomfort when you practice to a certain stage.

As a result, Wang Kai even explained the symptoms of discomfort.

Seeing behind, Huang Zizhen was shocked and shot up: "It turns out that the reason is so simple!"

His eyes flashed with ease and surprise, and then he continued to look at the answers to the remaining two questions.

The further back, the more profound the question.

But Wang Kai's answers ranged from shallow to deep, with clear structure and extremely esoteric questions.

Linghuang Zizhen can quickly understand!

Just look, he was immersed in the mysterious answer, and it was difficult to extricate himself for a long time.

"Although I don't know where you found the answer, I have to say that this person's attainments in martial arts are beyond sacred. It is far better than me." The Lord Longyuan Palace stared at the answer and slowly said: "Some of the content of the answer , Even for me, it was the first time I heard about it."

Huang Zizhen came back to God, his mood was agitated, his face full of endless joy.

Looking at his intoxicated expression, Longyuan Temple said: "Now, you still have to tell me, is this a graffiti of a junior?"

Huang Zizhen bowed down quickly and calmly said: "Of course, graffiti is not, but, he is a junior, not fake!"


Lord Long Yuan laughed dumbly: "Junior? How old is junior? A hundred years old?"

If you are a 100-year-old lunar powerhouse, perhaps there is one more possibility to achieve such accomplishments.

"Return to Senior, is twenty years old, not yet." Huang Zizhen's expression suddenly became difficult to look.

Because he finally remembered, he gave this answer a point!

Now think of it, that Wang Kai did not say anything from beginning to end, not ashamed, but disdain to explain!

That point did not embarrass Wang Kai, because it slapped **** Huang Zizhen's face like a slap.

Huang Zizhen's face was hot, and his heart was even more anxious-he seemed to hit a certain young generation of strong generation!

"Less than 20 years old?" Lord Long Yuan's closed eyes suddenly opened, showing two beating blue flames: "Is he surnamed Wang, and looks like this?"

Lord Long Yuan took a scroll from his sleeve. The picture above was exactly what Xia Qingchen was challenging when he challenged Yun Bang.

"It's him! The Lord Long Yuan also knows?" Huang Zizhen was taken aback, and secretly said that Wang Kai was not a mortal.

The Lord Long Yuan immediately got up and his whole body was surging: "Where is he?"

It turned out that Longyuan Palace Lord went out in search of Xia Qingchen.

Fortunately, he took the scroll and walked all the big families in Wangdu with the surname Wang, but none of them.

Huang Zizhen was taken aback by the strange eyes of Lord Longyuan, and said quickly: "No... I don't know!"

"I don't know?" Long Yuandian's nostrils snorted: "I will see him before dusk tomorrow! Otherwise, prepare to say goodbye to the world!"

When finished, take the scroll and leave the tea room.

Zu Liuhuang Zizhen's complexion turned pale!

He had no doubt that Lord Longyuan would really do this.

To his state, any creature is a ant, and life and death are in one mind.

Good mood, but live.

In a bad mood, die.

"Junior...Junior will do it now!" Huang Zizhen got up hurriedly, thinking of that Wang Kai suddenly, seemingly came with the fairy of blue flowers and Qiu Zifan.

Zhou House!

In Zhoufu! !

Huang Zizhen hurriedly left the Longyuan Temple and galloped to the Zhou House.

If it were not forbidden to fly above Wangdu, he would have eagerly arrived with ten pairs of wings on his back.

At this time, evening and evening.

In the Zhou Mansion, smoke and smoke were simmering, and in the dining hall, Zhou Bingkun, Blue Flower Fairy, Qiu Zifan and Xia Qingchen were eating.

"Brother?" the blue flower fairy asked.

Zhou Bingkun showed a little pride and said, "Your brother is appreciated by the eldest son. He is currently being held in the mansion for deep talk. He came back by letter to let us eat first, without waiting for him."

After hearing this, Qiu Zifan was deeply envious of the surge in the eyes.

Da Shizi is the most promising candidate to attack the throne, especially after the biggest competitor, Yin Miaojun, is unfortunately killed, no one can compete with him for the throne.

Zhou Xingyun was appreciated by Da Shizi and his future was bright.

Zhou Fu will also take this east wind and take off for thousands of miles.

Even beyond a hundred years old enemy, the Yuan family of refining medicine has become the largest refining power in Zhongyun Realm.

A real dragon appeared in Zhou Fu.

"By the way, what have you learned from preaching in the Mission Valley today?" Zhou Bingkun asked while eating.

The gentle face of the Blue Flower Fairy rarely gave out a little joy, and said: "The harvest is very much! The emperor is worthy of being one of the top generation powerhouses in Zhongyun Realm, and his martial arts accomplishments are extremely high! One hour of class is better than a year of hard work. !"

Zhou Bingkun comforted: "That's nature! It is a blessing to be taught by Emperor Zizhen."

Huang Zizhen's lofty status is an older generation of strong men who dare not rebelliously.

Zhou Bingkun once saw him at a grand party, but unfortunately, he is not qualified to come close, but can only look far away at the heroic capacity of this legendary strongman.

"Speaking of it, we Zhoufu had some fate with the emperor." Zhou Bingkun said with emotion.

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