Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 973: Powerful son

   Jiang Tianguo and others also made fun.

   "A low-level child who was born as a secret agent actually had the courage to listen to the advanced teaching of the emperor and got zero points." Jiang Tianguo wrote lightly.

   "Everyone has self-knowledge, he is so tall, he pursues things that do not belong to him, and naturally falls to such a point." The poisonous widow laughed.

   Both of them used to be defeated by Xia Qingchen.


  The tea cup in the hands of the blue flower fairy is replayed back to the table, and the calm face is stern and translucent: "Enough! All shut up!"

  Hong Qianfan and others were talking happily, and they were scolded. They all calmed down and asked each other with surprise eyes.

   What's wrong with the blue flower fairy?

   So angry?

  The son of the third son Mochizuki, looking at the water wave rippling because of the movement of the blue flower fairy in his tea cup, said lightly: "The blue flower fairy has such a big temper, and this child does not put it in his eyes."

   Lost his temper in front of his face. Is there a third-born son in the eyes of the blue flower fairy?

  So, the Blue Flower Fairy realized her gaffe and apologized: "The concubine was just impulsive, without disrespect."

  Mr. Moon Moon raised his neck slightly, arms around his chest, and gazed at the Blue Flower Fairy with the gaze of inspection: "For a little spy, so active, so calm, this world is very doubtful about your ability."

  The blue flower fairy Daoming Mingyuan said, "The concubine is not fair for Prince Gongzi. He was framed by a villain to get zero points and should not be laughed at."

  Moonzuki reprimanded: "That's not the reason you can lose your temper!"

   Seeing that the blue moon fairy looked calm, he didn't refute any more, and his tone softened a little: "What's more, that villain doesn't frame others, why only frame him?"

   "It is enough to show that he himself is not a good thing!"

   Lanyue fairy is inexplicably angry, what do you mean?

   Others harm Xia Qingchen, co-author or Xia Qingchen's own fault?

   Probably noble people, when they look at the bottom figures, they all have prejudiced eyes, think the bottom figures are naturally wrong.

   She suddenly regretted coming to the meeting today. How about the three sons, even if they make friends?

   regards him as a person, Zhou Fu is nothing but a **** in his eyes.

   She was interested in sitting there drinking tea, listening to the exchange of martial arts with a group of people, without any interruption.

   Suddenly, the rest of the light glimpsed a familiar figure, walked through the restaurant on the first floor, and went deeper.

  'S gaze fixed in an instant, a little unbelievable.

   That person, not someone else, turned out to be Xia Qingchen.

   "Blue Flower Fairy, this game is for you today. Do you not say a word, do you have an opinion on this world?" Mochizuki noticed Blue Flower Fairy's gaze and looked down his eyes, displeased.

  Hong Qianfan and others also noticed that the blue flower fairy looked abnormal, and looked at the past.

   looked at the results and was surprised.

   "Wang Kai?"

   "He is still here!"

  Mr. Wang Yue looked at Xia Qingchen's back, and then withdrew his gaze lightly: "Why, didn't he say he didn't come, why did he still come?"

  The blue flower fairy looked blank.

  With his knowledge of Xia Qingchen, it is indeed impossible to come.

  Hong Qianfan chuckled: "It's enough to die!"

   He reached out and waved, shouting: "Wang Kai! Here!"

   Xia Qingchen did not intend to meet them, just go back to the fourth floor and rest.

   After hearing the shout, he could only hold his foot and turned back, "What's the matter?"

  Hong Qianfan smiled and extended his finger: "Hahaha, Prince Wang is a little bit hypocritical! You came to Yanbo Pavilion not to attend our party. Is it impossible to stay or stay?"

  As everyone knows, Yan Boting's accommodation is only open to celebrities, Xia Qingchen is obviously not qualified.

   Xia Qingchen looked at him quietly: "Is there anything else?"

  Hong Qianfan got up and walked, shaking his shoulders, and said, "Okay, don't pretend! Come here, what are you doing? Sit!"

   Pulled hard, Xia Qingchen came to the seat.

  Hong Qianfan introduced with a smile: "Sanshizi, this is Wang Kai, has a good potential, he once fought with Jiang Tianguo, and won him. It is worth mentioning that he was only among the six stars."

   "Oh." Sanshizi drank tea indifferently, without looking at Xia Qingchen.

  In his eyes, he couldn't let go of a little spy.

  The cold reaction of the three sons made Hong Qianfan and other powerful children secretly sneer.

  No, this is the difference between them and Xia Qingchen.

  What's the use of his better potential?

   In the eyes of Sanseiko, nothing is worth it!

  Xia Qingchen's cold response, the blue flower fairy looked in her eyes and said: "Son, sip tea."

  She personally poured a cup of tea for Xia Qingchen.

   Hong Qianfan's smiling introduction: "Is the Prince Wang still coming back for the first time? Try the snowy mountain ice tea here!"

   "This tea, one hundred million yuan in coins! This cup of tea is worth several billions of dollars! Ordinarily, Wang Gongzi is afraid that he can't drink it?" Red Qianfan plays with the taste.

  The words were very straightforward, and there was no politeness.

   "I don't mean to despise Wang Gongzi, just to be honest, don't blame, don't blame, haha..." Hong Qianfan said haha ​​to himself.

  The rest of the people looked at Xia Qingchen with different eyes.

   They are all arrogant sons of the world, only Xia Qingchen was humble.

  He was among them, if only a clown was teased for their pastime.

   "Tea will not drink." Xia Qingchen said indifferently.

  Drinking Longxin rice all day, the effect is not 100 times better than this so-called snow mountain ice tea?

   Drink this tea, only increase the impurities in the body.

"Don't drink? Are you looking down on me to be someone?" Hong Qianfan patted the table, as if to be angry, and then suddenly laughed: "Okay, let's serve and chat while we eat, who will keep us from getting acquainted?" ?"

   Sanshizi rarely showed a little smile, applauded: "Atmosphere! Be bold!"

  Hong Qianfan arched his hand: "Shizi has a reputation! Come here, serve!"

The maids of the restaurant on the first floor served dishes one after another.

   cherished delicacies, full of color and fragrance, like works of art, placed in front of the round table!

  Dazzled everyone, even Hong Qianfan and Jiang Tianguo.

  Although they have a wealthy family, they are only the background of a second-rate family, and the qualification to eat here is only once a year.

   And usually occupied by elders, used to entertain guests.

   It was only this year that it was vacant, and the opportunity was about to expire before Hong Qianfan was allowed to use this opportunity.

  Here the dishes here, he often listened to the elders talk about how to be precious, how to be unique, he has never seen it.

   is the three princes, and he takes every dish seriously.

   As the third son of King Zhongyun, he had the opportunity to order food only once a year.

   "Come and come, don't just patronize and eat!" Hong Qianfan couldn't help drooling and moved his chopsticks first.

   Blue Flower Fairy, Sanshizi, Jiang Tianguo and others have eaten with vegetables.

   Eat nothing but praise, and his face is filled with surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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