Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 969: Everyone has their own ambitions

"Princess Wang, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!" Fairy Lanhua ran out of the dining room and caught up with Xia Qingchen in the cold rain, pulling his sleeve.

Xia Qingchen paused, but didn't look back at her, just whispered: "I was prepared to say goodbye tonight. Now, it's just a little ahead of time."

There is another sentence, he did not say in his heart.

If all goes well, he will teach "Ghost Sound" before leaving.

Only now he felt that it was no longer necessary.

With a slight pumping of his palm, he pulled the sleeve away from the fairy of the blue flower, then waved his sleeve and left in the cold rain: "Take care, Miss Zhou."

The palm of the blue flower fairy held the posture of pulling his sleeve, and the self-blame in his chest was like eating insects.

Sad and uncomfortable!

"Slow down!" Zhou Bingkun calmly exited, shouting at Xia Qingchen.

He grabbed the space ninja and a hundred fire cards appeared in his palm.

"My Zhoufu never owes humanity, and I took it for a hundred billion yuan, which is to repay your grace for saving the little girl. From then on, we have two kindnesses." He froze his face, throwing all the money cards to Xia Qingchen's back.

One hundred billion, with Xia Qingchen's status, don't blame it.

However, Xia Qingchen didn't even look back, just surging a layer of airflow on the body surface, flicking all the money cards out.

"Money, keep it for yourself, I don't lack it." Xia Qingchen said lightly, her figure drifting away, and finally disappeared into the long rain curtain.

Only leaving the money card in one place, lying on the cold and wet ground, let the cold rain fall and drip.

The dining hall is quiet.

After a long time, Qiu Zi walked into the rain curtain, patted the shoulder of the blue flower fairy, and said, "Everyone has their own ambitions, let him go."

"Don't spray me!" Fairy Lanhua shook his hand hard and said coldly.

Qiu Zifan was stunned. He thought that after Xia Qingchen left, the blue flower fairy would fall to him completely.

However, it seems not.

"You are all wet, watch out for the cold, go back quickly." Qiu Zifan said warmly.

Blue Flower Fairy lowered her head, letting the hair droplets slide down the bridge of her nose and whispered: "Don't mind me! Let me be quiet!"

She held her arms and squatted in the cold rain curtain.

The fierce thoughts made her fingers pinch into her arm, still painless.

Zhou Bingkun said in a deep voice: "Xuan'er, for a man who hasn't met for a few days, is it so disoriented, what kind of system? Are you still my Zhou's daughter?"

The fairy of the blue flower looked up, with tears in her once clear eyes.

With sorrow she couldn't hold back, she said miserably: "Daddy...I have become the person I hate the most!"

She has justice in her heart, and she hates heartlessness and heartlessness.

But she never thought that she would become such a person!

Who gave her the qualification to blame the life-saving benefactor?

At that moment, she had simply forgotten that this humble, humble young man, had saved her life.

Zhou Bingkun's tiger body shocked, looking at the blue flower fairy inconceivably.

She hadn't seen her daughter cry in ten years.

Even if it was not fair, she endured it silently, but now...

However, instead of knowing comfort, he heavily reprimanded: "No unity! Come here, shut Jing Xuan into the ancestral hall and think about the face of the ancestors!"

Her words and deeds will only shame Zhou Fu!

In the end, the daughter is not useful. If you change it to Zhou Xingyun, you will definitely not be so disoriented!

A group of maids immediately rushed into the rain curtain and helped the blue flower fairy up.

Zhou Bingkun snorted with embarrassment: "What's so good about Wang Kai? The test can get zero points, what to protect him? Actually still crying for him, nothing good!"

Qiu Zifan hurriedly clenched his fist and said: "Please uncle Zhou to calm down, I think Jing Xuan just can't think about it for a while, and quietly understands that Wang Kai is not worth the deep friendship."

Zhou Bingkun became more comfortable and said: "I have given 100 billion to this stupid daughter. What kind of love can't be paid?"

With a sigh, he patted Qiu Zifan's shoulder: "Hey! Even if Wang Kai is half of you, I won't say much, but the surname Wang, from head to toe, what is better?"

"Which of my daughter's muscles is wrong, weeping for such a person! Hey!"


Suddenly, there was a hurried call outside the door: "Stop! Stop! Zhou Fu is heavy, and no one can break in!"

"Flash away!" A cold drink followed the screams of the housekeepers and guards.

Zhou Bingkun's anger didn't retreat, and everybody broke into Zhou Fu, and he was angered in a rage: "Who doesn't have long eyes, trespassing my Zhou Fu? Come here, pick him!"

As soon as the words fell, a veteran of Jinyi came from the front yard!

His hair was thin and his face was wrinkled, but he carried a violent wind between the walks, blowing around the sand and stones, and flying flowers and grass!

"Who are you chopping?" The old man, it was Huang Zizhen who rushed to Zhoufu!

He sneered, staring at Zhou Bingkun.

The latter looked at it for a while and recognized it for a while, before he could believe it: "You are..."

Qiu Zifan on the side, who had already recognized it, was surprised and said, "Teacher? How did you come to Zhoufu?"

Really him, Huang Zizhen!

Zhou Bingkun's heart thumped, almost leaping out of his throat, stuttering and saying: "Younger generation, see... see Lord Huang!"

Huang Zizhen's unexpected arrival made Zhou mad at a loss.

"Blue Flower Fairy, come here!" Huang Zizhen glanced at the Blue Flower Fairy and immediately said.

Zhou Bingkun took a deep breath and hurriedly bowed: "The younger generation Zhou Bingkun, the head of the Zhou Mansion, dare to ask the emperor what do you tell me?"

"I'm not looking for you, just go!" Huang Zizhen was extremely welcome.

Fairy Lanhua also awakened in her sad thoughts, with some awe and some awkwardness came over, bowed in a bow, and said, "See senior, what advice does senior have?"

Huang Zizhen said quickly: "Where is Wang Kai with you today?"

Wang Kai?

What are you doing with him?

Is it because of one point, Huang Zizhen came to reprimand?

She pressed her red lips, said nothing, and never exposed Xia Qingchen's whereabouts.

"Teacher, what are you doing with him? He has already left." Qiu Zifan said strangely.

How did the teacher make a special trip to find the little man Xia Qingchen?

"Why are you going?" Huang Zizhen twitched.

Qiu Zifan scorned and sneered: "Something that doesn't recognize good people's hearts, the students have drove him out of Zhou Fu for you, so as not to affect his reputation as a teacher..."


But who knows, Huang Zizhen heard anger, and came forward with a slap in the face, pumped on Qiu Zifan's cheek, and pumped it around in place!

Because it is the power of the Moon Power, he almost slaps his neck off!

"Reputation, your mother!" Huang Zizhen scolded innocently: "It's all your stupid thing's fault!"

The dining hall instantly fell into silence.

Only Huang Zizhen's scolding, and a gasping voice echoed quietly!

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