Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 986: Rune problem

Time passed bit by bit.

Xia Qingchen makes Xingli smelt once every time Xingli is released.

Ten times, one hundred times and one thousand times challenges, his star power has been tempered by lead hammer battle.

Even a normal person, such a crazy refining, can make the star power thick and refined, not to mention the star power disorder?


Xia Qingchen breathed a sigh of relief, sitting softly on the floor, his clothes wet and his hair wet.

He didn't sweat at the moment, but his clothes were soaked and dried, and then soaked again, hundreds of times.

After a whole day and a continuous battle, he was obviously thinner.

But everything is worth it.

Its disordered star power has been able to be retracted freely and extremely smoothly.

And it is more quintessential than ordinary people.

"Fengming eight sons of all generations have all challenged. It seems that in the past two hundred years, there have not been particularly powerful characters in Zhongyunjing." Xia Qingchen murmured.

If an outsider knew that he had fought through the projections left by the two sons of Fengming Bazi for two hundred years, and all of them defeated without a defeat, I do not know what kind of monstrous waves would be set off.

Take three bottles of potions to restore physical strength and energy in an instant, and restore star power to more than half.

Looking into the space nirvana, less than ten parts of the potion remained, saying: "It's time to go."

The voice in the compartment has been repeated: "No one can challenge, please enter the danger zone to try, please enter the danger zone to try..."

Xia Qingchen left the cubicle, looked at the dark darkness, and jumped into it.

In the distance, Emperor Zizhen in the center of Biguang is sitting cross-legged in a formation.

As a host, he can't leave, he can only control the formation.

Thousands of feet apart, he could not clearly see whose name was marked on the compartment. When he saw his compartment extinguished, he could not help frowning: "This person actually challenged the whole day?"

The other nine remaining compartments only persisted for at most one or two hours, and all failed to exit.

Only Xia Qingchen insisted on a whole day.

"Let me see, what tricks do you play." Huang Zizhen raised his eyebrows.

He doesn't believe that a person can fight the projection for a whole day.

As we all know, human physical strength, energy and star power are limited, but projection is not.

For a long-term engagement, the more challengers are at a disadvantage.

Adhere to one or two hours is normal, three or four hours are justified.

But for a whole day, that would never be possible.

Huang Zizhen looked at the formation at his feet and pointed his finger on a rune, and immediately a green light projected into the air, showing the above message.

It can be seen from the information that the challenger's projection of wartime, the time, tricks, skills, and many backgrounds of the projection.

But Biguang paused for a while, and no information appeared.

"Is it broken?" Huang Zizhen was startled, and he tried another rune, which immediately projected the information of Sanshizi's challenge to his opponent.

Only Xia Qingchen didn't show up.

"How did it happen?" Huang Zizhen was surprised. Finally, Xia Qingchen's challenge message appeared.

A line of information appears.

"Two hundred years ago, Fengming Bazi, eighth place, Cui Haojian, three stars with great strength, proficient in yellow-level high-grade martial arts, medium body skills, and overall strength..."

Seeing this, Huang Zizhen frowned, "It's nothing special, how did you get the information out for a long time."

But when he saw the last line of information, Huang Zizhen was taken aback.

"Challenge time, take a breath! The martial skills used by the challenger, none! The challenger uses skills, none! Comprehensive judgment, relying solely on star power, to destroy the enemy with one punch.

Huang Zizhen said: "Defeat Cui Haojian in one breath? Or without any martial skills?"

The projection will not be merciless, it must use the best martial arts.

Under such circumstances, Xia Qingchen could still defeat him with star power.

So, isn't Xia Qingchen's cultivation completely crushing the other party?

However, Huang Zizhen was puzzled again: "But, if you beat it with a breath, why did you stay in it for a whole day?"

Curious, suddenly, another message appeared.

"Hey, it turned out to be challenging two..." Huang Zizhen's voice did not fall, and a third piece of information appeared.

Before waiting for a closer look, the fourth film appeared, then the fifth film, the sixth film, the seventh film...

The dense and dense information is gradually appearing in small projections.

The speed is getting faster and faster, and the number is increasing!

Finally, with a loud puff, the rune that projected the image burned on the spot, emitting thick smoke.

Huang Zizhen was taken aback and hurriedly recovered from the strange projection, extinguishing the flames of the formation.

He looked stunned: "This... this is too much information, the runes can't bear it, and explode?"

No wonder the projection just didn't show any information. It turned out that there was too much information. The rune couldn't accept it for a while, so it got stuck!

"He... how many people did he challenge?" Huang Zizhen was surprised.

There is so much information coming out that he can't count at all.

Only a vague glimpse, any information has the same sentence-only by star power!

He collected his surprise, spent time to repair the runes, and then tried to release the information recorded in it bit by bit.

In the end, the face of Huang Zizhen has been replaced by a deep shock.

"Two hundred years, the eight sons of Fengming in the past, all defeated!" Huang Zizhen's heart was ups and downs: "And, it is still based on star power, without using any martial arts."

Huang Zizhen stared deeply at the hole of the deep black **** and solemnly said: "What kind of monster came this time the **** left the hole?"

Surprised, he pointed to the rune again: "Call up the challenger information."

Rune projected a sentence: "The challenger's information is kept secret, except for King Zhongyun, no one is qualified to investigate."

Realizing that the matter was serious, Huang Zizhen took out a golden badge he carried with him.

This is the gold scale badge issued by the king of cloud to the mid-month strong in the territory. Holding this badge, you can use the privilege once a year.

"In the name of the Golden Scale badge, initiate privileges and retrieve information from challengers!"


In the rune, a line of words was slowly projected: "Confirm the gold scale badge holder, use the privilege once, and retrieve the information as, challenger information."

Subsequently, the second line of words appeared: "Challenger, the registration name is-Wang Kai."

"It's him?" Huang Zizhen stood up suddenly, how surprised the expression on his face was.

His face was full of shock: "Wang Kai, how could it be him? How could it be?"

He has been looking for Wang Kai all over the world recently, but he does not know where he is. Who knows the other party slipped away from under his eyes!

"Wait! Could it be that he is the most recent myth, Tian Jiao, the first mythology tied with Sai Tian, ​​Prince Gong?" Huang Zizhen suddenly realized.

At first, he disagreed with the princes arranged by the Lord of Longyuan Palace, and with a simple test, how could he arrange an unnamed person and Saitian.

Sai Tian, ​​that was the strong presence of defeating Hao Tian in three strokes.

But now, Huang Zizhen believes!

A young arrogant who overwhelms two days of arrogance and a young talent who does not use skills to crush two hundred years of genius is absolutely eligible to be tied with the mythical arrogance of match day!

"No wonder, no wonder he can solve the mystery of the martial arts powerhouse in the middle of the moon, no wonder the Lord Longyuan Palace painstakingly sought him, it turned out that way, it turned out so!" Huang Zizhen couldn't help laughing: "Well, treat God At the end of the cave, the old man wants to show everything to King Zhongyun."

"I'm in the middle of the cloud, and there will be another young emperor who matches the match day!"

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